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The CCP Gives Away Black Bear Island

Black Stone

Nov 27, 2007
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United States
The CCP Gives Away Black Bear Island

Russia’s Occupation of China’s “Heixiazi (Black Bear) Island” Displays the Chinese Communist Party’s history of Betrayal to safeguard Soviet Interests.

China’s Heixiazi Island (Bolshoy Ussuriyskiy Island), which was usurped by the former Soviet Union nearly eighty years ago, and is still in Russian possession, will be returned to China in August. However, according to the agreement between the Chinese communist regime and Russia signed in 2004, China will take back only half of the island; the other half has been permanently ceded to Russia

Heixiazi Island is located at the junction of the Heilongjiang River and Wusulijiang River (Ussuri River) in northeastern China. Its area of 327 square kilometers is equivalent to four and half Hong Kong Islands, about the size of Chongming Island in Shanghai.

Historically, Heixiazi Island had always been part of China’s territory without dispute. In 1929, after the China Eastern Railway Incident, it was invaded and seized by the Soviet army. During the Soviet Union’s invasion of Northeastern China, the CCP did not fight alongside of the Kuomintang and the Chinese people; the CCP used this invasion as a chance to launch its own armed uprising within China. In China this is known as the CCP’s “armed defense of the Soviet Union,” playing the ignominious role of a traitor.
In 1929,KMT government also didn't support General Zhang Xueliang to fight with Soviet Union.
CCP supported Soviet Union because of internationalism,I think it's wrong,but we can't say they are traitors
In 1929,KMT government also didn't support General Zhang Xueliang to fight with Soviet Union.
CCP supported Soviet Union because of internationalism,I think it's wrong,but we can't say they are traitors

According to historical maps, the Black Bear Island is a Chinese territory and it has been taken by the Soviet Union when China was weak. Now, they are only giving back just half. What is your view of this?.

Also, what is your view on Outer Manchuria?.
According to historical maps, the Black Bear Island is a Chinese territory and it has been taken by the Soviet Union when China was weak. Now, they are only giving back just half. What is your view of this?.

Also, what is your view on Outer Manchuria?.

Well,we shouldn't forget history,but I don't think we should take back Outer Manchuria,do you think Mexicans should take back California?
Its a brave move and a good gesture of Trust Building by Russia to return annexed territories to China in a peacefull manner. Both countries are poised to become Super Powers in near future. A peacefull border will only result in better ties. :tup:
Well,we shouldn't forget history,but I don't think we should take back Outer Manchuria,do you think Mexicans should take back California?

I wasn't indicating you guys should take it back by force. I know that some or most Chinese have bad feelings towards land being unfairly taken away. China also has a sad history of aggression from foreign powers, so historical lands are very sensitive to the Chinese people.

How do you suppose Mexico would take California?.
I wasn't indicating you guys should take it back by force. I know that some or most Chinese have bad feelings towards land being unfairly taken away. China also has a sad history of aggression from foreign powers, so historical lands are very sensitive to the Chinese people.

How do you suppose Mexico would take California?.

On Chinese side, there are lots of objections to the deal, so are on Russian side.

About Mexicans, don’t you remember former Mexican president Mr. Fox called on California Mexicans: Don’t forget Mexico is your country! And his call was answered with an enthusiastic and resounding echo.

Mexicans will be the first minority-turned-majority in a short future in US. At that time, democratic people can vote, unless somebody changes the game rule before that.

Population projections 2008 2050
Non-Hispanic whites 68% 46%
Hispanic 15 % 30%
African Americans 12% 15%
Asian American 5% 9%

Demographics of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
China, Russia unveil boundary markers for eastern section of boundary

English_Xinhua 2008-10-14 11:43:25


Chinese soldiers raise a national flag during a ceremony on the Heixiazi Island Oct. 14, 2008. China and Russia held a ceremony on the Heixiazi Island Tuesday to unveil the boundary markers for the eastern section of their border. (Xinhua/Wang Yongji)

FUYUAN, Heilongjiang, Oct. 14 (Xinhua) -- China and Russia held a ceremony at Heixiazi Island on Tuesday to unveil the boundary markers for eastern section of China-Russia boundary.

Ambassador with the Chinese Foreign Ministry Zhao Xidi and Vladimir Malyshev, deputy director of the Russian Foreign Ministry First Asian Department jointly unveiled the boundary markers.

Representatives from the two countries' departments of foreign affairs, national defense, public security and localities also attended the ceremony.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry and Russian Foreign Ministry on Tuesday also confirmed, through an exchange of notes, that the additional protocol between China and Russia on the eastern section of the China-Russia Boundary as well as its appendix have officially taken effect.

The frontier guards of the two countries have started defense work in accordance with the boundaries surveyed and demarcated by both sides.


Ambassador with the Chinese Foreign Ministry Zhao Xidi (L Front) and Vladimir Malyshev (R Front), deputy director of the Russian Foreign Ministry's First Asian Department, attend a ceremony on the Heixiazi Island Oct. 14, 2008. (Xinhua/Wang Yongji)
its one more proof that russia chaina are close to make new block against west
On Chinese side, there are lots of objections to the deal, so are on Russian side.

I see, what is your personal view on this, do you think this is a fair/correct way of resolving this border issue?.

About Mexicans, don’t you remember former Mexican president Mr. Fox called on California Mexicans: Don’t forget Mexico is your country! And his call was answered with an enthusiastic and resounding echo.

I also remember President Hugo Chavez calling us the "Great S@tan" and the president Ahmadinejad calling that the US is "going down" and the "zionist regime would not last" and "Israel would be wiped off the map".

Mexicans will be the first minority-turned-majority in a short future in US. At that time, democratic people can vote, unless somebody changes the game rule before that.

Population projections 2008 2050
Non-Hispanic whites 68% 46%
Hispanic 15 % 30%
African Americans 12% 15%
Asian American 5% 9%

Demographics of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This question is too farfetched for me to comment because no one would know what would happen as there are too many variables.

Also, the counter argument would be that Mexicans could vote and the result could be the opposite.

On another scenario, if China floods outer manchuria with immigrants and make them the majority what do you think the Russians would say?.
I see, what is your personal view on this, do you think this is a fair/correct way of resolving this border issue?.

I also remember President Hugo Chavez calling us the "Great S@tan" and the president Ahmadinejad calling that the US is "going down" and the "zionist regime would not last" and "Israel would be wiped off the map".

This question is too farfetched for me to comment because no one would know what would happen as there are too many variables.

Also, the counter argument would be that Mexicans could vote and the result could be the opposite.

On another scenario, if China floods outer manchuria with immigrants and make them the majority what do you think the Russians would say?.

Different people will have different view on this. If you read the history (through wiki, for instance), you’ll see how complicated the story is.

Wipe off of Israel is very different from demographic change of US. The former is violent and non-democratic; the latter is a peaceful, legal and democratic process. It could be that US and Mexico become one country with US Mexiconized and Mexico Americanized. It could also be part of Mexconized US join Mexico, reverting the story of some hundred years ago. But one thing for sure is that the dominance of influence by Non-Hispanic whites will be gone from North America, though perhaps with somewhat mutated American values kept.

Even the Chinese population dominates Russia Far East, IMHO, it will be very difficult for that part to become a part of China. This is because Russia is not truly democratic in the sense that factions of ordinary people can influence the rulers.
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