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The Attack on Pakistan's Erieye


Sep 12, 2010
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Was just searching some pictures on the site, and here the Saab 2000 is serial number 10049. Look closely just to the left of the roundel, 49 is visible.

This is the first picture of 10049 in PAF colours I have seen. Previous picture was of SE049. (Swedish registration)
The question about the stricken erieye remains unanswered..
So we dont know how many erieye PAF are left with...
2 and a half... half one is going repairs from the damage sustained through RPG

I've never opened my mouth on this matter but don't even think of repairing the damaged bird, instead you can do Fitiha Khuani ... YOU PROBABLY KNOW WHAT I MEAN.
Many knows the reality about the AWACs, its better to keep quite and don't expect much from Armed forces.
Many knows the reality about the AWACs, its better to keep quite and don't expect much from Armed forces.

Yup. Most of people in PAF circles know about it, and so does most of the media. Ever wondered why only a couple of sources wrote it while others did not? There is some 'pressure' to them to keep shut.
Sorry to ask this q again but what is the status of our Erieyes. I have been reading about JF-17 in Zuhai and in that thread there is an alarming mention that all or most of these birds have been destroyed during the Kamra attack; is there any news either way?

I hope the news is damage at the most, not destroyed, but nevertheless it would be good to know what is what?
Sorry to ask this q again but what is the status of our Erieyes. I have been reading about JF-17 in Zuhai and in that thread there is an alarming mention that all or most of these birds have been destroyed during the Kamra attack; is there any news either way?

I hope the news is damage at the most, not destroyed, but nevertheless it would be good to know what is what?

I'll copy paste my post on this topic from a few pages ago..........anyone can say anything on a forum. Best bet is to look at what you know for a FACT and make your own mind up.................

For those who continue to try to convince us that 1 SAAB was destroyed and 2 SAABS were damaged (interestingly in earlier posts these same people had made iron clad claims that 2 were destroyed and one damaged?!?) - a few questions.....
1. The PAF spokesman repeatedly said only one aircraft sustained damage - was he lieing?
2. The PAF ACM on his visit to Minhas - specificaly said that the enemy aims were reduced to ashes due to the timely and effective response from base defence -- does that sound like the statement of a ACM who just had 1-2 of his prize assets wiped out? was he lieing?
3. The defence minister stated that he had been breifed by PAF senior officers that only one Saab sustained damage to its nose cone. The damage had been assessed and deemed repairable in country although the aircraft would still be sent to the manufacturer for checking to be on the safe side -- did he make all this up? was he lieing?
4. Retired VCAS and former base comander at Minhas Shahid Lateef obviously has contacts throughout PAF and you can be sure he knows far more details of what happened and when compared with anyone on this board or the media. Also note that he is not on any Govt / PAF / ISPR payroll and when PAF deserves it he is very critical of the PAF and Govt - watch his interviews after the Osama raid and you will know what I mean. In various interviews he specificaly stated that there was only one aircraft in the hanger that was attacked - it sustained minor damage and he praised the timely / effective response by the base defenders -- is this reputable, straight talking, undoubtedly knowledgeable, with no axe to grind, retired high ranking officer also lieing?

To counter all the above and more - you have a couple of low end urdu press reports stating that 1-2 Saabs were destroyed - with no named sources. Regardless - detractors of PAF and Pakistan will continue to believe and spend much energy trying to convince others that despite the very obvious odds -- it is actualy the odd urdu press report that is truthfull and not all of the above - that is to be expected.
I'll copy paste my post on this topic from a few pages ago..........anyone can say anything on a forum. Best bet is to look at what you know for a FACT and make your own mind up.................

For those who continue to try to convince us that 1 SAAB was destroyed and 2 SAABS were damaged (interestingly in earlier posts these same people had made iron clad claims that 2 were destroyed and one damaged?!?) - a few questions.....
1. The PAF spokesman repeatedly said only one aircraft sustained damage - was he lieing?
2. The PAF ACM on his visit to Minhas - specificaly said that the enemy aims were reduced to ashes due to the timely and effective response from base defence -- does that sound like the statement of a ACM who just had 1-2 of his prize assets wiped out? was he lieing?
3. The defence minister stated that he had been breifed by PAF senior officers that only one Saab sustained damage to its nose cone. The damage had been assessed and deemed repairable in country although the aircraft would still be sent to the manufacturer for checking to be on the safe side -- did he make all this up? was he lieing?
4. Retired VCAS and former base comander at Minhas Shahid Lateef obviously has contacts throughout PAF and you can be sure he knows far more details of what happened and when compared with anyone on this board or the media. Also note that he is not on any Govt / PAF / ISPR payroll and when PAF deserves it he is very critical of the PAF and Govt - watch his interviews after the Osama raid and you will know what I mean. In various interviews he specificaly stated that there was only one aircraft in the hanger that was attacked - it sustained minor damage and he praised the timely / effective response by the base defenders -- is this reputable, straight talking, undoubtedly knowledgeable, with no axe to grind, retired high ranking officer also lieing?

To counter all the above and more - you have a couple of low end urdu press reports stating that 1-2 Saabs were destroyed - with no named sources. Regardless - detractors of PAF and Pakistan will continue to believe and spend much energy trying to convince others that despite the very obvious odds -- it is actualy the odd urdu press report that is truthfull and not all of the above - that is to be expected.

typical establishment propaganda. One Answer. Yes they were all lying. Your Post don't hold any value when someone from PAF in IDEAS confirmed that 1 SAAB is taken out. Now All these people you are quoted will not go against the official line or show me one incident where the above mentioned officials have go against their institutions once the official policy has been made!. You know that. So stop patronizing.

Your statements are so shallow, if PAF were honest, they would have lined up all AWACS after the incident and would have shown that to Media. Now don't give the bull crap why PAF shouldn't. It's not a national security risk to do that. As the truth about JF-17 started to tickle down, same is happening with SAAB-2000

Last but not the least, when ever a vicious rumor or to criticize some anti army elements who could not appreciate sacrifices ISPR is quick to issue a statement. Not once, twice multiple times ISPR denial and criticism came through.

Now where ISPR denial in this case? Even Press attributed a vicious rumor against PAF. Even when Mirage Factory fire rumor was published in express, PAF on the same day issued a statement to deny this rumor. What happen with this SAAB-2000 AWAC rumor. No one denied that? anyone.

When you can't think logically, don't come with the same old rhetoric again and again
The glaringly obvious problem for the PAF is that they have not denied the rumours and have not released any images of these awacs to confirm the current status.

I have a horrible feeling that much damage was caused during that attack and these assets have been destroyed/badly damaged.

The deafening silence speaks volumes and that is the reason why I have this horrible feeling.

If our worst fears are true then I can understand the PAF looking like incompetent dickheads and hence why the top brass is trying to hold on to their jobs. However, this is negligence of the highest level and especially having suffered attacks and seen attacks on Mehran and not to bolster the perimeters and carry out a risk assessment is dereliction of duty.

The villages and slums are too close to the bases and a major plan must be implemented to secure our remaining assets. the villages must be removed from the perimeter and decent housing be provided away from the base.

It is also strange that the TTP have chosen the electronics to destroy such as the P3C and the AWACs which have nothing to do with them since they have neither ships or an airforce. So maybe our neighbours have managed to give us a bloody nose once again and we are left looking for some shred of dignity to cover our a$$es.
The glaringly obvious problem for the PAF is that they have not denied the rumours and have not released any images of these awacs to confirm the current status.

I have a horrible feeling that much damage was caused during that attack and these assets have been destroyed/badly damaged.

The deafening silence speaks volumes and that is the reason why I have this horrible feeling.

If our worst fears are true then I can understand the PAF looking like incompetent dickheads and hence why the top brass is trying to hold on to their jobs. However, this is negligence of the highest level and especially having suffered attacks and seen attacks on Mehran and not to bolster the perimeters and carry out a risk assessment is dereliction of duty.

The villages and slums are too close to the bases and a major plan must be implemented to secure our remaining assets. the villages must be removed from the perimeter and decent housing be provided away from the base.

It is also strange that the TTP have chosen the electronics to destroy such as the P3C and the AWACs which have nothing to do with them since they have neither ships or an airforce. So maybe our neighbours have managed to give us a bloody nose once again and we are left looking for some shred of dignity to cover our a$$es.

There is no denial from PAF simply because NOBODY in mainstream media - local or international has given any credit / time to this rumour which is by and large limited to forums like this. Should we expect PAF to line up its assets to disprove rumours on forums?
Why is the same base commander still in charge at Kamra if he let the Saabs get wiped out? Would he not have been quickly despatched -- same as the commander of the naval base that got attacked -- if indeed damage had been any more than officialy confirmed??
There is no denial from PAF simply because NOBODY in mainstream media - local or international has given any credit / time to this rumour which is by and large limited to forums like this. Should we expect PAF to line up its assets to disprove rumours on forums?
Why is the same base commander still in charge at Kamra if he let the Saabs get wiped out? Would he not have been quickly despatched -- same as the commander of the naval base that got attacked -- if indeed damage had been any more than officialy confirmed??

Sorry mate, I think my frustration is that I don't know what has been said officially about this issue. This forum is especially knowledgeable of Pak defence matters and this is my main source of information. I am sure many of the people here are ex or serving service personnel and therefore they have the sources and contacts to get the real story.

However it is also true that the PAF will be aware that there rumours regarding the state of these shockingly expensive birds and hence in some guise or another the PAF can release the necessary information about the state of the assets. In my experience a long silence and news blackouts usually indicate the truth of the rumours. However, I am hoping and praying that the assets are safe and doing their duty in our skies.
There is no denial from PAF simply because NOBODY in mainstream media - local or international has given any credit / time to this rumour which is by and large limited to forums like this. Should we expect PAF to line up its assets to disprove rumours on forums?
Why is the same base commander still in charge at Kamra if he let the Saabs get wiped out? Would he not have been quickly despatched -- same as the commander of the naval base that got attacked -- if indeed damage had been any more than officialy confirmed??

LIE. Rumor reported in a mainstream local newspaper Same Reporter told the two different things. For his first rumor, Denial came first day. For his second none. And just for your convenience, his first rumour was not either reported by other newspapers yet denial came first time why? because news paper itself is one of the main streamers.

And yeah btw it took 5-8 months to dispatch navy commander home because inquiry commission's took a long time to compile their findings. So how do you expect a base commander to be dispatched home so early?

and FYI. Sophisticated militaries around the world even cares about the rumors spread on forums or any section of internet. See an example of how American Navy denied the internet rumors of some issue.NOBODY in mainstream media - local or international reported that rumour yet they feel obligated to deny this thing.! Only in Pakistan, Military establishment cares about their egos! no wonder your mentality reflects their though process

The Navy on Wednesday said that the abrupt removal of an admiral commanding a Mideast aircraft carrier group was not related to the Sept. 11 U.S. consulate attack in Libya, refuting Internet rumors in the week leading up to the U.S. presidential election.

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