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The army that terrorized the Houthis and eliminated their dreams forever

The Saudi led war with Houthi was ill planned. Infact, the thought process was based on huge military spending and hitech equipment Arabs had. However, they did not knew that Houthi has upper hand in Gorilla fighting and it is very different from conventional fight. Then there is Iranian connection as well.

If I cut it short. Iranians have successfully pinned Arab armies in Yemen. For 1$ Iran spends on houthis Arabs have to spend 1000$ and it is draining them. Moreover, the public opinion is not so supportive. The drone strikes on oil fields will further deteriorate the situation. If Houthi are able to destroy hot/important targets like couple of refineries the situation can become more desperate for Arabs especially Saudis

The drone attack on oil field near UAE border is an alarming situation. If Houthis are able to hit important targets then Saudis and Arabs will be very embracing situation
More incoherent blabbering and nonsense from some trolls in this thread.

KSA and the Arab coalition controls 90% of Yemen and all its strategic areas, 99.9% of all ports and all the oil and gas. Yemen is a heavily mountainous country the size of Iraq and Syria combined. No other Muslim country has in modern history controlled let alone conquered such a huge country and held it for this long with minimal loses against the most heavily armed terrorist group in the world (Houthis).


Only on PDF are the Houthi terrorist cult "winning" and KSA losing.:lol:

The Saudi led war with Houthi was ill planned. Infact, the thought process was based on huge military spending and hitech equipment Arabs had. However, they did not knew that Houthi has upper hand in Gorilla fighting and it is very different from conventional fight. Then there is Iranian connection as well.

If I cut it short. Iranians have successfully pinned Arab armies in Yemen. For 1$ Iran spends on houthis Arabs have to spend 1000$ and it is draining them. Moreover, the public opinion is not so supportive. The drone strikes on oil fields will further deteriorate the situation. If Houthi are able to destroy hot/important targets like couple of refineries the situation can become more desperate for Arabs especially Saudis

The drone attack on oil field near UAE border is an alarming situation. If Houthis are able to hit important targets then Saudis and Arabs will be very embracing situation

You have been reading way too much imaginary propaganda.

Most of the war is financed by Yemeni oil and gas that remains in the hand of the legitimate Yemeni government that happens to be aligned with KSA and the Arab coalition.

Iran has done jack shit in Yemen as they are barely relevant. Some IRGC terrorists and Hezbollah terrorists entering a lawless and Houthi-controlled Yemen prior to the Arab coalition intervention is all there is to it. Most of the Houthi terrorist cult's weaponry is Soviet in origin as they managed to control most of the inventory of the Yemeni military.

Hence why KSA and the Arab coalition have been rebuilding the Yemeni army in the past 4.5 years that is part and parcel of every operation to regain Yemeni land.

Those pathetic tiny toy drones did zero harm. They only were able to cross that far into KSA (supposedly) due to crossing the mighty Rub' al-Khali that is more or less uninhabited. This is a valuable lesson for KSA (despite not even close to serious damage).

ummmm nahhh they didnt, they ve pretty much left the battle to the saudis now and houthis are still there tormentting saudis and in control of Sanaa

Tormenting?:lol: Are you on drugs? Or just too much baseless propaganda like the few other trolls in this thread?

It is very weak army.

It is the strongest army in the world compared to UAE's population. With battle-experience in several conflict zones. Far superior to most of the world's armies which are only armies in name. Quit trolling and spamming every single thread on PDF.

Are you talking about yourself minimi?:lol:

Saudi Paratroopers are at the doors of the Houthi's leader stronghold.. there is a thread about it in this same section.. check it out..

PDF is turning into a cesspool for trolls. No point in even engaging. Waste of time frankly.

@Dubious this serial troll is posting graphic content (propaganda, nothing to do with KSA) which should result in an automatic ban as graphic content is not allowed. He has been posting that video in several threads (just took a quick look, you can as well yourself).

With that mentality, I wonder whether complacency is the cause of Arab militaries failing in their objectives. Learn to take some constructive criticism, it would go a long way in helping you realize your objectives.

No offense but you do realize that very few ethnic groups (can be counted on 2 or 3 fingers) are a match or even a rival for the Arab military history and achievements throughout recorded history so far?

If KSA/UAE/Arab coalition/Yemen lost, the US lost in Iraq and Afghanistan as well. The reality is a different one though when using all 3 examples. Turkey lost the war against a pathetically armed PKK (in comparison) as well in the past 40 years as they have failed to defeat them and even some areas INSIDE Turkey, are lawless and heavily pro-PKK. Let alone Northern Iraq and Northern Syria. That is a 100 times bigger failure using your logic.

Except that this isn't true. There hasn't been any loss of ground since the campaign started years ago. The question isn't if Saudi Arabia can hold ground but rather if they can increase the pace of the advance.

Then all militaries in the world are on the same boat so the UAE can be considered competent.

This thread has been infested by trolls. We are all wasting our time.

I guess that is why the UAE recently withdrew most of their forces from Yemen.

You guessed wrong my Iranian false-flagging troll pretending to be an Englishman (lol).

That rumor was denied and in fact UAE has upped their game in Yemen.


@Dubious How come banned double users are able to create new users and omit every single ban this way?

@Battle of Waterloo user is the banned @WinterNights
More incoherent blabbering and nonsense from some trolls in this thread.

KSA and the Arab coalition controls 90% of Yemen and all its strategic areas, 99.9% of all ports and all the oil and gas. Yemen is a heavily mountainous country the size of Iraq and Syria combined. No other Muslim country has in modern history controlled let alone conquered such a huge country and held it for this long with minimal loses against the most heavily armed terrorist group in the world (Houthis).


Only on PDF are the Houthi terrorist cult "winning" and KSA losing.:lol:

You have been reading way too much imaginary propaganda.

Most of the war is financed by Yemeni oil and gas that remains in the hand of the legitimate Yemeni government that happens to be aligned with KSA and the Arab coalition.

Iran has done jack shit in Yemen as they are barely relevant. Some IRGC terrorists and Hezbollah terrorists entering a lawless and Houthi-controlled Yemen prior to the Arab coalition intervention is all there is to it. Most of the Houthi terrorist cult's weaponry is Soviet in origin as they managed to control most of the inventory of the Yemeni military.

Hence why KSA and the Arab coalition have been rebuilding the Yemeni army in the past 4.5 years that is part and parcel of every operation to regain Yemeni land.

Those pathetic tiny toy drones did zero harm. They only were able to cross that far into KSA (supposedly) due to crossing the mighty Rub' al-Khali that is more or less uninhabited. This is a valuable lesson for KSA (despite not even close to serious damage).

Tormenting?:lol: Are you on drugs? Or just too much baseless propaganda like the few other trolls in this thread?

It is the strongest army in the world compared to UAE's population. With battle-experience in several conflict zones. Far superior to most of the world's armies which are only armies in name. Quit trolling and spamming every single thread on PDF.

PDF is turning into a cesspool for trolls. No point in even engaging. Waste of time frankly.

@Dubious this serial troll is posting graphic content (propaganda, nothing to do with KSA) which should result in an automatic ban as graphic content is not allowed. He has been posting that video in several threads (just took a quick look, you can as well yourself).

No offense but you do realize that very few ethnic groups (can be counted on 2 or 3 fingers) are a match or even a rival for the Arab military history and achievements throughout recorded history so far?

If KSA/UAE/Arab coalition/Yemen lost, the US lost in Iraq and Afghanistan as well. The reality is a different one though when using all 3 examples. Turkey lost the war against a pathetically armed PKK (in comparison) as well in the past 40 years as they have failed to defeat them and even some areas INSIDE Turkey, are lawless and heavily pro-PKK. Let alone Northern Iraq and Northern Syria. That is a 100 times bigger failure using your logic.

This thread has been infested by trolls. We are all wasting our time.

You guessed wrong my Iranian false-flagging troll pretending to be an Englishman (lol).

That rumor was denied and in fact UAE has upped their game in Yemen.


@Dubious How come banned double users are able to create new users and omit every single ban this way?

@Battle of Waterloo user is the banned @WinterNights
dude you have quoted so many people desperately. instead of taking a headon collision approach with everyone you should understand the topic first. the op is claiming that UAE army is feared by houthis which is outright false claim...tell me it is not true that UAE has pulled out most of its troop from Yemen ? and prove me wrong.
2ndly you say most of the area is controlled by Arab coalition...well if you read my post carefully i ve clearly written that houthis control the west, capital and north western yemen.... but thats the way it always was, they never controlled the eastern or centeral yemen. and the Arab coalition failed to evict them from their strongholds which was and is the western yemen...tell me thats not true ??
i am not on drugs dude you are biased and cant see ground realities i ve no love lost for houthis or for that matter any one in this war i m stating just plain facts.
3rdly it depends on your definition of 99 % CONTROL....well the rest of the yemen which is not in Houthis control is also not in very good shape and not in complete CONTROL of your coalition ...centeral yemen is swarming with daesh and alqqaeda ,,and again the saudis and UAE failed to even defeat them...tell me again that this is also wrong!!
dude you have quoted so many people desperately. instead of taking a headon collision approach with everyone you should understand the topic first. the op is claiming that UAE army is feared by houthis which is outright false claim...tell me it is not true that UAE has pulled out most of its troop from Yemen ? and prove me wrong.
2ndly you say most of the area is controlled by Arab coalition...well if you read my post carefully i ve clearly written that houthis control the west, capital and north western yemen.... but thats the way it always was, they never controlled the eastern or centeral yemen. and the Arab coalition failed to evict them from their strongholds which was and is the western yemen...tell me thats not true ??
i am not on drugs dude you are biased and cant see ground realities i ve no love lost for houthis or for that matter any one in this war i m stating just plain facts.
3rdly it depends on your definition of 99 % CONTROL....well the rest of the yemen which is not in Houthis control is also not in very good shape and not in complete CONTROL of your coalition ...centeral yemen is swarming with daesh and alqqaeda ,,and again the saudis and UAE failed to even defeat them...tell me again that this is also wrong!!

You think that quoting propaganda nonsense and imaginary nonsense makes me desperate?:lol:

It is not true (a small TEMPORARY troop reduction does not equal a withdrawal) and they better be feared as the Houthi's lost all battles against the UAE (as well as against KSA and the Arab coalition btw).

British pamphlet:


They controlled almost all of Yemen before the Arab coalition emerged. So that is fake propaganda. How do you think the second largest city in Yemen (Aden) was liberated again?

The entire world failed to defeat ISIS in Iraq and Syria as well. ISIS pockets remain and attack both countries each week. In Yemen they are much less active.

You propose to carpet bomb all those areas of Yemen and not leave a living soul or what is it? KSA can do that 1000 times more effective than Al-Assad in Syria.

The US has spent 18 years in Afghanistan and Taliban has only gotten stronger. They must be a pathetically weak army as well.
It is not true (a small TEMPORARY troop reduction does not equal a withdrawal)

lets just agree to disagree on few things:

1. Wrong: its not a temporary troop reduction, they first announced some reduction in June this year and in July they announced a partial withdrawl in 1st phase

2. They never controlled "almost" complete Yemen not even in 2015.

3. Aden was captured well and good, but at the same time its not true that Houthis lost all battles, Hudaidah siege went on for many months but the coalition could not take it.

and no offence to you, i am not on houthis side here not even propagating anything on their behalf just sharing my opinion on the conflict and how it is unfolding
The army that terrorized the Houthis and eliminated their dreams forever

#Emirates Army
I don't know what u are talking about , i have been following yemen war closing since saudia entered it , all uae done was they built southern transitional council ( a state within a state ) heavily armed and funded by uae whose only motive is to create southern yemen as separate country against the wishes of saudia, now in liberated areas of South yemen there is civil war between legitimate government and STC , uae even tried to occupy Scotra island island which also back fired, i would trust Israelis but never trust uae under mohd bin zayed who killed his brothers to take over...
What's happ3ning in Aden now ? Thanks to UAE

I don't know what u are talking about , i have been following yemen war closing since saudia entered it , all uae done was they built southern transitional council ( a state within a state ) heavily armed and funded by uae whose only motive is to create southern yemen as separate country against the wishes of saudia, now in liberated areas of South yemen there is civil war between legitimate government and STC , uae even tried to occupy Scotra island island which also back fired, i would trust Israelis but never trust uae under mohd bin zayed who killed his brothers to take over...
What's happ3ning in Aden now ? Thanks to UAE
lets just agree to disagree on few things:

1. Wrong: its not a temporary troop reduction, they first announced some reduction in June this year and in July they announced a partial withdrawl in 1st phase

2. They never controlled "almost" complete Yemen not even in 2015.

3. Aden was captured well and good, but at the same time its not true that Houthis lost all battles, Hudaidah siege went on for many months but the coalition could not take it.

Your first point is plain wrong.

Second as well. Go take a look at a map between September 2014 and March 2015.

Hudaydah was lost and only UN crying saved them. This is well documented. Remember the entire "Yemen will starve to death" propaganda nonsense prior to the operation? Besides most of the fighting on the ground was done by local Yemeni forces as it is supposed to be.

I don't know what u are talking about , i have been following yemen war closing since saudia entered it , all uae done was they built southern transitional council ( a state within a state ) heavily armed and funded by uae whose only motive is to create southern yemen as separate country against the wishes of saudia, now in liberated areas of South yemen there is civil war between legitimate government and STC , uae even tried to occupy Scotra island island which also back fired, i would trust Israelis but never trust uae under mohd bin zayed who killed his brothers to take over...
What's happ3ning in Aden now ? Thanks to UAE

Some of what you wrote is accurate, other not so much. The Southern Transnational Council is not an enemy of either KSA, UAE or the Arab coalition or the legitimate Yemeni government. They are enemies of the Houthis terrorist cult and have been fighting them. This is internal Yemeni disagreements based on the North and South divide.

Anyway ending it here as there are already 100's of threads about Yemen.
lets just agree to disagree on few things:

1. Wrong: its not a temporary troop reduction, they first announced some reduction in June this year and in July they announced a partial withdrawl in 1st phase

2. They never controlled "almost" complete Yemen not even in 2015.

3. Aden was captured well and good, but at the same time its not true that Houthis lost all battles, Hudaidah siege went on for many months but the coalition could not take it.

and no offence to you, i am not on houthis side here not even propagating anything on their behalf just sharing my opinion on the conflict and how it is unfolding
Arab coalition could easily defeat Houthis by bombarding Sanaa and key cities for weeks and not allowing food in but they are actually limiting civilian casualties. IMO they should wait for military parades of Houthis and drop LGBs on them.

I have heard of Houthis shooting down MQ-9 reaper yesterday but how are they getting SAM systems from Iran? Can't it be stopped?
Arab coalition could easily defeat Houthis by bombarding Sanaa and key cities for weeks and not allowing food in but they are actually limiting civilian casualties. IMO they should wait for military parades of Houthis and drop LGBs on them.

I have heard of Houthis shooting down MQ-o yesterday but how are they getting SAM systems from Iran? Can't it be stopped?

Can't be done as they are hiding behind masses of civilians. Those protests that you see are "forced" protests. Similar to what people could witness in the USSR and what they witness in Iran. Intimidation, threats etc. are used to push people on the streets to "protest".

Nothing to do with the failed Iranian Mullah regime. Remember that the Houthi terrorist cult made a deal with the substantial anti-Saleh element within the Yemeni army when the took control of Yemen in September 2014. So most of the substantial inventory of the Yemeni army fell into the hands of the Houthis and allies. Those are Russian/Soviet era weapons.

The only thing that the Satanic Farsi Mullah regime did was to send some IRGC terrorists (alongside Hezbollah terrorists) to aid the Houthis between September 2014 and March 2015. Was proven after killing some of them by the Arab coalition and confiscating their mobile phones.
Your first point is plain wrong.

Second as well. Go take a look at a map between September 2014 and March 2015.

Hudaydah was lost and only UN crying saved them. This is well documented. Remember the entire "Yemen will starve to death" propaganda nonsense prior to the operation? Besides most of the fighting on the ground was done by local Yemeni forces as it is supposed to be.

Some of what you wrote is accurate, other not so much. The Southern Transnational Council is not an enemy of either KSA, UAE or the Arab coalition or the legitimate Yemeni government. They are enemies of the Houthis terrorist cult and have been fighting them. This is internal Yemeni disagreements based on the North and South divide.

Anyway ending it here as there are already 100's of threads about Yemen.

I don't know where u get ur facts from, rem mohd bin zayed is a snake it will bite u one day and it will be too late then , stc didnt take part in liberating taiz , ibb and bayda they instead went on to Aden and Abyan , why? Houthis took over South yemen in 48 hours after hadi was over thrown now they want to show their power to legitimate government which retook Aden and Abyan from houthis
Unthankful bastard , and who built armed and funded stc? Uae
Stc all they care about is south yemen as a state they give a shit to houthis

Arab coalition could easily defeat Houthis by bombarding Sanaa and key cities for weeks and not allowing food in but they are actually limiting civilian casualties. IMO they should wait for military parades of Houthis and drop LGBs on them.

I have heard of Houthis shooting down MQ-9 reaper yesterday but how are they getting SAM systems from Iran? Can't it be stopped?

They getting weapons through hodeidah under UN supervision . Arab regime been fooled by UN by giving halting hodeidah liberation operation when houthis were on the verge of defeat in hodeidah
UN is co operating with houthis covertly , houthis leader flew on UN planes to travel to Iran and meet khomeni
I don't know where u get ur facts from, rem mohd bin zayed is a snake it will bite u one day and it will be too late then , stc didnt take part in liberating taiz , ibb and bayda they instead went on to Aden and Abyan , why? Houthis took over South yemen in 48 hours after hadi was over thrown now they want to show their power to legitimate government which retook Aden and Abyan from houthis
Unthankful bastard , and who built armed and funded stc? Uae
Stc all they care about is south yemen as a state they give a shit to houthis

I am telling you that the STC has not been attacking the Arab coalition nor KSA. It is an internal South-North Yemen rivalry (political and tribal).

Quite frankly let the Yemenis do what they want to do. If they want to fight for an eternity between themselves and keep killing themselves that is their problem. KSA is in Yemen to protect our legitimate interests and to fight the Houthi terrorist cult that is our main enemy.

If it was up to me and many Arabians, there would be 1 single Arabian country/entity again. People will be actively working towards that goal when the right time emerges.

They getting weapons through hodeidah under UN supervision . Arab regime been fooled by UN by giving halting hodeidah liberation operation when houthis were on the verge of defeat in hodeidah
UN is co operating with houthis covertly , houthis leader flew on UN planes to travel to Iran and meet khomeni

No doubt about that. That is why the leaders in power should not give 2 crap about the useless UN and use the Al-Assad approach. I would have carpet bombed all those terrorist strongholds.

@Dubious @Irfan Baloch I have not engaged with this user at all and yet I am forced to on this occasion because of this false accusation.

Please confirm for this libellous troll that I am not "Winter Nights" and confirm PDF's stance against such false accusation trolling.


You are 100% that user and 100% Iranian as well although you try to hide your identity and pretend to be an Englishman (lol). You also used to tag your favorite pro-Iran Mullah regime moderator as well which you did just again. Thanks for exposing yourself further.

Half of your posts to date have been either about KSA or Arabs. Seems that the long-held obsession is going nowhere, lol.
STC captures two Yemeni army bases

Southern forces seized two Yemeni government military bases near the southern port of Aden early yesterday, triggering fresh clashes, residents and officials said.

The forces of Southern Transitional Council (STC) and government are both part of a Saudi-led military coalition battling the Iran-aligned Al Houthi movement, which took over the capital Sana’a in 2014.

But the STC forces broke with the government this month, seizing its temporary base of Aden on August 10. Yesterday, they took two government military bases in Zinjibar, around 60 km east of Aden in Abyan province, residents said.

The coalition last week threatened military action if the STC do not quit government military bases.

The STC seizure of two more bases in Abyan, Hadi’s birthplace, showed they are holding firm to demands for self-rule in the south and to be included in any UN-sponsored talks on Yemen’s future.

“For too long the Southern voice has been excluded from any negotiation table,” STC said in a statement to the UN Security Council ahead of a Yemen briefing yesterday in New York.

“The onus is now on the international community, and in particular the UN Security Council to accept the new realities on the ground.”


Nothing to see here :disagree:

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