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The Arabian Peninsula and Arab world in photos



Spring in Lebanon by Alexander Photography. (Sasha El-Aref), on Flickr


Fall colors by Alexander Photography. (Sasha El-Aref), on Flickr


The colors of the NATURE by Alexander Photography. (Sasha El-Aref), on Flickr


Deir Al-Quamar Old village by Alexander Photography. (Sasha El-Aref), on Flickr


Bekaa plains by Alexander Photography. (Sasha El-Aref), on Flickr


Lebanon in SPRING time by aswad1sr, on Flickr
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The welcoming, noble, ancient but poor and overall suffering Yemeni people:


Yemen traditional dress by Mami-alBusaidi, on Flickr

Green Shawl at the Grand Mosque - Sana'a, Yemen by M. Khatib, on Flickr

Owner of the souvenir shop (1) - Old Sana'a, Yemen by M. Khatib, on Flickr

Worshipper at the Grand Mosque - Sana'a, Yemen by M. Khatib, on Flickr

002 by iwys, on Flickr

And the Award goes to Yemen

Here is one of my fav video of Yemen

No doubt that Yemen is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. It's well-known for its beauty and ancient lands. It's considered as a unique country by every visitor that has been lucky enough to visit it lands. Unfortunately it is also a very poor country today but once it was among the most prosperous civilizations/countries out there. Insha'Allah it will be so once again.

The land of the Queen of Sheba. Probably the first attested female ruler of significance.

Prophet Muhammad (saws) praised no people/area more (outside of Hijaz) than nearby Yemen and Al-Sham.;)


Tombs of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH and Khalifa Abu Bakr Saddique RA and Khalifa Omar Farooq RA
The land of the Queen of Sheba. Probably the first attested female ruler of significance.
Prophet Muhammad (saws) praised no people/area more (outside of Hijaz) than nearby Yemen and Al-Sham.;)

She (Queen of Sheba) was also the wife of David / Da'ud, and the mother of King Solomon / Suleiman, one of the greatest Kings to sit on the throne of Judea.
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