There's a little something called 'seperatism'.
Virtually every new landmass the White race inhabits, no matter how rugged, uninhabitable, poor, or destitute, turns into a metropolis of wealth and civilization after we arrive.
Hispanics and Blacks will take over the modern incarnation of the USA sometime in the next 30-40 years. This I have no doubt in.
The problem, though, is that they misunderstand how wealth and prosperity is created. They think that the moment they "take over", the moment they have the "powa", they will automatically experience a huge increase in their standard of living.
They don't understand that the landmass and natural resources have fck-all to do with a peoples' prosperity, when those people barely have any knowledge to speak of.
When Whites feel that they can't raise their children in this "multiracial" hell, they will leave. Screw racism and political correctness! They won't risk their children' livelihoods and well-being because of the possibility of being called a 'racist!'.
I predict that Whites will move to a less natural resource-rich, smaller landmass, and will prosper. The Hispanic/Black multiracial paradise, even with all the wealth, infrastructure, and natural resources, will descend into an abyss. Just look at it this way:
Detroit was a paradise in the 1950's. It was also 90% White.
Detroit resembles Africa in the present-day. It is also 80% Black.
This is the future of the United States.