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The best moment in PAK politics.


Mar 17, 2008
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United States

The awam yet again have been doped by their masters i mean leaders. CJ IC made impresion on educated awam that he is the most honest and sincere man on this planet who will change the dynamics of current setuation in pakistan and give pakistan new life. First of all why did the awam had a impresion that CJ will destroy Zardari in the first round? but the reality here is different. CJ being zardari poodle dog.
and lol check out MR.zardari's new poodle dog CJ IC wrist watch.
He is the same guy who took oath Under a DICTATOR and approved a martial law...
You just have to love Bhutto's picture on that table in the first pic. Its like shes always watching. Gotta love Zardari for promoting Bhutto over Jinnah. ...
well on 13th May when bloody shootout had gone down let me tell you guys a true story when i use to live in Karachi i was in Malir Kalaboard when chief justice boys start shooting at our MQM people President Mushraff has ordered to return heavy fire we have done that from sectors we've gotten AK47s RPG-7s and many sophisticated weapons i use to live by Darkshan Bakery we were shooting @ them because they were shooting us Chief Justice is corrupt he hasnt people think he's good an innocent they are very wrong they should've shoot at our MQM people.

i dont consider Benazir as a shaheed she was a corrupt politician and when she said on her book "I am the worst nightmare of Taliban" i couldnt stop but to laff she was also saying to allow foriegn troops in Pakistan.
chief justice boys start shooting at our MQM people [/QUOTE said:
If that is the case, then why don't you INNOCENT MQM PEOPLE let a full judicial inquirey to be proceded to probe into the matter and let the truth be brought into light?
Off topic - but I am highly impressed with Hina Rabbani Khar. She is brilliant.
The awam yet again have been doped by their masters i mean leaders. CJ IC made impresion on educated awam that he is the most honest and sincere man on this planet who will change the dynamics of current setuation in pakistan and give pakistan new life. First of all why did the awam had a impresion that CJ will destroy Zardari in the first round? but the reality here is different. CJ being zardari poodle dog.
and lol check out MR.zardari's new poodle dog CJ IC wrist watch

give him time....let him fix the system before putting his hands on ZARDARIs collars.....let him fix it from the grass root level...

do you want him to bring quick SHORT LIVED changes?? like throw out ZARDARI....or do you want him to fix the system so that no one can CONTROL the system....you throw out ZARDARI new zardari comes in....you fix the system no one can become a zardari...

give him time my friends let his new judical policy work....
all these dresses and other stuff which we see is actually being sponsored in most of the cases
BTW what was the best moment in Pakistan politics?? no word about that sir!

for the the best time, not the moment, was under the rule of Prevaiz Musharraf apart form the last 8 to 12 months of his rule!
There appear to be a few people who are hell bent on maligning the CJ. Let us get things in perspective. Richard Holbrook, approached the CJ for a meeting via the SC Registrar. the foreign Ministry was informed and approved of the meeting. The meeting took place with the Foreign ministry people present. The same evening the CJ met Asif Zardari. We do not know the reason for the Holbrook/CJ meeting. i can only assume that the CJ met AZ to feed back the gist of the conversation. This is in my view a correct thing to do, for irrespective of his personal standing AZ still is the president of this country.
Other than this there is no report of the CJ breaking his own rule to attend Govt meetings/ gatherings.
So what evidence do we have of wrong doing on the part of the CJ which we are blaming him for. My own personal sources, in the Highcourt and the SC say that he is dead honest if a little uncouth. So what, we have the most corrupt President in the histroy of this nation. So tell me who in our blessed country is sophisticated enough that you would hold this against the CJ.
Thirdly the Musharraf/ CJP saga, making the CJP wait in the area for 1-2 hrs and then ordering him to sign something which was effectively illegal and threatening him with a charge sheet is not the way to deal with people. To this date i am convinced that had Musharraf treated him with respect and apprised him of the ground realities, he would have had a compromise and we would not be in the mess that we are in.
As to the missing persons investigations, guys I only ask you how you would feel if one of your near and dear one disappears off the face of the earth without a trace, and is not found for years on end and you do not have any recourse to Law or justice. This is essentially what has happened to hundreds of people in our land. Where is the concept of innocent until proven guilty? the fact is that we have acted like a soul less and Baighairat nation in handing over our people to foreigners. We could have tried them in our courts and punished them if found guilty. Is there no decency left in our people and nation.
I think people opposing the CJ need to have cogent arguments/ proof of his guilt before lifting their pens. Otherwise remember, you will have to answer for what is essentially an evil deed on the day of judgement.

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