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The Battle for Orakzai & Khyber Agencies

Targeting tableegi markaz is great mistake , local people have great respect for them , PA/GOP should applogize if it is mistake.

Tableegi jamat have more then 100 million supporters in Pakistan and it has workers and supporters all over the world.

Please don't relate these men with the Tablighi Jamaat of Raiwand centered. They have nothing to do with Tablighi Jamaat. I have known the leaders of Tablighi Jamaat and people who actively participate in Tablighi Ijtimaaz and events, they all have clear opinions about Taliban and Pro-Taliban stuff who openly confess and accept the responsiblity of terrorism inside Pakitan againt innocent civilians.

KIT Over
weather these all 61 were militants is yet to be determined.. i hope there are no civilian casualties , but in the end what can the PA do if these irhabists find refuge among the civilian population. Pakistan is paying a devastating price and fortunately world has begun to acknowledge this fact too ...!
KALAYA: Military planes attacked militants’ hideouts in their stronghold of Mamozai and other areas in Upper Orakzai agency, killing 48 insurgents and injuring 29 on Thursday.

A senior security official put the death toll at 25 to 30 in the Mamozai bombing.

“The air strikes were carried out following specific reports that militants were hiding in the area. All those killed in the attack were militants hiding in a seminary,” the official said.

Six Taliban were killed and five injured in Dabori area and three hideouts were destroyed. Security personnel captured Mian Gul, a local Taliban commander. He was said to be in possession of 150 hand-grenades and other arms.

In mopping-up operations in Merobak and Ferozkhel areas in Lower Orakzai, security forces killed four insurgents. A soldier was injured in the operation.

Meanwhile, Taliban continued to fire rockets and mortar into the Kalaya, the regional headquarters, from Shereen Darra. A soldier was injured in the attack.

Six militants were killed and five others injured in air strikes in Dabori. Another four militants were killed in a clash with security forces in Merobak area. Security forces found three bodies in Sra Mela area. Two of the bodies were of tribal elders kidnapped by Taliban from Hangu.
Please don't relate these men with the Tablighi Jamaat of Raiwand centered. They have nothing to do with Tablighi Jamaat. I have known the leaders of Tablighi Jamaat and people who actively participate in Tablighi Ijtimaaz and events, they all have clear opinions about Taliban and Pro-Taliban stuff who openly confess and accept the responsiblity of terrorism inside Pakitan againt innocent civilians.

KIT Over

Tableegi Jamat is against these terrorist , may be they captured their markaz as they did in SWAT.
Tableegi Jamat is against these terrorist , may be they captured their markaz as they did in SWAT.

Talieghi Jamat center is not the only thing they capture, as i said they capture schools, BHUs, peoples homes etc etc.

As said hopefully there would be no member of the TJ.
Troops achieve major success in Orakzai Agency: Gen Tariq

PESHAWAR (updated on: March 26, 2010, 20:11 PST): Inspector General Frontier Corps (IGFC) Major General Tariq Khan Friday said that security forces have achieved major gains in the restive Orakzai Agency and have made successful advancement to Kalaya, headquarters of Orakzai Agency.

Talking to reporters after attending the funeral prayer of Lt Col Anwar Abbas Shaheed here at Corps Headquarters, he said security forces have made advancement up to Sultanzai, Anjani, Chitri Ferozkhel and Kalaya and achieved significant triumph.

The Army and paramilitary Frontier Corps and Frontier Constabulary are participating in the operation that started three days ago in Orakzai Agency. He said that it was multi-directional operation as tendency of surrenders is comparatively less than other tribal agencies at the moment and militants are highly demoralized.

During last night operation, he said 32 terrorists were killed while another 60 were eliminated in air strikes. Most of the terrorists killed are Uzbeks and Arabs, he maintained.

"We have inflicted heavy losses on militants during last days," he added. Gen Tariq said bodies of 32 terrorists are in the custody of security forces.

To a question, he said that law and order situation in tribal areas had significantly improved as compared to last year due to successful military operations. Two years ago, he said Indus Highway had been closed for traffic, Peshawar-Khyber Agency border was insecure. Mohmand Agency was made 'no go' area while tribesmen of Bajaur Agency were made hostage However, Gen Tariq said this situation has altogether changed now and these restive areas have been cleared from terrorists and the government writ has been established.

These major successes, he said, does not mean that military operation is over in these areas, adding police and other law enforcement agencies are being strengthened to sustain the gains achieved by our brave security forces.

Earlier, the funeral prayer of Lt Col Anwar Abbas Shaheed was offered and was attended by Corps Commander Peshawar Lt Gen Muhammad Masood Aslam, IGFC Maj Gen Tariq Khan, Commandant Frontier Constabulary Sifwat Ghayoor and other senior military and civil officers.

Troops achieve major success in Orakzai Agency: Gen Tariq : Business Recorder | LATEST NEWS
Tableegi Jamat is against these terrorist , may be they captured their markaz as they did in SWAT.

I hope I meant the same. It is not an "AMAZING" thing to have this opinion of TJ for terrorists.

@Tiger Awan. I am not saying that you are wrong or misleading, maybe your experience is valid but my view is authentic because I have first hand knowledge of opinions of TJ, coz I've personally met and questioned them about terrorism and Taliban.

KIT Over
Troops make major successes in Aurakzai Agency: Gen Tariq

PESHAWAR, Mar 26 (APP): Inspector General Frontier Corps (IGFC) Major General Tariq Khan Friday said that security forces have achieved major gains in the restive Aurakzai Agency and have made successful advancement to Kalaya, headquarters of Aurakzai Agency.

Talking to reporters after attending the funeral prayer of Lt Col Anwar Abbas Shaheed here at Corps Headquarters, he said security forces have made advancement up to Sultanzai, Anjani, Chitri Ferozkhel and Kalaya and achieved significant triumph. The Army and paramilitary Frontier Corps and Frontier Constabulary are taking part in the operation that has been started three days ago in Aurakzai Agency. He said that it was multi-direction operation as tendency of surrenders is comparatively less than other tribal agencies at the moment and militants are highly demoralized.

During last night operation, he said that 32 dreaded terrorists have been killed while another 60 were eliminated during air strikes.
Most of the terrorists killed are Uzbeks and Arabs, he maintained. "We have inflicted heavy losses on militants during last days," he added. Gen Tariq said bodies of the 32 terrorists are in the custody of security forces.

To a question about starting of military operation in North Waziristan Agency, he said that Pakistan Army will decide about it. To a question about the involvement of a neighboring country, he said that he would not blame others unless we have solid proofs. However, he said some explosives, weapons and vehicles seized during the operation indicated that involvement of foreign hands could not be ruled out.

To a question, he said that law and order situation in tribal areas had significantly improved as compare it to last year owing to successful military operations.

Two years ago, he said that Indus Highway had been closed for traffic, Peshawar-Khyber Agency border was insecure, Mohmand Agency was made 'no go' area while tribesmen of Bajaur Agency were made hostage by an Afghan commander beside extending influence up to Buner.

However, Gen Tariq said this situation has altogether changed now and these restive areas have been cleared from terrorists and the government writ has been established.

These major successes, he said, does not meant that military operation had over in these areas, adding that police and other law enforcement are being strengthened to sustain the gains achieved by our brave security forces.

Earlier, the funeral prayer of Lt Col Anwar Abbas Shaheed was offered and was attended by Corps Commander Peshawar Lt Gen Muhammad Masood Aslam, IGFC Maj Gen Tariq Khan, Commandant Frontier Constablry Sifwat Ghayoor and other senior military and civil officers.

A smartly turned out contingent presented guard of honour to the coffin of the Shaheed. It may be recalled that Lt Col Anwar Abbas has martyred along with four others security personnel when terrorists attacked security forces check post at Kalaya Area in Aurakzai Agency.

He fought bravely along with his troops and repulsed the attack causing heavy losses to the terrorists and in the process embraced martyrdom along with four others security personnel. Later, his body was shifted to his native district Gujrat for burial.
Funeral prayer of Col Abbas Shaheed offered

PESHAWAR March 26 (APP): The funeral prayer of Lt Col Anwar Abbas Shaheed who embraced Shahadat during a clash with terrorists at Kalaya Aurakzai Agency has been offered here at Corps Headquarters on Friday.

The funeral prayer was attended besides others by Corps Commander Peshawar Lt Gen Muhammad Masood Aslam, IGFC Maj Gen Tariq Khan, Commandant Frontier Constabulary Sifwat Ghayoor and other senior officers attended.

A smartly turned out contingent of the army presented guard of honour to the coffin of the Shaheed.

It may be recalled that terrorists attacked security forces check-post at Kalaya area on Friday morning and Col. Anwar Abbas fought bravely along with his brave soldiers and repulsed their attack causing heavy losses to the terrorists and in the process he himself along with 4 other security personnel embraced Shahadat. Lt.Col. Anwar Abbas Butt Shaheed left behind a widow and three sons.
Lt .Col. Anwar Abbas Butt was born at Gujrat on February 6, 1971. Right from his school days to the Pakistan Military Academy, Col Abbas always remained at the top among his contemporaries. He did his Matriculation from Public High School No. 1 Gujrat in 1987.
After Matriculation he joined Junior Cadet Academy (Pakistan Military Academy) in 1989. After doing FSc and BSc, he passed out from Pakistan Military Academy in 1992 and joined the historic Baloch Regiment.

He got commission in the 60th Baloch Regiment in 1992. During his military service, he also served in Siera Leon from 2004 to 2005 as part of United Nation Peace keeping Force.

In September 2009 Lt.Col. Anwar Abbas was posted to Frontier Corps NWFP Serving with the Frontier Corps NWFP Lt.Col. Anwar Abbas took active part in various operations of the Frontier Corps. An extremely daring and selfless officer, he would always be seen at the forefront of action.

He was a simple, loyal, honest, hardworking and obedient officer. His conduct and behavior was exemplary. He had a natural respect for his colleagues and seniors. He was a good team worker and took pleasures in doing difficult tasks. He was a man of pious character and observed morality.

Lt. Col. Anwar Abbas has set an example of courage, selflessness and dedication to service for the whole nation. He has left a message for his countrymen to rise against the cancer of militancy and eliminate this menace from the Pakistani society. The entire nation in general and Frontier Corps NWFP in particular, is proud of soldiers like Lt.Col. Anwar Abbas.

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Guys, the thread title has been changed to The Battle for Orakzai Agency, as we had no specific thread for the news related to the happening in this agency.

From now onwards, post all material related to Orakzai Agency operations on this thread.
Gunship helicopters pound militant hide-outs in Aurakzai, 6 extremists killed

PESHAWAR, March 27 (APP): Security forces backed by helicopter gunships pounded militant hide-outs in lower Aurakzai agency near the Afghan border, killing six extremists, sources said. The choppers targeted militant hideouts in Sultanzai, Anjani areas of lower Aurakzai agency that resulted in the death of six extremists and destruction of two hideouts. The house of Malik Rafique also destroyed during the aerial strikes.

Security forces used ground forces and gunships in operations in Aurakzai tribal region and cleared many militant strongholds 86 militants have been killed in last two days aerial and ground attacks in Aurakzai agency.

Aurakzai is the base of Tehrik e Taliban Pakistan Chief Hakimullah Mehsud whose death is still of mystery.
Aurakzai is the base of Tehrik e Taliban Pakistan Chief Hakimullah Mehsud whose death is still of mystery.

no mystery to me - he's living in hell:flame::flame::flame:burn baby burn
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