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The better growth model - India or China

India does not have any model as such...we are just going like that...China does have something called as Model..But I am not too sure about China and dont see it as next Japan or Germany or US....!

What a biased article :lol:

Both have their pros and cons.

China's economic model is good and a proven one. India has a relatively matured democracy, though it still has some way to go. Given India's difficulties, it has done well as far as far as democracy is concerned.

Democracy is the best (personal opinion), but it does not always guarantee economic development, sustainability and prosperity. People who say otherwise are nothing more than brainless idealists.

Good thoughts...!
India is sheer chaos. If I were to compare the two countries to 2 European nations which too were once industrial nations, I would compare China to Germany - efficient, ruthless in pursuit of excellence, gets things done ahead of schedule and India I would compare to the UK - bureaucratic, loud, a decision is re-visited 50 times before put into action to ensure the satisfaction of all stakeholders. The Chinese model puts the State above the individual in the belief that if the State does well, then society and thus the individual would automatically do well. The Indian model puts the individual above the State - the State is meant to serve the needs of the individual. They are both different models - it is unfair to compare but it is safe to say that on practically every development parameter China has left India way behind.
India does not have any model as such...we are just going like that...China does have something called as Model..But I am not too sure about China and dont see it as next Japan or Germany or US....!

Good thoughts...!

Japan's methodology for development is the best, period.

Though, culture plays a role as well :D
India is sheer chaos. If I were to compare the two countries to 2 European nations which too were once industrial nations, I would compare China to Germany - efficient, ruthless in pursuit of excellence, gets things done ahead of schedule and India I would compare to the UK - bureaucratic, loud, a decision is re-visited 50 times before put into action to ensure the satisfaction of all stakeholders. The Chinese model puts the State above the individual in the belief that if the State does well, then society and thus the individual would automatically do well. The Indian model puts the individual above the State - the State is meant to serve the needs of the individual. They are both different models - it is unfair to compare but it is safe to say that on practically every development parameter China has left India way behind.

I don't think that China is like us, at least not like our current state of being. But in some sectors China and Imperial Germany (pre WWI) have some communalities. Both were persuing ruthlessly industrialisation to overtake the strongest of its time, the UK in Germany's case, the US in China's case. Both were authocratic, centralistic and very hard working.

Modern Germany is politically more like India. We are feredalistic, democratic ... but we became so after we have become developed and rich.
Götterdämmerung;3768009 said:
I don't think that China is like us, at least not like our current state of being. But in some sectors China and Imperial Germany (pre WWI) have some communalities. Both were persuing ruthlessly industrialisation to overtake the strongest of its time, the UK in Germany's case, the US in China's case. Both were authocratic, centralistic and very hard working.

Modern Germany is politically more like India. We are feredalistic, democratic ... but we became so after we have become developed and rich.

From what I hear you Germans are still a hard working bunch. :tup:
Götterdämmerung;3768009 said:
I don't think that China is like us, at least not like our current state of being. But in some sectors China and Imperial Germany (pre WWI) have some communalities. Both were persuing ruthlessly industrialisation to overtake the strongest of its time, the UK in Germany's case, the US in China's case. Both were authocratic, centralistic and very hard working.

Modern Germany is politically more like India. We are feredalistic, democratic ... but we became so after we have become developed and rich.
good point. hopefully China will reach to german level. To be honest, when I talk to some Indians, i felt like democracy or the current democracy model in India isnot really feasible for now. or the Chinese model is feasible for current China. lets see the time will prove it.
Well both india great ideas that could be use by other countries like innovations which they have foot hold too while china has cheap labor to create large volume of goods and state checks on the population without the propaganda and the inhuman acts
Well both india great ideas that could be use by other countries like innovations which they have foot hold too while china has cheap labor to create large volume of goods and state checks on the population without the propaganda and the inhuman acts
China is just not about Cheap labor. Its about effective governance and focus on education and R&D. China is example of using its population as a driving force for its economy by developing them in human resources.
another article writen by idiot about China & India.
nothing to compare.
another article writen by idiot about China & India.
nothing to compare.

Yes China is way ahead in every parametors......happy now .
Guess u can only prefer articles produced by ccp
Yes China is way ahead in every parametors......happy now .
Guess u can only prefer articles produced by ccp

don't show your narrow nationalism.i mean China and India are absolutely two world ,each on its own way and unchangeable in short term.why compare ?

btw, something you don't know but true.ccp always beautify India as a long history and beautiful scenery country.
don't show your narrow nationalism.i mean China and India are absolutely two world ,each on its own way and unchangeable in short term.why compare ?

Now u got it right .
China and India are 2 different worlds with different growth models hence its hard to compare .
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