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The battles of Tarain & Islamic conquest of India


Aug 22, 2010
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prithviraj chauhan was the king of ajaymeru ( now ajmer ) ,who also ruled over delhi .he was the most powerful king in north india ,and had incurred the wrath of jaychand ,the ruler of kanauj in UP , by eloping with his daughter sanyogita .

all these rulers , including those in UP, were rajputs ,who dominated north india .

they were descendants of scythian invaders from central asia ,who had intermarried into local people after settling in india. because the brahmins had realised that these warlike people were set to be the rulers of india for a long time , they had smartly co-opted the rajputs into the hindu system , by declaring them to be kshatriyas.this happened in the seventh century ,after the death of emperor harshavardhan.

by the time of prithvi , the rajputs had dominated india for a period of 5 and a half centuries.they were a people who followed a code of chivalry .......did not hurt innocent women and children in war ,did not chase an opponent who turned away to flee ,and did not attack or destroy the towns and cities or even villages ......indeed ,people went about calmly working and tilling their fields while armies fought battles nearby !!......in short , dharmayudda.......

they also considered death in battle the passageway to heaven if they fought by principles of dharmayudda ,and were not at all afraid to die........but the major weakness of this was that to them , the result of the battle was not important ,it was more important to fight bravely without compromising their principles.

this was okay while fighting other indians , but was glaringly exposed while fighting against determined opponents on an international scale .

not all times they were unsucessful however , and a major arab invasion was defeated by raja bhoj ,the king of ujjain ,in the ninth century.

also muhammad ghauri ,the opponent of prithvi was defeated by the rajput ruler of gujrat ,and by prithvi himself in early encounters.

but in the 11th century , one of the greatest generals mahmud of ghazni invaded india 17 times ,including somnath in gujrat ,which he utterly destroyed, and the weakness of the rajput military machine was glaringly exposed.

the chief advantage of the turks was archery , and their main technique was the parthian shot.......this involved turning back while the horse was galloping at full speed ,and still be able to fire the arrow accurately backwards on the chasing opponent.

thus the opponent could be lured in to chasing the turkish army which feigned retreat ,and suddenly the fleeing turkish army would turn back on their horses and fire arrows on the enemy ,surprising the opponent.

this was not easy , as firing arrows backwards accurately while the horse was moving forwrds required a lot of skill and practice ,but the turks had mastered it.

mahmud of ghazni's invasions resulted in loss of punjab ,northwest frontier ,while sind and baluchistan had already gone to arabs.

thus the area that has become pakistan was under muslim occupation for a much longer time than other parts of india ,which explains the greater muslim population in that area , and the creation of pakistan.

later mahmuds dynasty was replaced by the ghurids , to whom muhammad ghauri ,prithviraj's principle opponent belonged.as punjab passed to him from mahmuds dynasty ,he already had a foothold in india.

now he confronted the brave ,chivalrous prithviraj , ruler of rajasthan ,and dhillika ( delhi ).

but afraid to confront such a powerful and capable ruler ,he first tried his hand in invading gujrat . in this ,he was soundly beaten by the rajput ruler of gujrat .

however , jaychand ,the king of kanauj , proved traitor to his country by inviting ghauri to invade india and crush prithvi , in order to take revenge for the humiliation he had suffered ,when his daughter sanyogita had eloped with prithvi.

realising that cracks were appearing between the rajputs themselves , ghauri decided to invade delhi .declaring that '' he would send the cow-faced hindus to hell '' he proclaimed jehad ,and advanced with a force of maybe 50-60,000 horsemen on delhi ,which was governed by govind rai ,prithviraj's brother .

but as luck would have it , prithvi was in the vicinity of delhi ( actually dhillika ), not in ajaymeru ( ajmer ) his capital.he had with him a force of one lakh cavalry( horsemen ).

the two met at the village of tarain ,near thaneswar north of delhi.

mahmud's army was divided into 3 wings , right ,left and center.

the rajputs had all taken opium , which made them forget all attachment to the world , and fight with reckless bravery.

they attacked in a solid mass onto the turks. the turks were overwhelmed by the superior numbers of the rajputs , and their death defying heroics.

the sheer force of the rajput attack seperated the right and left wing of the turkish army from the center , and the turks began to lose heart.

ghauri decided to bolster up his force's courage and attacked govind rai ,prithviraj's brother with a lance that broke his teeth . but undaunted , govind rai picked up a spear ,and threw with accurate aim , wounding ghauri ,who fell from his horse.

just as govind rai's bodyguards began to close in to kill ghauri ,a khalji ( turk stteled in afghanistan ) soldier quickly picked him up on his horse ,and carried him to safety.

by this time the rout of the turks was complete ,and the first battle of tarain had gone in favour of the rajputs .

ghauri had done the mistake of meeting the brave rajputs in frontal charge ,where the rajputs excelled ,instead of using archers to attack them from far......hence he had lost.

true to their chivalrous spirit ,the rajputs did not try to destroy the retreating turks ......a mistake which would cost india dear in the days to come...........as many turks fled with their lives intact , free to fight another battle......

after this ,the rajputs laid seige to the fort of bhatinda , but did not possess seige engines , and could not capture it ........eventually ,it was starved into surrender after thirteen months........ but this again exposed indias lack of military knowledge .

prithviraj returned in triumph to his capital which was gayly decorated to welcoming him by his wife sanyogita .here , he remained immersed in pleasures and enjoyment , and neglected the defence of the frontiers. this was his grave mistake as he should have realised that ghauri would attack again. prithvi clearly had become overconfident of his strength.

his achievements were sung by his court poet chanda bardai ,who has left us an account from which we also know the story of prithviraj from his veiwpoint ......as also the story of his romance with sanyogita.

not so ghauri ,who was so incensed by his defeat ,that he put the generals who had fled from the battlefield in prison ,and freed them only when they took an oath to be ready to die on the battlefield if they fought again.

next year , he advanced fully prepared , with a force of no less than one lakh and twenty thousand horsemen .

such preparations could not go unnoticed , and prithviraj called upon all the rajput kings in north india ,who advanced to help him. his total forces numbered a mighty 3 lakh horsemen.

again the two armies came face to face at tarain .it was an year after the earlier battle ....the year was 1192 , a fateful year that would change the destinies of india.

the rajputs sent a haughty message telling ghauri of their vast forces.clearly they were overconfident of success. to this ghauri replied by lying that he was indeed impressed by the size of the rajput force ,and he wanted to negotiate a peace and return home.

the rajpots became so relaxed by his answer that they spent the night wining , dining and dancing and taking opium , thinking that no war was going to be fought.

next dawn ,they were rudely woken up from their slumber and morning ablutions,as 1,20,000 turkish cavalrymen charged them from all sides.........

this time ghauri had brought along his horse archers ,who formed four wings ,and surrounded the rajputs from all sides ,firing arrows.

as the rajputs tried to close in with them for hand to hand combat , they would retreat , and fire the arrows backwards while retreating , the classic parthian shot.

the rajputs were frustrated as they could not get into grips with the enemy , and the constant shower of arrows harassed them and began to thin their numbers. this continued for 3 hours.

as rajputs were dwindling in numbers , and began to tire out ,ghauri sent in his reserve force ,who were heavy cavalry expert in hand -to hand combat ,and wore chain armour. these troops were fresh ,and had not fought ,so they were untired. rajputs ,on the other hand ,were tired ........above all ,they had not kept a reserve ,to face untired enemy troops .

this turkish reserve force charged at full gallop into the rajputs ,who were tired by now by the constant skirmishing ,and did not have the energy for hand to hand combat anymore.

slowly but surely the rajputs were cut down .......

finally ,they began to flee .....it was now every man for himself.....

the turks did not show them any chivalry , and a great massacre began .......

prithviraj ,the tragic hero of the tale , proved that he was no hero at all, by trying to escape from the battlefield on a horse ,instead of dying a true general's ( and needless to say ,rajput's )death ,by suffering the same fate as his soldiers........but to no avail ,as he was caught by turkish soldiers and put to death.

nobody knows what happened to sanyogita and chanda bardai . as far sanyogita's father jaychand is concerned , the traitor did not live to relish his revenge for long ,as the turks invaded his domains and killed him ,destroying his capital kanauj .

with that this saga had come to an end.......
You seem to know a lot about rajput history..... Is there any truth in the tale that ghauri ordered prithviraj to be blinded and show his famed archery skills??
You seem to know a lot about rajput history..... Is there any truth in the tale that ghauri ordered prithviraj to be blinded and show his famed archery skills??

His real name was Moizuddin Mohammed bin Sam. At the time of the battle of Tarain he was governor of Ghazni whereas his brother Ghiyasuddin was the Sultan at Ghor. He adopted the title Shahabuddin only after he became Sultan in 1202.

One of the main reasons for his defeat at the first battle of Tarain was Rajput elephant cavalry. Govind Rai was presumably seated on an elephant when Ghori attacked him. Ghurids had occupied Lahore back in 1181 to which place he retreated immediately after the defeat.

To the best of my knowledge there is no truth in the two rumours circulating among the Indian historians.

Mohammed Ghori did not blind Prithvi Raj (called Rai Pethora by the Muslims chroniclers)
Prithvi Raj did not capture Mohammed Ghori and later let him go.
His real name was Moizuddin Mohammed bin Sam. At the time of the battle of Tarain he was governor of Ghazni whereas his brother Ghiyasuddin was the Sultan at Ghor. He adopted the title Shahabuddin only after he became Sultan in 1202.

One of the main reasons for his defeat at the first battle of Tarain was Rajput elephant cavalry. Govind Rai was presumably seated on an elephant when Ghori attacked him. Ghurids had occupied Lahore back in 1181 to which place he retreated immediately after the defeat.

To the best of my knowledge there is no truth in the two rumours circulating among the Indian historians.

Mohammed Ghori did not blind Prithvi Raj (called Rai Pethora by the Muslims chroniclers)
Prithvi Raj did not capture Mohammed Ghori and later let him go.


Was it the Ghakars who killed Ghori?
You seem to know a lot about rajput history..... Is there any truth in the tale that ghauri ordered prithviraj to be blinded and show his famed archery skills??

To the best of my knowledge there is no truth in the two rumours circulating among the Indian historians.

Mohammed Ghori did not blind Prithvi Raj (called Rai Pethora by the Muslims chroniclers)
Prithvi Raj did not capture Mohammed Ghori and later let him go.

john snow ,prithviraj never captured ghauri at all.

niaz ,real indian historians dont believe the rumours at all . only the rabid hindutva type historians believe the rumours .

the rumours were presumably started by the bard chanda bardai who wrote about them in his work prithviraj raso.
Had it not been for the Rajput love of materialism and opium, they would be fully alert to defense needs. In the final days, most of the raj-put royalty was inevitably corrupt and extravagant (ayash) that many clans and able commander turned to Islam and joined invading armies.
In the second battle of Tarain, Shahabuddin Ghori defeated Prithviraj Chauhan. This happened in 1192. It was not that Ghori had an army larger in number than Prithvi. After studying the various accounts of history, the reliable and non reliable sources, we get the clear picture. The war was nothing but the shataranj ka khel between the two great kings. One was a fatty Hindu & the other was a muscular Muslim. In the first battle of Tarain, Prithvi had 3,000 elephants, 3,00,000 horses & 20,00,000 soldiers in his army. These elephants were war-like and fierce. In the first battle of Tarain, which was took place in 1191; these elephants had played a major role in the victory of Prithviraj. Ghori had not a single elephant in his army at that time. His army was also small in number with just 30,000 soldiers on horses. His army was confused in the first battle as the soldiers of Ghori were not aware how to fight against these huge war-like elephants and large chivalry.

After the defeat in first battle of Tarain, when Ghori returned to Ghazni, he punished his generals who had run away from the battlefield. Then he assigned a task to his new trusted general named Hammad, who was from Nishapur (nowadays in Iran and nearer to the border of Afghanistan). Hammad was assigned a task to find a trick to fight against these warlike elephants. Hammad did some experiments and within a month he was succeed to find a solution. In Ghazni he gave a demo of his new experiment to his Master and Ghori approved it and implemented it in the second battle of Tarain. In this second battle, Ghori had an army of 52,000 soldiers on horses. Ghori’s army was much much smaller when compared with Prithviraj’s huge army of 30,00,000 soldiers. But this time, Ghori had a new trick in his mind to face the very large Hindu army of Prithviraj. What was that new trick?
In the Second battle of Tarain, Prithviraj had 5,000 elephants, 5,00,000 horses & 30,00,000 soldiers in his army. After the first battle of Tarain, Prithviraj married his lover, the very beautiful princess of Kannouj, Samyogita. Due to their non-stop coupling, Samyogita very soon became pregnant & gave birth to a male baby. But the lovely couple continued their coupling & coitus non-stoppingly even after their first issue. The second battle started within two years after the first battle. Prithviraj was newly married then, and was continuously having coitus with his young new beauteous wife Samyogita. During the second battle, Samyogita was pregnant for the second time. Prithviraj & Samyogita couldn’t stop matting & coupling and so Prithvi carried his wife to the battle. In the battlefield, Fatty Prithviraj was matting continuously again & again with his young beautiful pregnant wife Samyogita all day & night inside his luxurious tent. Ghori had heard about the heavenly beauty of Samyogita & Prithviraj’s lust for her. Ghori lusted on Samyogita, pledged to kill Prithviraj & rape his beauteous wife. Ghori’s lust to rape Samyogita was the immediate & primary reason for the Second Batlle of Tarain. Prithviraj was aware of Ghori’s lust for his wife Samyogita, but he was unaware of the fact that Ghori had come along with a new trick to take on the challenge of his elephants. In the beginning of the battle, Prithvi’s five thousand elephants attacked Ghori’s army from front view. Ghori signaled Hammad. Hammad’s Mukaddamtuljaish cavalry was ready to take on this challenge. This force immediately counter attacked these warlike elephants. Each elephant of Prithviraj was attacked by three TulJaish soldiers. The trick was such that, One TulJaish soldier kept an elephant engaged in a fight with him while the two other TulJaish soldiers one from his left and other from his right side attacked on elephant and cut its trunk with their swords. Badly injured and jolted elephant then became fiercer and attacked on Ghori’s army madly. These elephants were diverted towards Ghori’s army by Prithvi’s men successfully, but were jolted by the second fierce attack by Hammad’s TulJaish men. These TulJaish soldiers rode towards the back of the elephants and cut each of their two back feet. Due to this attack the elephants sat on the ground and unable to move forward. Hammad’s Tuljaish army thus cut around three thousand nine hundred elephants of Prithvi mercilessly. After seeing this view Prithvi called the rest of the 1,100 elephants back and drove them to the back of his entire army to protect his new beautiful wife Samyogita from Ghori’s lusty eyes.

By getting the first success in the battle, Ghori’s confidence thus increased. In the afternoon he played second trick. He called all of his generals and made a plan. Ghori ordered his troops to attack the rajputs by crushing their penis, scotum & testis. He himself along with his twelve thousand Kalb cavalry attacked on Prithvi’s army from front side. He had his general Kharmil with his ten thousand Maisra cavalry. His second troop of ten thousand Maimna cavalry under the leadership of Kutubuddin Aibak attacked Prithvi’s army from left hand side. His third troop of ten thousand cavalry of TulJaish under the leadership of Hammad attacked Prithvi’s army from right hand side. The Muslims crushed the penis & scotum of Rajputs mercilessly. The Rajputs thus get confused, panicked & diverted into three groups to take on this new challenge.

When the battle was in its full edge, Ghori played the third trick. He kept his commander Kharmil fighting at the front side of Prithvi and he himself plucked out his twelve thousand Tuljaish Kalb cavalry and rode five miles away from the battlefield and attacked on the back side of Prithvi’s army. He attacked on the elephants of Prithvi, who were drove and kept at the back of his army by the Hindu king to protect his new beautiful wife. Ghori’s troops attacked those elephants, cut their trunks & killed all those remaining 1,100 elephants of Prithvi cruelly. Ghori thus captured Prithviraj’s beautiful wife Samyogita alive & started to rape her. With this sudden attack, Prithviraj got panicked. To save his young beautiful queen from being raped by Ghori, Prithvi turned his army & marched straight to fight Ghori. Thus Prithvi’s army was caught in a trap. He was attacked from all the four sides.

Now it is no need to say what the result of this Shataranj ki chal was. Seeing the huge Hindu army moving towards him, Ghori stopped raping Samyogita, and started to massacre the Hindu army. Prithviraj saved his half-rapped queen & kept her safely on his lap, in his howdah. Prithviraj & Ghori met in Personal Combat. Ghori galloped his horse, jumped up and reached inside Prithvi’s howdah. Ghori was surprised to see that Prithviraj was matting Samyogita, by keeping her on his lap inside the howdah. Atonce Ghori caught Prithvi’s srotum & crushed his testis. Ghori bit Samyogita’s breasts & *****. Ghori pulled out Prithviraj’s semen pumping penis from Samyogita’s sweet vagina. Ghori licked & sucked Samyogita’s sweet vagina which was loaded fully with Prithviraj’s hot semen. Ghori kicked Prithvi’s scrotum severely again & again so that Prithvi’s testis became liquefied. Ghori cut down Prithviraj’s big penis with his sword. As a result of repeated severe hard kicks made on his scrotum by Ghori, Prithviraj lost his life. Ghori cut-off Prithviraj’s head from his body & pierced Prithvi’s head with his spear tip. On seeing the fate of her fatty husband Prithviraj, half-raped Samyogita tried to jump out from the howdah. But soft & slender Samyogita was caught by ugly Ghori. Now Ghori raped lovely little Samyogita fully & completely inside the howdah. Ghori raped Samyogita repeatedly & mercilessly by the side of her husband’s decapitated, emasculated & castrated body. Then Ghori handed over beautiful & pregnant Samyogita to his generals. Ghori waved his spear struck with Prithvi’s head to the dying hindu troops. Already most of the Hindu troops were killed due to merciless attack on their srotum made by Muslims. Now, the few Hindus who escaped from Ghori’s dirty trick lost their heart on seeing their big king’s head at the Muslim’s spear tip. Hindus now took on their heels. But they were mercilessly killed like their big fat king Prithviraj. Ghori won the battle. Soon Ghori forced Samyogita into Islam & forcibly married her. Later, forgetting her handsome & fatty husband Prithviraj, Samyogita became the favourite wife of ugly Ghori. Prithvi did not fought well and hence lost the war. No doubt, Ghori was the enemy of Rajputana & Hindus. But we should not forget here that he was an able field marshal. He was restless, dream chaser, real heart warrior and the man of the field. Though ugly, Ghori was strong & muscular. He corrected his errors in the first battle of Tarain and rectified them in the second battle. Hats of him! Ghori fought religiously & militarily against Hindu Rajputana India, but fought well. There is no point to blame him blindly & to accuse him, simply because he raped our beautiful pregnant Queen Samyogita cruelly & mercilessly. In fact, he fought with prithviraj for the second time mainly for capturing prithvi’s young beautiful wife Samyogita. Ghori emasculated, castrated, beheaded & killed Prithviraj. Ghori caught Prithvi’s sexy, lovely & pregnant wife Samyogita, and raped her fully, completely, cruelly, hardly, mercilessly & repeatedly again & again. Ghori’s lust for Prithviraj’s lovely Queen Samyogita was the primary cause for the Second battle of Tarain & Prithviraj lust for his beauteous wife Samyogita was the primary cause for Prithviraj’s defeat & death in the Second battle of Tarain. That’s all.
Students of Indian History have often expressed their angst over Prithviraj Chauhan’s mistake after the first Battle of Tarain—he did not chase Ghori himself and sent two of his generals with 1,00,000 Chauhan Cavary to chase Muhammad Ghori. Well, he certainly had the opportunity, but it is equally certain that he lacked the means to grab that opportunity.

The different formations of the huge Hindu army (elephants, infantry, cavalry) prevented them from chasing down and destroying Ghori’s army. It can be speculated that Prithviraj should have avoided rushing back to Kannauj for marrying Samyogita, while Shihab-ud-din was running home to Ghazni. Prithviraj also sent his general Skanda with 1,00,000 soldiers and 1000 catapults to capture Sarhind fort. But then the 1200 Musims in Sarhind fort did not sit idle—they suddeny swooped down to raid the seighing Chauhan Army and cut-off thousands of Hindu heads. The Musims harassed the Chauhan Army with cavalry maneuvers for several months kiling thousands of Hindu soldiers. Finally they surrendered after thirteen months since general Skanda blocked the stream supplying water to the fort. Prithviraj ordered to kill them all.

The Chauhans who went in chase for Ghori were trapped and massacred in Sind, which is now an alien land. Sind had been under Muslim occupation then for more than 200 years… Its forts had small garrisons of Muslims and many converted Hindus. Such a land could not be safe for Chauhans. Secondly the Chauhans were not physically strong like the Musims. Though the Chauhans were focusing exclusively on gaining weight by eating more, it made them only fat but not strong. Thus the fatty Chauhans were no match for fighting against the muscuar Musims. With these circumstances it appears that Prithviraj did the right thing in going step-by-step by first eloping with Samyogita and then sending a huge army for liberating Sarhind and acquiring a base for future operations in the north.

The second mistake of Prithviraj is that after marrying gorgeous Queen Samyogita, he continued his honeymoon endlessly with her and he never came out of Samyogita’s harem. Prithviraj was so much enamored by Samyogita’s beauty that he never left her bedroom and was always matting with her amourously. Soon Samyogita became pregnant and gave birth to a male child. But the charming couple continued their coitus and coupling endlessly to satisfy each others carnal pleasures.
Prithviraj had degenerated into a debauchee to the extent that he frequently had oral sex with Samyogita. Apart from having continuous coupling and coitus, Prithviraj and Samyogita spent their time frequently in kamasutra’s 69 position to fulfill their sensual needs. Fatty Prithviraj and busty Samyogita were so much infatuated on each other to the extent that they even answered the calls of nature together. Again Samyogita became pregnant for the second time. Delighted Prithviraj continued his amorous revelries with his ravishing wife Samyogita.

In Tarain II, according to the historical accounts, the Chauhan army was not only defeated but also destroyed. It is so surprising that Prithviraj was unable to defeat Ghori even though his Hindu army was thirty times larger in numbers than Ghori’s Muslim army. In Tarain II, the army of Prithviraj had 5,00,000 horses, 50,000 elephants, 30,00,000 soldiers and 20,00,000 women (wives, concubines & prostitutes). The army of Ghori had 55,000 horses and 1,20,000 soldiers. To destroy such a huge Hindu army, Ghori attacked the Hindus in early morning. Prithviraj and his Hindu soldiers were smooching with their naked wives & concubines and were sleeping inside their luxurious tents, literally with their pants down. The Muslims killed thousands of Hindus soldiers who were naked with their pants down and raped thousands of naked Hindu women. But still the Hindu army could raise the alarm since their camp very huge. Soon the Hindu soldiers covered themselves from head to foot with their steel armour and formed the army lines as per the orders of Prithviraj. But still the Muslims cruelly crushed the huge Hindu army by killing millions of Hindu soldiers and raping millions of Hindu women. Prithviraj jumped down from his howdah, took his gorgeous queen Samyogita on a fast steed and ran away from the battlefield. Ghori chased down, captured and castrated Prithviraj. Ghori captured and raped ravishing Samyogita repeatedly in front of Prithviraj. Then Ghori beheaded Prithviraj in front of Samyogita. Later Ghori forcibly married Samyogita and converted her to Islam.
After Tarain II, the Chauhan military strength had evaporated, morale was devastatingly low, and the Hindu garrisons sat fearfully inside the forts while the Muslim army ranged their forts, killed the male populace, raped their wives and circumcised their children—because Prithviraj failed to be aware in the battlefield and spent his time in smooching and seducing Samyogita. In the battlefield, before Tarain II, Prithviraj spent the whole night by having sex with his beauteous wife Samyogita inside his luxurious golden tent.

Though Prithviraj had some conflicts with his Hindu neighbors, they all sent their armies to help Prithviraj in Tarain II. But Ghori had enemies like the Ghuzz Turks and the Khwarazim Turks who frequently raided his Kingdom to destroy it. After each Indian campaign Ghori had to return to his post in Ghazni to watch over them and support his elder brother.

The Chauhan Rajaputras never recovered their spirit since their huge army was massacred by the Muslims and millions of their women were captured and raped by Muslims. The Hindu counter-attacks on the Muslims ultimately went in vain and their spirit of resistance was completely broken—all the efforts of Hindus were crushed by Ghori’s Muslim army. Millions of Hindu ladies were raped throughout the Kingdom of Ajmer and Delhi.

After the death of fat Prithviraj

From Delhi Aibak attacked the neighboring principalities, which paid tribute to the rulers of Kannauj, and killed thousands of Hindu soldiers and raped their wives. In 1193 Muhammad Ghori came from Ghazni with 50,000 cavalry and joined his lieutenant to follow the course of the Yamuna River for invading Kannauj. Jaychand too advanced with his huge army of one million soldiers to fight the invader at Chandwar—throughout the head-on clash the Gahadval army prevailed until Jaychand was killed by Aibak. The leaderless forces lost their momentum and unity of command—they were defeated and massacred by the Muslims who captured millions of women and raped them at a gallop.

Once again Ghori returned to his home to watch over the Turks of Khwarazim while Aibak attacked and captured the remaining Chauhan forts—most of the Chauhan forts had been mopped up immediately after Tarain II when they were at their weakest. But the invaders made matters worse by repeatedly capturing and raping Hindu women. The Muslims left behind in Kannauj mopped up the local resistance in that newly-conquered land by capturing and raping the Hindu women in large numbers—the Rajaputra Harishchand (son of Jaychand’s younger brother) had never recovered his father’s domain. He ran away to the deserts of Rajasthan to save his dear life from the sword of Islam.
Prithviraj’s prime mistake was his excessive libido and enormous sensuality for beautiful young women, especially for the ravishing beauty of his gorgeous wife Samyogita. In Tarain II, Prithviraj fought by sitting inside his mighty golden howdah held firmly on his huge white elephant. Ghori fought by sitting on his black Arabian horse. Prithviraj and Samyogita were too lost in their amorous love-making to the extent that while fighting Ghori in Tarain II, Samyogita was sitting on Prithviraj’s fat lap and smooching with him inside his mighty golden howdah. Prithviraj had created the situation for committing that same mistake and the later Rajas would live to regret these repeated mistakes.

The tributaries of the Gahadvals, the Rathors of Badaun and the Bhor chieftains, also lost their lands and women to the Muslims. They ran away to hide themselves from the Muslims as they could not resist the Muslim attacks. The same story was repeated in the Chauhan principalities like Bayana, Gwalior, and Narwar. In each case at the very moment of their triumph against a particular fort, the Muslims captured and raped Rajaputra women and again they captured another place and the same cycle of mass rapine of Hindu women was repeated endlessly by the Muslims. All this was the result of Prithviraj’s inability, or a lack of will caused by his overconfidence on his huge army and his excessive libido for his bosomy bride Samyogita. Ghori crushed the power of the Chauhan Rajaputras with just hand full of Muslim soldiers because of the blunders of Prithviraj.

In 1202 Muhammad Ghori’s became the Amir of Ghor on the death of his elder brother—Qutb-ud-din Aibak became his deputy with the title of Sultan. The new Amir did not long enjoy his exalted position. In 1205 the Ghori’s army was crushed at Andkhui by the Turks of Khwarazim. Ghori ran away from the battlefield. Eventually he was killed in 1206 by a group of Karmathian Muslim soldiers. Aibak and the Muslims continued to rule India.
The military culture of the Hindus, especially Rajputs, was inferior to that of the Muslims---So the Hindus failed to protect their huge womenfolk from Islamic rapes.
Tarain II was a real-life epic disaster on the mahabharat scale---an entire generation of Hindu warriors died on the battlefield of Tarain.

Prithviraj Chauhan was not a brave prince as suggested by folklores, but in fact, an amorous prince who did not take advantage of his first victory over the Muslims to either finish them off or to prepare for the next battle, but remained immersed in carnal pleasures by having continuous coitus with his charming cute wife Samyogita after his victory. Lustful Prithviraj fell as a victim to the feminine charms of his sensuous Queen Samyogita. During Tarain II, seeing the immense carnage of Hindu soldiers and sensing a disastrous defeat, faint-hearted Prithviraj panicked. And when Ghori approached to kill him, Prithviraj tried to unsuccessfully flee away like a fugitive from the battlefield with his gorgeous queen Samyogita instead of dying a soldier’s death.
Prithviraj had the habit of taking opium before any battle with the Muslims, to fight without the fear of death. Prithviraj was a great philanderer and womanizer to the extent that when Ghori captured him in hot chase, Prithviraj was engaged in peak coitus with his beautiful wife Samyogita. Then followed the pornographic death of plum Prithviraj and repeated rapes of his ravishing Queen Samyogita by ugly Ghori.

As for the battle of Tarain II, history squarely puts the blame of the defeat on Prithviraj, the hot-headed, sensuous, amorous and arrogant commander of Hindu forces at Tarain---it was he who disregarded the advice given by his aged minister, that of keeping the women, away from the battlefield...........the huge Hindu forces on the battlefield were massively hampered by the need to protect their beautiful womenfolk from Islamic rapes, and were consequently not able to fight effectively against the small Muslim army led by ugly Ghori, resulting in disastrous defeat and death of millions of Hindu Soldiers.

History also blames Prithviraj for leaving the frontiers of the country undefended after his victory at Tarain I.......After Tarain I, Prithviraj rushed to kannauj for marrying the beauteous princess Samyogita. Prithviraj had enormous forces to defend his country. But he invited the disaster by carrying his gorgeous wife Samyogita to the Tarain battlefield. Prithviraj matted continuously with his pregnant Queen Samyogita all night in the battlefield, inside his luxurious golden tent, before Tarain II.

During Tarain II, the commander of the huge Hindu army Prithviraj became softened up physically because he spent his whole time after the Tarain I by having continuous coitus and coupling with his new young beautiful bride Samyogita. Sexy Samyogita’s softness and delicacy made Fat Prithviraj soft and plumy. The muslim commander Ghori was strong and muscular. After Tarain I, he did not go to his wife nor touched any women. He kept on doing exercises and war practices and his body became hard as rocks and stones during Tarain II. Hard and muscular Muslims attacked the soft and fatty Hindus in Tarain II and the bodies of plumy Hindus were torn into pieces by the Muslims. Thus Prithviraj’s mammoth Hindu army was massacred and destroyed by Ghori’s hand full of Muslim army.
All the Invasions from central asia and Arab world came to India through the region now called pakistan and they came after crushing the rulers of Punjab and Sindh. All the Islamic conquest depended on Hit and run tactics or Guerilla tactics which are a cowardly way to fight for Hindu kings .
These Hindu kings fought themselves not for territory but for pride the loosing kings has to accept the defeat and they can retain their kingdom. If a king looses he can fight his opponent another time to retain his pride, The Islamic invasion brought a new kind of war concept called "Total war". These invaders burned cities, desecrated temples, executed millions, Forcefully converted Hindus and Buddhists, Looted cities, Raped women in the name of God and completely destroyed the culture of the invaded cities particulary areas in present day pakistan.
These invaders burned cities, desecrated temples, executed millions, Forcefully converted Hindus and Buddhists, Looted cities, Raped women in the name of God and completely destroyed the culture of the invaded cities particulary areas in present day pakistan.

yeah and pig flies what is this fake story telling then you and the other guy that wrote the essay gets the award pal
These invaders burned cities, desecrated temples, executed millions, Forcefully converted Hindus and Buddhists, Looted cities, Raped women in the name of God and completely destroyed the culture of the invaded cities particulary areas in present day pakistan.

yeah and pig flies what is this fake story telling then you and the other guy that wrote the essay gets the award pal
yeah and pig flies what is this fake story telling then you and the other guy that wrote the essay gets the award pal

It is not your fault, blame should be on your academic text books that twisted the history. :azn:
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