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The ambitious proposal to counter India's water blackmailing games

...it presents a great opportunity for me to troll.
Yes, I believe that's where your expertise lie - since you don't really contribute (even as an Indian).

I am curious, if the project were to takeoff, would you continue to troll on the subject & (most certainly) get bashed by everyone on PDF, or fade away in obscurity and hope to find new topics to Troll?
I am curious, if the project were to takeoff, would you continue to troll on the subject & (most certainly) get bashed by everyone on PDF, or fade away in obscurity and hope to find new topics to Troll?

Can you give me your budget estimates for this project. We can then have a totally troll free discussion.
Don't think there's any need to ho that far. Their potential dams are within our reach...just bust em open with precision guided munitions & take what is ours. they won't dare retaliating after the busted nose they got on Feb 27th.

Spec ops units regularly train to blow up Indian dams in IOK, as do PAF squadrons.

The bigger question is our utter legal failure when tackling Baglihar under intl arbitration, as well as our water commissioner running away to Canada (and never being captured/tried/killed for treason.) You can look this up.
River start from china, but flow to india is from Pakistani side either we divert from that choking point or make tunnel which cost alot but worth it.
That's why there are many benefits of getting whole kashmir. IF we occupy it, we will get Free water too.
Rivers coming from frozen mountain terrain are not like water taps/water pipelines, where the start and end gets the same amount of water, river Indus coming from Tibet and entering India Ladakh area is hardly a few feet wide river with minimal flow of water, as it moves forward, the river flow keeps on increasing and the bigger catchment area for Indus is in GB Pakistan, so India cannot stop the flow of river Indus.

If India could have stopped it, must have been done by now.

Also a huge amount of water flows beneath the surface of rivers, almost same amount as on surface.

Also about 80% of water Pakistan gets is from glacial melt and most of the glaciers are in Pakistan, India cannot do anything about it. Only a small proportion of water to Indus system is coming from India which India has already stopped, only during monsoons India let the extra water to Pakistan, to save the inundation there.

So when Modi talks about stopping water to Pakistan or abrogating the IWT, this is just a jumla to get votes and to fool the already fooled Indians.

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Can you give me your budget estimates for this project. We can then have a totally troll free discussion.
First off, I don't have the figures - nor does any other member.

What we get out our budget is our issue. We could deviate the funds for the Dam into this project which could be just as effective. We could get further loans from China, KSA, Qatar etc.

If anything, our diplomatic relations with everyone have improved drastically..., and things are just going to get better.
First off, I don't have the figures - nor does any other member.

What we get out our budget is our issue. We could deviate the funds for the Dam into this project which could be just as effective. We could get further loans from China, KSA, Qatar etc.

Budget is of course your issue. But we are discussing feasibility. How much will the water cost per cubic meter. How will you raise the money for the diversion.

We can discuss all this without trolling. Or I will continue to troll the ignorant.
At present there isn't a tangible solution to deal with the problem with India looking to divert the natural flow of the indus river and potentially withdraw from the IWT entirely.

With a little ingenuity and cocaine, a potential out of the box solution may be the only route for the sake of the natural environment.

Designated the Big Lulli Pipeline the idea is to essentially import water from China, a massive transboundary pipeline similar to those that transport natural gas, here, instead for water.
View attachment 603520
(demo route, alternative more likely after actual terrain study and geographical surveying)
Harvesting water from the Brahma's origin in China, the pipeline would follow a path over 1000km of mountainous terrain feeding into the Indus' natural basin in Pakistan.
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Good idea! Anything is possible with out of the box thinking which Pakistan unfortunately severely lacks.
Let's say its engineering is possible, who will pay for it?

Will China construct a pipeline going upwards in elevation in the one of the most difficult mountainous terrain for over a 1000 kms ( that includes pumps large enought to pump huge quantities of water) as a gift? Or because a friendly nation asked it to?

Pro bono?

Bhai mangne ki hadd hoti hai
No need since we have guts to make you people scary....otherwise few dams will be blown in case any water treaty withdrawn by Gangadesh.

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