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The Art of Subversion and Demoralization - Yuri Bezminov


Jun 2, 2011
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Here I found guru of Zaid Hamid :victory:

Joke aside - i don't know this has been shared here already or not but it's Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov (also known as Tomas David Schuman; 1939 -- 1997) was a journalist for RIA Novosti and a former KGB informant from the Soviet Union who defected to Canada.

In this interesting hour long lecture he explains KGB's subversive tactics for ideological subversion of the target country.

Like to know your views.

To Trolls _|_
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No views? Dudes he claims that he was instrument in 71, KGB is applying these tactics againt US, samething was done many other countries and also happening with India & Pakistan. Most interesting thing is at end he says that best defence against this is keep religion intact & closed/conservative society.
@Armstrong @Hyperion @Irfan Baloch @FaujHistorian @Emmie
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It's a pretty long video.
Seems interesting, will have a watch later.
seen it all and here are the bullet points for all the lazy people here

I will let you guys build up the relation to Pakistan in current times
if its too hard to relate then think

Lal Masjid, hailing the religious thugs as heros
black coat hooliganism (if not sure then ask me and I got a video to show what I mean)
Blasphemy law and lynch mob
Laskher Jhangvi mass killers hailed as heroes by radicalised society
BLA, TTP head on fight with state
private channels and anchors who have more pay than the entire advertising income of the channel (how?)
influence of Indian movies and propoganda
Americvan movies
the influence of Saudi religion via constructions of Mosques and Madrassas
slowly converting peaceful and moderate Sunnis into Wahabis and Deobandis
political parties and radicalised media praising taliban
sham and fake surveys showing Osama and taliban having 75% approval rating
calling own army as slaves and killers while calling TTP "our own angry brothers"

ok now the bullet points of the presentation

In the world of Secret service
85% of the resources are spent on subversion and destruction of the enemy and only 15 % on stealing sensitive information

A closed society cant be subverted
A country that intends to subvert another nation needs to find an opening via trade, education, media, showbiz, race and religion but its only 2 way traffic if a nation is closed society it cant be subverted

State policy to fight is not war but subvert the enemy to a point that he doesn’t see you as a threat but as an alternative , self loathing, self critics and self hatred is a must for everything from ideology, religion, military, education and customs



15- 20 year demoralise the society
Educate generation that fighting is futile, shaping public opinion through social life, education and religion , power structure and economy (our system is a failure) tactical subversion

Ridicule religion , bring in cults and sects
Education take away from traditional education to useless education
Identify Agents, disenchanted, disillusioned, dacoits, extremists
Encourage unelected people who control your thoughts
Erode law and order and institution ridicule it and idealise and present an outlaw as a hero
Economy & employee relations, strikes affecting people & economy
Propagating groups with idea of equality & equal opportunity regardless of ability thus destroying the concept of reward or recognition for excellence. Whereas it should be constructive and fair completion to survive and help each other.

Target institutions police, military, economy (radicalise bargaining potentials)
Use fight to settle disputes, hostilities, lack of acceptance, refusing legitimate demands of workers
Then presenting violent people as desirable and noble.

Sleeper cells become active, become public figures, labour leaders, media anchors, teachers, political activists has to be extremist, antagonist , and radical. With a front face of NGO and social service getting paid in name of charity but with hidden agenda of subversion
Revolution committees, vice and virtue

Civil war / invasion
Instigate last stage when above are reached at peak (mukti Bahmi, TTP, BLA)

All radicals, activists, extremists are eliminated once their use is done
Bring in forces to normalise to establish new law and system
Mujeeb was used and then shot
Amin, Babrak and then Najeeb Afghanistan

How to counter Subversion

Fight destabilisation-
Self restraint via religion
Consumerism of things that are unnecessary

Fight demoralisation Restrict propaganda, movies, books, literature, gimmicks reject movies & foreign way of life
Babyloninas, Moinjo doro collapsed and disappeared the moment they gave up religion, religion keeps people together , spirit and moral superiority usage against physically powerful enemy
Subversions etc. is as old as the man himself.

Even though the video is interesting, but really there is nothing new.

*** Weak minded, unaware, tribal groups get "subverted".

*** Strong minded, fully aware, civilized nations cannot be "subverted".
---- In fact they (if needed for their own defense) go and subvert others.

Many Pakistani intellectuals are weak minded, and uneducated about the history and geography of the country.

Hence they have been easily subverted by the commies and Islamists.

re the concept being old what I think is that we should "remember" that we as people need to be "reminded" of the obvious
sometimes the clues are in front of us but we continue to ignore them.

the decision makers and the population sometimes acts like a herd of cattle and follow the leader (a possible subverter) without thinking so you need to be reminded all the time
Holy Quran is full of past stories that keep reminding people the "to do's " and to avoid list".

you are very right when you say that weak minded get the most influenced
also I will add the people who are confused and "disillusioned" e.g. what are we ? Arabs? Asians? Sindhis Balochis or Muslims? are Baloch lesser Muslims? are Bengalis lesser Muslims? why they decided to part with us?

we got people among us in the settled area who accept the Iraqi Falujah footage as footage of red Mosque, where there are white phosphorus burnt bodies of Iraqis shown as "innocent" Red mosque students, even the next door neighbours believe that white phosphorus was bombarded in the madrassa and the mosque although if it was true then the entire block in 2 square miles would have vanished. and then there are those who gleefully distribute videos of TTP beheading their captives.

we are in very advance stages of subversion and our state institutions need to stop being apologetic and stick "that" where it will hurt the perpetrators the most otherwise
Pakistan ka Khuda Hafiz
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@Irfan Baloch

Pakistani educated elite is literate for sure, but mainly devoid of the basic and I mean very basic concepts like "citizen-ship".

Pre-Roman period Greeks figured it out, and Romans used the same concept to build one of the longest running empire that covered much of the globe.

Alas, we the educated elite of Pakistan, believe that learning from Greeks and Romans is somehow "blasphemous".

And thus we are stuck with medieval tribal ways of thinking that is totally NOT suitable for setting up a multicultural, multiethnic, multireligious nation. Why, because Arab tribal societies had never had the concept of "citizen-ship", and they still do not.

If today our intellectuals learn just a tiny bit from the Greeks and Romans, Pakistan will be on a path to fantastic development, and nation building.

And who knows if you follow the rules of building an empire, you may end up with one (even though I am not recommending it ;).

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So,irfan bhai is back, how are you feeling after the 'historic' election and your amir ul momineen in power. Please take me with you,when you go to get your share of those 'karakdar' newly printed riyals......oh we were talking about subversion...... :D

@Irfan Baloch
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when someone became a Roman citizen then he became equal and full member of the empire that was something which people of the far flung areas of empire aspired to.

whereas that was never the case with the Arabs, before and after Islam. the same reason they got kicked out of Europe, something completely forgotten by the racist Sheikhs although clearly spelled out in the last Khutba of the Prophet PBUH
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when someone became a Roman citizen then he became equal and full member of the empire that was something which people of the far flung areas of empire aspired to.

whereas that was never the case with the Arabs, before and after Islam. the same reason they got kicked out of Europe, something completely forgotten by the racist Sheikhs although clearly spelled out in the last Khutba of the Prophet PBUH

wow! Thank you thank you.

"Darya ko koozay main band ker diya apnay" (succinctly put).

We'll not understand what you said, unless we take of our relgiously-colored glasses.

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watch out for another doze through the media where a selection section of "enlightened" journalists started mocking the concept of Pakistan's strategic dept viz a viz Afghanistan.

the goons of PMLn and all other parties that have their own axes to grind against the GHQ joined the farse without even bothering to know the concept and completely misinterpreting it.

strategic depht only meant a non-hostile regime in Afghanistan. it never meant that we would withdraw into Afghanistan and regroup in the face of Indian assault.
its stupid and utter rubbish but with the scums like Najam Sethi , Ahsan Iqbal, Khawaja Asif etc misleading the nation through constant feed on the airwaves, the recipient has no time to look up through the real meaning and concept and accept the junk as "legit" because many people are saying it,

in a self revealing program on ARY, I saw a program of anchors from different channels who admitted that they had been offered salaries that were well beyond the entire advertising budget of the channel (which is mainly the bread & butter of a TV channel) and the condition was, they were to give preference to stories that suggested the failure of Pakistani system, its military and the social cohesion. and some Anchors were overtly "encouraged" by certain entities to portray a very negative image of the army in particular and punjabis in Particular.

a debate stayed for years to suggest that Pakistan army was mainly a Punjabi army and thus suggesting that rest of the provinces were oppressed by Punjab and people with the knowledge of Pakistan's most diversified institution found themselves dumb founded and helpless in the face of the media misinformation onslaught

the tricks of trade are old and so is the story, just the venue and the actors are new.
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