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The Chinese 'Century' Is Already Over

This Turkish guy must be half Indian.

His grand kids have adopted names that appear hindi in origin


Fine paint and brush watercolour painting
I actually agree with Chang about Modi getting Chinese investments without agreeing to anything of importance to China. That's about it.

It is pretty much expected. Or rather, the investment and trade agreement itself is sufficient progress.

There really isn't much issue that is immediately resolvable between India and China. India isn't a player in South China sea. So nothing tangible there.

The border issues won't be resolved unless one party becomes overwhelmingly more powerful than the other. While China does have a significant lead over India, its influence has yet expanded to global range and India still got quite a bit of fight left. The issue will be long term and takes many more decades to solve.

On the other hand, the very fact there are strengthened trade means the relationship is getting better and it keeps the dialogue open. You gotta be patient when dealing with national affairs because they can take a very long time.
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I actually agree with Chang about Modi getting Chinese investments without agreeing to anything of importance to China. That's about it.

I do not see India receiving a rush of Chinese investment anytime soon.

India has always been great at planning and promising. This is like their national emblem; not just with Modi, but from Nehru all the way. God knows how many grand planning they have done. One thing India does not certainly lack is grand plans.

There is nothing wrong if China just played nicely and allowed Indian daydreaming to continue.

Nobody fully buys Modi's promises as long as India remains to be, well, India. People are rational. If they do not see real change and profit on the ground, nobody will invest there out of good heart. China included.

With all respect is Gordon's predictions not coming true? Chinese economy is slowing down problems are piling up. The writing is on the wall. If you look at the economic statistic Gordon is laughing at you since he was right all the time :lol:

The other day, your Khalifa, pardon me, President, was admonishing New York Times. Later he fired at US News Report. Very fitting for a President.

We take Turkey extremely seriously. How wouldn't we, just few days ago, your Sultan Khalifa President was seen crying profusely in Germany while a girl was reciting some radical stuff. Him and his fellow ISIS brothers were all on religiously ecstatic 'cry me river' mode.

He is bringing Ottomans back, that's one thing you must be sure. His palace is ready, the horses have recently arrived, and an underground tunnel has been built to the nearby mosque. Ottoman Empire is almost there, what is missing is just an ISIS victory in Syria.

Seriously, why does not he run for Muslim Brotherhood leadership now that he failed in his Saving Private Morsi initiative? Then you have a good chance to annex Egypt soon after Khalifa Erdoghan did Friday Prayer in Umayyad Mosque in Damascus.

You are indeed lucky to have such great leadership, an envy of the world, that knows everything and talks to everybody from New York Times editorial to some poor pianists.

Oh, New York Times! Hear the thunder?!!!
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China, Russia the US, Indonesia and Vietnam - a rising star, Japan, that's a lot of economic firepower. East and West, the Pacific rules the world, especially as other regions remain tepid. Europe is still in its doldrums, Africa mired in structural problems, the Middle-East cannibalizes itself, the Eastern South American nations having issues with cheap commodities prices and debt (Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela).

I would add India and Pakistan too, even though they aren't Pacific nations. They are in an economic ascendance and will play an important part in the Pacific's development and growth.


Pacific Ocean is too western sounding. We need to change the name to Parvati Ocean to be more multicultural and inclusive.
Gordon Chang is a bit desperate?
Look like he is no longer happy with merely making prediction, which could prove to be rather embarrassing.

He is now declaring and dictating FACTS.

China no longer would collapse in the future, it has already collapsed!!!
See I was right !!!!!!!!!!!​

If you prediction did not turn out to be true, It is not you the clairvoyant that is wrong.

It is the world that did not follow your prediction that is in the wrong. :hitwall: :crazy:

Damn, then this is one awesome rock bottom! Ever rising living standards, having the largest standing army in the world, and the second-largest GDP in the world. Does this mean it gets EVEN better from now on? :woot:
Damn, then this is one awesome rock bottom! Ever rising living standards, having the largest standing army in the world, and the second-largest GDP in the world. Does this mean it gets EVEN better from now on? :woot:

LOL. Indeed. I do not know how many countries out there would like to collapse like China.
I think dear Gordon and his friends have never recognised the commencement Chinese century....
I think :coffee:

“The Chinese 'Century' Is Already Over”
This argument is wrong

The correct statement should be:

“The Chinese 'Century' Has not yet started”
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