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The Azad Kashmir Regiment - Sons of the Battlefield


May 4, 2009
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The Azad Kashmir Regiment - Sons of the Battlefield


The Azad Kashmir Regiment is one of the six infantry regiments of Pakistan Army. Its Regimental Center is located at Mansar, Attock District, Punjab.


In formulating the Division of the Indian Sub-continent the British in their plan of 3rd June 1947 had not done complete justice. For, In spite of having decided that Muslim-majority provinces would form Pakistan, the provinces of Punjab and Bengal were subjected to further subdivisions along ethnic and religious lines to accommodate minorities. Further decimation to that original declaration came when rulers of all the states were given the choice to decide the destiny of their subjects.

The Kashmir State's population was overwhelmingly Muslim, yet their representation in the armed forces and police services was extremely meager. The Hindu ruler, for the security of his own rule, maintained a Hindu army and predominantly Hindus security forces. The Muslims on the other hand, were untrained in the art of weaponry and at a disadvantage, right from the outset.

The Hindu Maharaja, concluded a Standstill Agreement with Pakistan to be effective from 15th August 1947, while on the other hand he gave a free hand to India to make inroads into Kashmir. He ceased to have any allegiance of his own people due to use of ruthless suppression by brute force. The uprising erupted, simultaneously, throughout Kashmir, and the situation went completely out of his control.

Conception and Origins

As the Hindu Maharaja in order to buy time and, in the process, cause extermination of the Muslim population through the use of brute force, had entered into the Standstill Agreement with Pakistan. The Muslim Majority sensed the obvious; and so they resolved to challenge the State authority by voluntarily taking up arms to overthrow the yoke of slavery and subjugation. It set the pace for the freedom struggle and proved to be the foundation stone of the Azad Kashmir Regiment with effect from 1st October 1947.

The Brave and armless people after having chosen the path of armed struggle armed themselves with any weapons they could find. Axes, swords, spears and muzzle-loaders. The best they thus had were a very few Darra-made (Darra Adam Khel) single-shot 303 rifles. Initial organization into platoon/company size groups took place under local leaders in respective areas of domicile, as the struggle went on, this rag tag group turned out into a rugged and organized Force.

The War of Liberation, 1947-48

Initially successes and gains were quickly achieved. By 22nd October, of that year 1947, the the freedom fighters had routed large numbers of the State Army and para-military forces and gained a substantial area. So much so, that one such column had actually managed to reach the outskirts of Srinagar, the summer capital of the State. The strategy of a quick and organized nimble force had come to fruition. The brave struggle resulted in formation of a formal government, the Government of Azad Jammu and Kashmir State under Sardar Muhammad Ibrahim Khan on 24th October, 1947. However, soon after On the 27th at 0900 hours, Indian troops after holding on to the strategically important Srinagar Airport started landing troops. This was supported on the land front by battle units from the Madhupur head works over the Ravi River. However, this was more than good strategy since they had already been kept on standby, awaiting formal orders.

By this time, the rag-tag freedom fighters, already short on supplies and delayed by untimely decisions had to face yet another uphill task. They were to stand against the Indian Army and Air Force. Outgunned and Out maneuvered they held on to their ground long enough to force the Indian Government to ask the Security Council's help through a formal complaint on 1st January, 1948. The Freedom struggle would have died then and there if it were not for the Afghan lashkars from North-West Frontier Province and some from Punjab that joined their fellow brothers in early 1948 to reinforce their indigenous struggle for freedom.

The situation on the ground had worsened, as the ill-armed freedom fighters fought on against the might of the well supplied and fresh Indian Army units supported by Indian Air Force till 2nd May, 1948, when at last Pakistan was able to field some troops in a supportive role. The indigenous freedom movement had thus changed into conventional war. The resulting scenario remained so for the next seven to eight months.

The Indian big wigs were planning on a military solution through brute force to etch lines as India had done in Junagadh and Hyderabad Dakkan. However, their plans of grandeur were smashed by the rag tag Azad Kashmir Regular Force (now Azad Kashmir Regiment) with due support of the Pakistan Army. The might of the Indian Juggernaut had thus been blunted. It was now facing the dilemma of being unable to defeat the Azad Kashmir Regular Force and its friendly allies. Fearing not only a stall mate but an impending defeat, the Indians thus found it more beneficial to arrange ceasefire through the United Nations’ Security Council on 1st January, 1949.

In its history, The Azad Kashmir Regiment thus enjoys the unique honor of having been born and nurtured in the battlefield. They were thus sons of the battlefield of the war of liberation. Its pioneers the devoted sons of the soil, who took up arms against worst suppression for freedom of their motherland. Facing incredible odds, a lack of resources and bad weather, they marched ever on with their deep faith in their destiny. The righteous struggle of innocent farmers and laborers had thus liberated an area over 34,000 square miles. The land that is now called the Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Northern Areas.

Forming the Battle Lines - The Reform and Re organization

The Regiment has come a long way from the Azad Kashmir Regular Force; a band of armless volunteers self raised and self-organized to what is now a formidable fighting force. The journey has been one of many ups and downs but the Regiment has braved all such obstacles with their characteristic skill and determination.

The Standard of Order at its Conception

Towards the end of September 1947, local ex-servicemen from the Imperial Indian Army and civilian volunteers formed revolutionary groups of freedom-fighters of varying strength. These were mostly platoon/company size groups under local leaders who had raised them in their respective areas of domicile. Their initial arms were either Darra made or won from the enemy. Some of the initial operations against the State Army were carried out in various parts of Poonch. The first of such, on 1st October, 1947. Soon the revolution had spread to all parts of the State.

Formation of the Forces Headquarters

Soon after the initial gains, the pressure from the Bulwark of the Indian Army had gained momentum throughout the theater of war. To face this challenge, a proper coordination and cohesion was necessary. A High Command called the Forces Headquarters of the Azad Kashmir Regular Forces (FHQ AKRF) was set up in the first week of November 1947 by the freedom fighters. Its starting objectives were command and control, arrangement of reinforcements, war material and other essential provisions. The lone command lasted till 30th November, 1947.

From Armless Revolutionaries to the battle units of AKRF

FHQ AKRF had foresight of the impending reality, a protracted war in the offing. A challenge that had to be won. For this to happen, the irregular freedom fighters were organized and structured into rudimentary battalions by 1st December, 1947. The First 21 units of the AKRF (now AK Regiment) were thus born. The whole group, was named "The Azad Kashmir Regular Forces (AKRF)". While individual units were named regionally. Some of the famous ones being:

  • 1st Sudhnuti,
  • 1st Bagh,
  • 2nd Muzaffarabad,
  • 7th Bhimber,
  • 10th Kotli,
  • 14th Rajauri,
  • 15th Jammu Battalions and so on.
The intrinsic dynamic characteristic of such an organization was therefore the fact that, as the war prolonged and the Indian Army's build-up increased, fresh raising in the AKRF continued.

AKRF to AK Regiment

AKRF underwent a process of continual reorganizations through out the years, 1948, 1949, 1956, 1957, 1960 and 1961 but remained more or less, a territorial Force. In light of its previous successes and achievements, a comprehensive review of the structure and organization of the AKRF was carried out in 1970-71. The Force was re-designated as the Azad Kashmir Regiment and its Infantry Battalions were brought on Standard Tables of Organization and Equipment with effect from 20th September, 1971. This was followed by their rotation in all parts of the Country.

Previous colonel commandants of the regiment include:
  • Maj General Sardar Muhammad Anwar Khan (the former President of Azad Kashmir) and
  • Lt General Javed Hassan, (who as Maj Gen commanded the Force Command Northern Areas (FCNA) during the 1999 Kargil War and later served as the commander XXX Corps, Gujranwala).

The current Colonel Commandant is Maj Gen Mukhtar Ahmed who took over on 28 September, 2007.

In wartime operations, the AKRF was part of the Order of Battle of the Pakistan Army, and all its battalions were part of the 12th Infantry Division (Pakistan) that defended Azad Kashmir.

Azad Kashmir Regimental Centre

The Azad Kashmir Regimental Centre is the Army Recruitment Centre of Azad Kashmir Regiment of the Pakistan Army, located at Mansar.

Operational History

The Azad Kashmir Regular Forces fought brilliantly in the 1971 war and then in 1972 when the 9th Azad Kashmir Battalion defended Chakpatra and Leepa Valley from a much more vast Indian force composed of several regular battalions. Upon this, the Pakistan Army honoured the AKRF by absorbing it into its own ranks and by giving it the status of a Regular Line Infantry Regiment. The AKRF thus became the Azad Kashmir Regiment.

Now battalions of the Azad Kashmir Regiment are stationed all over Pakistan, and have fought in far away places such as Somalia, as part of the United Nations contingent in that country.

Gems of Bravery

Naik Saif Ali Janjua

Naik Saif Ali Janjua, Azad Kashmir Regiment (Was awarded Hilal-e-Kashmir - an equivalent to Nishan-i-Haider)
Date of Shahadat : 26th April 1948


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Lives sacrificed in your Honour O Motherland!

Sipahi Maqbool Hussain - A Saga of endless courage & selfless dedication

68-year-old former Pakistani soldier, Maqbool Hussain, shuffled onto
the stage, almost unaware of the admiring crowd that quickly got to its feet as he entered. Standing up in the front row was Pakistan's army chief General Ashfaq Kayani, head bowed, clapping respecfully.
The occasion was the launching of a tele-serial about the capture of
Hussain during the 1965 war between hostile neighbours India and Pakistan, and the ordeals that he suffered until he was released forty years later in 2005. Sipahi Maqbool Hussain, NO. 335139 from Azad Kashmir Regiment, severely injured, was reported missing in action, presumed dead. Forty years later, the shuffling, disoriented old man who crossed the Wagah border in exchange for civilian prisoners was a far cry from the tall, well-built soldier he once was, and was presumed to be a fisherman like the rest of the group who returned with him. But,in his saner moments, he kept writing "No.335139" whenever he was questioned about his identity. Weeks later, officials, realizing the significance of the number, handed him over to the military, under whose care he has been for the past two years. But even after months of tender and meticulous medical and psychiatric
care, Maqbool Hussain still prefers to sleep on the floor, shies away from bright lights and inhabits only a small dark corner of the large VIP suite that President Musharraf has allotted to him inside a military facility. Over the months, officers and doctors assigned to him realised that he was scribbling about his 40-year ordeal in fits and starts, and decided that it was the stuff that movies were made about. Director Haider Imam Rizvi, who has dozens of popular television plays and serials to his credit, told the gathering he and his team had been reduced to tears several times during the filming of the poignant scenes in the drama serial. "In my opinion, the production of 'Sipahi Maqbool Hussain' is more significant than all the 40 serials that I have produced in my entire career," Rizvi said.The 6-episode mini serial, co-produced by ISPR (Inter Services Public
Relations) goes on air on Pakistan Television on April 20.


Crimson Roses on Fresh Graves of the Martyrs

The AK Regiment & the war against the terrorists of the enemy within

Captain Omer Zeb Afzal

Captain Omerzeb was from 111th PMA Long Course. He was commissioned in 9 Azad Kashmir Regiment (AK).

He was deployed in Lower Dir on May 11, 2009 as part of the military operation named ‘Rah-e-Rast’ against militants.

He called his fiancée at midnight of May 20-21 and wished her a very happy birthday. In six different languages he sang to her birthday song. She said to him, “I wish you were here on my birthday. I wish I could have celebrated my birthday with you.” And he replied, “Do you want me to come over? Should I come over to Rawalpindi in the morning and we celebrate your birthday together?” She said, yes, please, please do.” Few hours later, he was killed in a blast on May 21, 2009 at the age of 24. That day was the birthday of his fiancée.

He did come over as he promised but on the shoulders of soldiers and his coffin draped in Pakistani flag. He left this world on the same day that his beloved fiancée came to this world twenty three years earlier. His fiancée kept screaming, “You guys are lying to me. He is not dead. He cannot leave me. He promised to celebrate 93 birthdays with me. This was our first. He can’t leave me on our first birthday together; he promised me 93 birthdays together.”

Captain Waqas Zameer

Captain Waqas Zameer was serving with 15 Frontier Force (FF) in Swat. He was stationed at Kanju camp with his Armored Personnel Carriers (APCs). He was due for home leave but was asked to lead a search operation against militants. Waqas was commanding three APCs and infantry troops from 6th Azad Kashmir (AK) Regiment. His convoy was ambushed and in a gun battle which lasted several hours, many soldiers were injured. After evacuating injured soldiers, Waqas ordered disengagement. In the meantime, another soldier was hit. Waqas jumped out of his APC, put injured soldier on his shoulders to get him inside APC when he was shot in the chest. He later died at the age of 24. He brought 15 of his injured soldiers back to safety but in the process gave the ultimate sacrifice.

Lieutenant Muhammad Asim

Lieutenant Asim was from Mardan district of N.W.F.P. He passed out from Pakistan Military Academy (PMA) in the summer of 2006 from 27th Graduate Course. He was commissioned in 36th Azad Kashmir (AK) Regiment. His battalion was stationed in Shangla, Swat in Operation al-Mizan. Asim’s vehicle hit an Improvised Explosive Device (IED). After one week in coma, Asim died in Combined Military Hospital (CMH) in Abbottabad on August 31, 2008.



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a very nice post

many of our members do not know that nishan e kashmir is equivalent to nishan e haider. so that mean that we have another person who in simpler words has nishan e haider.

bythe way, my younger brother servered in AK regiment before he joined the army aviation, he told me (as far as i remmember) that AK has 2 nishan e kashmir but i am not sure since it was a long time ago. please correct me if i am wrong.

may Allah bless the souls of martyrs of Pakistan


As International Peace Keepers

Demining Cambodia's Economy into the "Clear Zone"

Cambodia (March 1992 to November 1993)

Contribution: 1106 (troops, mine clearance and staff).
Casualties: None.

United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC). When the United Nations requested the member countries to contribute troops to UNTAC, Pakistan, in keeping with its previous record, responded positively and 2nd Battalion of the Azad Kashmir Regiment was dispatched. This contingent formed part of a force of 15900 personnel from 32 countries. They were tasked to ensure the withdrawal of all foreign forces, supervision of cease-fire, disarmament and demobilization of Cambodia’s warring factions.

The Pakistani troops carried out peacekeeping operations in the most difficult and remote regions during the period May 92 - August 93. They overcame enormous logistic and operational problems and, displaying their characteristic courage and determination, defended themselves and those for whom they were responsible. Undaunted by the odds, they handled crisis after crisis and persuaded the warring factions to lay down their arms.

In the words of the Force Commander UNTAC, Lieutenant General J.M. Sanderson, "the Pakistani contingent showed professionalism, patience, determination and compassion, which indeed are the hallmark of an effective peace-keeping force". Elaborate arrangements for peace-keeping and holding of elections also contributed to the long-term welfare of Cambodia. It was felt that some short-term measures should also be adopted to cater for the immediate requirements of the people. This gave rise to what came to be known as the Hearts and Minds programme. The idea was to initiate small-scale civic protects to help the common man. At the same time they would allow a greater interaction with the civilians and build up their confidence in UNTAC. The Pakistani contingent readily took up the challenge. The beginning was made with organizing social events like Fun Fairs and Peace walks. As a large number of people wanted to learn English, the Pakistanis started regular English language classes in the local school. With the success of English classes the concept was expanded to include vocational training. Cadres were held for driving, basic masonry, carpenter-ship and tractor repair. This not only provided an opportunity to the people to learn but also improve their financial condition. The Pakistani contingent also undertook a programme of digging wells to provide clean drinking water and set up medical camps to treat local patients.

Such measures created tremendous goodwill towards the peace-keepers who, with the passage of time, became symbols of friendship and hope for the war- weary Cambodians before they finally returned after accomplishing their mission.​



1) http://www.un.org/Depts/dha/mct/clearanc.htm
2) http://www.unmultimedia.org/photo/subjects/3101.html
3) http://www.globalpolicy.org/component/content/article/190/33298.html
4) http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1P2-1017038.html
5) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_peacekeeping_missions_involving_Pakistan
6) http://www.iddc.org.uk/joomla/index.php/home/38-news-and-events/205-signing-of-the-international-treaty-banning-cluster-bombs
7) http://news.bbc.co.uk
Lives sacrificed in your Honour O Motherland!

Sipahi Maqbool Hussain - A Saga of endless courage & selfless dedication

68-year-old former Pakistani soldier, Maqbool Hussain, shuffled onto
the stage, almost unaware of the admiring crowd that quickly got to its feet as he entered. Standing up in the front row was Pakistan's army chief General Ashfaq Kayani, head bowed, clapping respecfully.
The occasion was the launching of a tele-serial about the capture of
Hussain during the 1965 war between hostile neighbours India and Pakistan, and the ordeals that he suffered until he was released forty years later in 2005. Sipahi Maqbool Hussain, NO. 335139 from Azad Kashmir Regiment, severely injured, was reported missing in action, presumed dead. Forty years later, the shuffling, disoriented old man who crossed the Wagah border in exchange for civilian prisoners was a far cry from the tall, well-built soldier he once was, and was presumed to be a fisherman like the rest of the group who returned with him. But,in his saner moments, he kept writing "No.335139" whenever he was questioned about his identity. Weeks later, officials, realizing the significance of the number, handed him over to the military, under whose care he has been for the past two years. But even after months of tender and meticulous medical and psychiatric
care, Maqbool Hussain still prefers to sleep on the floor, shies away from bright lights and inhabits only a small dark corner of the large VIP suite that President Musharraf has allotted to him inside a military facility. Over the months, officers and doctors assigned to him realised that he was scribbling about his 40-year ordeal in fits and starts, and decided that it was the stuff that movies were made about. Director Haider Imam Rizvi, who has dozens of popular television plays and serials to his credit, told the gathering he and his team had been reduced to tears several times during the filming of the poignant scenes in the drama serial. "In my opinion, the production of 'Sipahi Maqbool Hussain' is more significant than all the 40 serials that I have produced in my entire career," Rizvi said.The 6-episode mini serial, co-produced by ISPR (Inter Services Public
Relations) goes on air on Pakistan Television on April 20.



Amazing person. Trained in the traditions of the Pakistan Army, Sipahi Maqbool Hussain faced all the suffering and refused to share any information about his country, Pakistan, with his captors (Indian army) — so much so that when they cut out his tongue, he wrote Pakistan Zindabad (Long Live Pakistan) in his own blood.
MashAllah, what a great proud and epic history of the AK Regiment. My utmost respect to the AK Regiment, Allah bless those men.

AK Regiment is one of the best Swords of the Pakistani Army and truly one of the most 'battle hardened' regiments. This is the only regiment that 'raised' themselves in the midst of armed struggle and battle.

Not only is the AK Regiment the Guardian of Northern Pakistan, Kybher Pass, Siachen, Himalayas, and the Azad Kashmir region but they are a bulwark against the enemies of Pakistan.

Utmost respect and honor to the AK Regiment.
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Note: I have also posted this in the NLI thread but because of the overlapping nature of the operations that ultimately led to the victory at Zojila, it also belong in this thread.

NLI's Golden Traditions - Liberators of Gilgit Baltistan​

The Kashmir and Northern Areas Campaign 1947-48​

The Battle For Zojila !!​

I guess, many of you guys might not have heard this name before, nor the importance that it signifies for our dear Motherland. A region that can be as rugged as the ancient Himalaya.

And more beautiful than the mythical Shang ri La.

Strategically, it is one of the most important locations for the control of the entire Northern Areas that comprise what is now Gilgit and Baltistan Areas of Pakistan.

This is a description of the brave men who sacrificed their lives for the Motherland and liberated our Northern Areas, thus safeguarding it forever against the march of the cunning enemy. In particular, it is a description of "The Battle for Zojila" and "Major Mohammad Khan Jarral (Sher- e Jang)"

The Conqueror of Zojila - Northern Areas of Pakistan​


Mohammad Khan Jarral, got commission on 28th March 1942 from IMA Dehra Doon. During 2nd world war he served with the 2nd Jammu & Kashmir Rifles and went to Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Lebonan and Palestine. In May 1946, Major Jarral, captain at the time was appointed commandant 5th Garrison Police company to curb Sheikh Abdullah's anti-state civil disturbance. On partition he was appointed Adjutant Gilgit Scouts, on 8th August 1947 at Gilgit.

When the Liberation war of the Northern areas started in 1947-48 he joined hands with the Muslim freedom fighters against Maharaja Hari Singh's rule.He was given the command of the combined force consisting of "A" and "B" wings of the Gilgit scouts with the task of capturing Zoji La and then if possible to advance towards Sonamarg and Srinagar. Major Jarral during the early outset of the Kashmir Liberation war captured Bunji in the last week of October, 1947 and liberated Astore area down to Gurez by the middle of November, 1947.

He attacked the Skardu Fort during the night of 11/12 Feburary, 1948. He ambushed and defeated the first indian Relief Column lead by Brigadier Faqir Singh at Thorgopari, 15 miles south of Skardu- Srinagar Road, on 17th March, 1948. The action of Thorgopari paved the way for Captain Jarral's subsequent successes in Baltistan area. He again ambushed and dislodged and humiliated the 2nd Indian Relief Column known as Indian Z-Brigade lead by Brigadier Sanporan Singh at Paskuta.

The enemy now knew that he was up against the determined men of Major Jarral's force. Two Indian Generals, Thimayya and Srinagesh, were personally present with Brigader Atal during planning and mounting of an attack at Zoji La. It shows the great importance the indians gave to it.

Captain Jarral had built up the defences well and the credit goes to his ingenuity in organizing his positions in such a manner that the enemy could not capture even the outlying bunkers and trenches.

On June 12, 1948 Major Jarral lead an attack on the two forward Indian companies at Khoru and Gumri. On June 22, Jarral's men made a surprise dawn attack on the pickets. The enemy thus startled and demoralized, called in air crafts to bomb and strafe the area. As the day went on, the Indians gradually kept losing ground. Eventually, a hand-to hand fight started. The enemy was forced to withdraw after suffering heavy casualties.

A few other pickets were similarly attacked and captured. Simultaneously, Major Jarral was working his way up along the main axis and when the Patiala's realized that their rear was threatened, they withdrew in a disorder. The battle lasted for twenty days and Zoji La was captured on July 7, 1948 by Captain Mohammad Khan Jarral. The enemy lost about 400 men and large quantities of ammunition and other stores fell into the hands of Jarral's force.

It is also interesting to put on record that Major Jarral defeated General Srinagesh who was his former company commander at IMA Dehra Doon from where he got King's Commission.

Major Jarral's courage and bravery against all the odds completely changed the whole scenario of the Liberation war of Northern Areas in 1947-48.


Major Mohammad Khan Jarral with the officers from AK Regiment

Note: The Operation at that time involved contribution from both the then NLI (Gilgit Scouts) as well as the AJ Regiment units at the time.


1) jarral Rajput - Official Website
2) File:Zojila Road.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
3) dsc02309 pictures from hiking & backpacking photos on webshots



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I’m from the Azad Kashmir region and my entire elder generation served in the militia and fought in the war of liberation [1948]. After its induction into the Pakistan army properly, the regiment has been a home for many of Azad Kashmir’s sons.
Thanks for posting this thread Righteous fire , please post some more data on Maj Jarral.
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