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The Assassination of Indira Gandhi

I knew that part. But i wasnt sure if IG was really shattered by his death.

Well I based my observation on general human psychology, any other mother would have been - loss of a child is something most parents never recover from.
It was after watching your videos on SPG that I started to read more about them. :)
I wasnt aware of the blue-book.

I thought SPG was created after Rajiv Gandhi's death.

You've misunderstood. The author meant that sikh guards and officers were removed from closed proximity duties after op.blue star, and that was a temporary phase.
The SPG was raised in 1985 in response to Indira Gandhi's death. Rajiv Gandhi was covered by SPG whilst in office but once he became a former PM he no longer was, in response to his death the SPG act was amended to cover former PMs also-subject to annual reviews.

It is the belief of the SPG that, had they been responsible for his security after he left office, he would still be alive today.

+ the comment I made about Sikh security officers was not in response to you directly @levina but it was an attempt to preempt these sort of lies that always come up on this subject.
Well I based my observation on general human psychology, any other mother would have been - loss of a child is something most parents never recover from.
His death brought an end to the blackmails she faced, the news must have given her relief too.
But yes I do agree that it hurts deep down.
The SPG was raised in 1985 in response to Indira Gandhi's death. Rajiv Gandhi was covered by SPG whilst in office but once he became a former PM he no longer was, in response to his death the SPG act was amended to cover former PMs also-subject to annual reviews
comment I made about Sikh security officers was not in response to you directly @levina but it was an attempt to preempt these sort of lies that always come up on this subject.
True. Some ppl are quick to jump into conclusions.
Yes thats true.
But lets not give it communal color..
The article says this....
"It is a rule of prudence followed by the security agencies of many countries that no officer belonging to a community, which is aggrieved against the Government, should be deployed as bodyguards of the head of the government.
For many years in the US, officers from the Afro-American community were not deployed by the US Secret Service as bodyguards to the President.
Similarly, Catholic officers from Northern Ireland were not deployed as bodyguards to the British Prime Minister.
Unfortunately, in India, decisions taken in the interest of national security, are sought to be given an unnecessary communal colour, thereby weakening security. The withdrawal of the Sikh officers from close-proximity duties came to the notice of Indira Gandhi. Some say she noticed it herself. Others say one of her close associates noticed it, ascertained from the Delhi Police that this was done on the orders of Kao and brought this to her attention.
She expressed her misgivings over the wisdom of the decision. Following this, the withdrawn Sikh Police officers were posted back to her residence. However, Kao instructed that no Sikh police officer should normally be posted alone in her close proximity and that, whenever a Sikh police officer was posted in her close proximity, he should be accompanied by a non-Sikh officer. "

I agree.
But they failed to provide her security, and it is interesting to note that both the security guards manipulated the schedule so that they were on duty at her residence on the same day. I'm sure this manipulation could have happened without the knowledge of a higher official. JMHO!!!
Everyone wanted IG dead, from US to groups which supported Khalistan.

leave granted... :P
It is such an irony that Sikhs have always been leading from the front in any field or battle but have always been neglected and mistreated. Khalistan is a reality, which is nigh!
It is such an irony that Sikhs have always been leading from the front in any field or battle but have always been neglected and mistreated. Khalistan is a reality, which is nigh!
And your nationality is...?
Let me tell you that ppl of every sect have been mistreated in India at one point or the other. Post op.blue star and IG's assassination whatever unfolded in Punjab was unfortunate.
But am sure that's not how they are treated now.
Khalistan is a paid movement, and this is the proof....

And your nationality is...?
Let me tell you that ppl of every sect have been mistreated in India at one point or the other. Post op.blue star and IG's assassination whatever unfolded in Punjab was unfortunate.
But am sure that's not how they are treated now.
Khalistan is a paid movement, and this is the proof....

View attachment 260268
I am not going to lie, yes Sikhs are being treated well now and trying to move along with India but they are still not being accepted in many hearts and you know that too. Politics and political statements make everything shimmer but on the ground, reality is much bitter than what you see or hear. And about the picture that you attached, really? There were many reports that 26/11 was conducted by some people in the government, so who is paying them?
I am not going to lie, yes Sikhs are being treated well now and trying to move along with India but they are still not being accepted in many hearts and you know that too.
1) you gave away your nationality.
2) you should stop jumping into conclusions.
Sikhs are one of the most respected ppl in India.
Politics and political statements make everything shimmer but on the ground, reality is much bitter than what you see or hear.
It's not about political statements,we even had a Sikh COAS.

And about the picture that you attached, really?
The picture speaks for itself.

There were many reports that 26/11 was conducted by some people in the government, so who is paying them?
And what was the source to such reports???
Indira Gandhi was one of the best PM in India.Of Course she took several bad decisions when she was in power.But except current PM ,AB Vajpayee and for a certain extent Rajiv .Noone couldnt take perfect strategic decisions during their rule,like her
On topic .Some points in this article still carry some relevance .
One is that same obsessivness of our establishments including media towards the communalism.Now dys a mere road accident can be twisted in to communal war .

I dont think that TV incident is cause for personal vendetta.Officers that involved was only 15 .The only loss they faced due to that episode was losing of some TV sets and some money . But they would have been lose their life perhaps including their families if they involved in this assassination.
Things like thiscan easily leaked.

Pakistan could have been assassinate her even before 80s .But in this case American angle was clear especially that academic study and BBC study.

But at the end it was a duty of security team .Threats can be come from anywhere .But the sheer lack of supervision caused these assassination.
Settling into a routine is the worst thing that that can happen to a security agency.

I do not think an attempt is being made to blame any agency in particular but none of the agencies involved in national security and the personal security of the PM can absolve themselves of their responsibility in lapses that led to her death.

Once security becomes ' routine' thats when lapses like the kind that led to her assassination took place.

To me as far as the role of agencies is concerned - they collectively & individually failed to pre empt, monitor , track,& stop events that led to the assassination.
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