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The Amazing 6th Degree Black Belt Ms Seema Rao Who Trains Commandos!


May 28, 2011
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Whatever happened to women’s empowerment? Rahul Gandhi and his ilk have been shouting from the rooftops about empowering women and recognizing their work. But unfortunately it’s nothing but blabber from our politicians who only talk for brownie points.

The question is, why hasn’t she been conferred an honorary rank of Major (or Lt Col) like her husband? Let’s check out her credentials….

The President of India conferred Honorary Rank upon Dr. Deepak Rao, MS Dhoni and Abhinav Bindra on Nov 1, 2011. Combat specialist Deepak Rao contributed selflessly in modernization of Close Quarter Battle for the Indian Army for 17 years. His life partner and wife Dr. Seema Rao has been a part of this tireless pursuit every step of the way. And yet the Rank was bestowed only upon Deepak Rao. Dr. Seema Rao is probably the world’s first woman combat specialist in the field of Close Quarter Combat training, who has significantly contributed to the Indian forces.

Dr. Seema Rao has already been featured in the First Edition of the deFacto Women’s Directory, so we are no stranger to her accomplishments. Neither are we strangers to discrimination in every field that women venture into.


  • Dr. Seema Rao is an MD, MBA in Crisis Management and PhD Honora Doctoris (Indiana) in Martial Science. She is the daughter of a freedom fighter. Along with her husband, Honorary Major Deepak Rao, she has dedicated her life to the service to the nation. In a country where women are still looked upon as weaker sex and the Indian Army itself has many reservation in terms of capabilities of men and women, here stands a women who did not bring up a family for the sake of her work for the nation. Her contributions include Combat training and authoring books for the Indian Forces.
  • She earned her Para Wings from the Indian Air Force under special directive of the Air Chief.
  • She is a 6th degree Black Belt in Military Martial arts and a medalist Rock climber from the Army Himalayan Mountaineering Institute.
  • She is also a crack shot Combat Shooting instructor.
  • One of the 10 women in the world to be certified in Bruce Lee’s martial arts of Jeet Kune Do, 38 years after Lee’s death.
  • She was runner up in the Mrs India World beauty pageant in 2004. She received the World Peace Diplomat Award from the Malaysian PM at the World Peace Congress (UN Affiliate) in 2008. She received the “Outstanding Law Enforcement Instructor Award” from US Hall of Fame.
  • She has devoted 17 years of her life to sharing her expertise in Close Quarter Combat with the Indian forces. She along with her husband, Prof. Dr. Rao have imparted training in CQB to almost every elite unit of the Indian Forces, including NSG-Black Cat Commandos, Marine Commandos (MARCOS), Air Force Commando - Garud, Para Commando Special Forces, BSF, Army Corps Battle School's Commando Wing, National Police Academy, Army Officers Training Academy, etc. They have been called to train the Police QRTs of almost every major city & State in India as Official Resource Person by Directive of the Home Ministry. Their innovations have been used in modernization of training by the armed forces.
Selfless Service without Compensation:

All of Seema’s work over the past 17 years has been without any monetary compensation, as a selfless service to the country. The Rao couple’s research of last the 17 years was compiled into many books – Encyclopedia of Close Combat Ops, Commando - Manual Of Unarmed Combat, Forces Handbook Of World Terrorism etc. All the copies of these limited editions were distributed to the Indian forces by the Union home ministry. Seema has not accepted any compensation for the book, not even the cost of production.



National Commendations

Dr. Seema has received the Army Chief’s citation, the Home Minister’s appreciation letter & Chief Minister’s commendation for her work. In 2008, then Army Commander Gen VK Singh commended her efforts in modernization of combat training for the Army. In 2009 then Home Minister of India, Shri P. Chidambaram put on record her selfless work for the country.



In her pursuit for service to the country, Dr. Seema has suffered from head injury & Amnesia, vertebral fracture and other life threatening injuries. She has opted to not have children in order to enable her to continue the rigorous demands of her high intensity job profile.


The question that needs to be asked

Despite sharing equally in all of the above contributions as a couple, Dr. Seema has not yet been conferred equal Rank. When she has clearly shown calibre, that women can be of equal capacity even in a combat role, why cannot a provision be made for her to be awarded Honorary Rank of Major/Lt Col for her selfless contributions? When the President of India can confer rank upon Deepak Rao, why not Seema Rao, who is equally part of the combat couple team?

Women in the Army - Should Rank be Conferred upon Women? | DeFacto Women's Directory | India
Nothing amazing about them. They had no business training the men in anything but hand-hand combat but they used to train them in weapon holding which they knew little about.

Gladly the Military and CAPFs no long make use of these sort of people, they do most of their training in house with certain consultants being brought in to train specific modules but that's about it.
Wow! That's some lady. I ain't gonna mess with her - ever!! :no:

But seriously, she deserves to be conferred an honorary rank of Lt Col at least. I think we must write to Smriti Irani, HRD Minister, to take up her case. I mean if we can't recognize merit and her immense contributions, then we ain't worth our salt.
Nothing amazing about them. They had no business training the men in anything but hand-hand combat but they used to train them in weapon holding which they knew little about.
Do I smell male chauvinism here? For god's sake man, don't you think her accomplishments are far beyond the ordinary for her to deserve an honorary rank? There's no woman in India who can hold a candle to her in martial arts. And having a 6th degree Black Belt is no easy feat!

Whether training the men was her business or not, leave that to the policy makers.

Bottom line: She deserves to be conferred an honorary rank. And that's what this thread is all about!
I'm usually critical about contribution of women..........but this is one of those few exceptional cases where the woman deserves much, much more...........
Do I smell male chauvinism here? For god's sake man, don't you think her accomplishments are far beyond the ordinary for her to deserve an honorary rank? There's no woman in India who can hold a candle to her in martial arts. And having a 6th degree Black Belt is no easy feat!

Whether training the men was her business or not, leave that to the policy makers.

Bottom line: She deserves to be conferred an honorary rank. And that's what this thread is all about!
Nothing to do with her gender geezus christ., both her and her husband had no business doing what they did.

They were trained in HAND TO HAND COMBAT PURELY so why are they shown holding weapons? Teaching men about weapon handling? They were way out of their league and there is a reason the IA and CAPFs no longer use their services.

I don't give a cr@p if one of them is a female, both are men or both are females- i'm talking about BEING QUALIFIED FOR THE JOB and neither of these had served in the military, had ZERO clue what the eft they were teaching beyond basic martial arts and simply had no business training men for COMBAT (which neither of them had been in).

I'm speaking as someone who has had a family member serve as a instructor in a military training course that imparted combat training on soldiers. To teach combat you've got to have been in combat. Let me tell you a fact, these people were only used when unconventional training in the IA only went to SFs and RR, now it goes to most IA infantry and CAPFs and the training is far more sophisticated along with the actual instructors available in each force these outside consultants have been discarded by the military and police alike.

Don't call me a sexist or chauvinist without understanding what i'm actually saying.
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Nothing to do with her gender geezus christ., both her and her husband had no business doing what they did.

I don't give a cr@p if one of them is a female, both are men or both are females- i'm talking about BEING QUALIFIED FOR THE JOB and neither of these had served in the military, had ZERO clue what the eft they were teaching beyond basic martial arts and simply had no business training men for COMBAT (which neither of them had been in).
Where does it say that they trained the commandos for COMBAT? Nowhere. They trained them for CQB - CLOSE QUARTER COMBAT, which means hand-to-hand fighting which means contact martial arts including Karate, Judo, Jujitsu etc.

C'mon man, leave it. She deserves what she's been denied. Period!
Where does it say that they trained the commandos for COMBAT? Nowhere. They trained them for CQB - CLOSE QUARTER COMBAT, which means hand-to-hand fighting which means contact martial arts including Karate, Judo, Jujitsu etc.

C'mon man, leave it. She deserves what she's been denied. Period!
Then why are they holding weapons? They have no business holding weapons, neither of them is a trained combat instructor or weapons expert or shooting instructor. CQB is more than about hand to hand fighting are you kidding me? CQB is about clearing rooms, breaching points of entry, close quarter shooting, again these people have no business imparting ANY of these element on the trainees ad they have no knowledge of such themselves. The man is walking around with the word "COMMANDO" emblazoned on his shirt- what has he done to earn that title- JACK SH!T. They are self-styled "commando trainers" but have little by the way of training/qualifications to justify these titles.

Training in hand to hand is one thing but they waaay overstepped the boundaries and that is why, in part, they are no longer employed by any Indian force.

To be honest, yes it's retarded that her husband got the honary rank and she didn't for the same services rendered. Personally, I'd like this "honorary" rank business to stop- it serves little purpose and the IAF and IN have already abandoned it.

Whatever happened to women’s empowerment? Rahul Gandhi and his ilk have been shouting from the rooftops about empowering women and recognizing their work. But unfortunately it’s nothing but blabber from our politicians who only talk for brownie points.

The question is, why hasn’t she been conferred an honorary rank of Major (or Lt Col) like her husband? Let’s check out her credentials….

The President of India conferred Honorary Rank upon Dr. Deepak Rao, MS Dhoni and Abhinav Bindra on Nov 1, 2011. Combat specialist Deepak Rao contributed selflessly in modernization of Close Quarter Battle for the Indian Army for 17 years. His life partner and wife Dr. Seema Rao has been a part of this tireless pursuit every step of the way. And yet the Rank was bestowed only upon Deepak Rao. Dr. Seema Rao is probably the world’s first woman combat specialist in the field of Close Quarter Combat training, who has significantly contributed to the Indian forces.

Dr. Seema Rao has already been featured in the First Edition of the deFacto Women’s Directory, so we are no stranger to her accomplishments. Neither are we strangers to discrimination in every field that women venture into.


  • Dr. Seema Rao is an MD, MBA in Crisis Management and PhD Honora Doctoris (Indiana) in Martial Science. She is the daughter of a freedom fighter. Along with her husband, Honorary Major Deepak Rao, she has dedicated her life to the service to the nation. In a country where women are still looked upon as weaker sex and the Indian Army itself has many reservation in terms of capabilities of men and women, here stands a women who did not bring up a family for the sake of her work for the nation. Her contributions include Combat training and authoring books for the Indian Forces.
  • She earned her Para Wings from the Indian Air Force under special directive of the Air Chief.
  • She is a 6th degree Black Belt in Military Martial arts and a medalist Rock climber from the Army Himalayan Mountaineering Institute.
  • She is also a crack shot Combat Shooting instructor.
  • One of the 10 women in the world to be certified in Bruce Lee’s martial arts of Jeet Kune Do, 38 years after Lee’s death.
  • She was runner up in the Mrs India World beauty pageant in 2004. She received the World Peace Diplomat Award from the Malaysian PM at the World Peace Congress (UN Affiliate) in 2008. She received the “Outstanding Law Enforcement Instructor Award” from US Hall of Fame.
  • She has devoted 17 years of her life to sharing her expertise in Close Quarter Combat with the Indian forces. She along with her husband, Prof. Dr. Rao have imparted training in CQB to almost every elite unit of the Indian Forces, including NSG-Black Cat Commandos, Marine Commandos (MARCOS), Air Force Commando - Garud, Para Commando Special Forces, BSF, Army Corps Battle School's Commando Wing, National Police Academy, Army Officers Training Academy, etc. They have been called to train the Police QRTs of almost every major city & State in India as Official Resource Person by Directive of the Home Ministry. Their innovations have been used in modernization of training by the armed forces.
Selfless Service without Compensation:

All of Seema’s work over the past 17 years has been without any monetary compensation, as a selfless service to the country. The Rao couple’s research of last the 17 years was compiled into many books – Encyclopedia of Close Combat Ops, Commando - Manual Of Unarmed Combat, Forces Handbook Of World Terrorism etc. All the copies of these limited editions were distributed to the Indian forces by the Union home ministry. Seema has not accepted any compensation for the book, not even the cost of production.



National Commendations

Dr. Seema has received the Army Chief’s citation, the Home Minister’s appreciation letter & Chief Minister’s commendation for her work. In 2008, then Army Commander Gen VK Singh commended her efforts in modernization of combat training for the Army. In 2009 then Home Minister of India, Shri P. Chidambaram put on record her selfless work for the country.



In her pursuit for service to the country, Dr. Seema has suffered from head injury & Amnesia, vertebral fracture and other life threatening injuries. She has opted to not have children in order to enable her to continue the rigorous demands of her high intensity job profile.


The question that needs to be asked

Despite sharing equally in all of the above contributions as a couple, Dr. Seema has not yet been conferred equal Rank. When she has clearly shown calibre, that women can be of equal capacity even in a combat role, why cannot a provision be made for her to be awarded Honorary Rank of Major/Lt Col for her selfless contributions? When the President of India can confer rank upon Deepak Rao, why not Seema Rao, who is equally part of the combat couple team?

Women in the Army - Should Rank be Conferred upon Women? | DeFacto Women's Directory | India
Great story. god bless her.
These two are as bad as this freaking idiot:


grand master, commando trainer, dragon slayer the great wonderful Shifuji.

One day he's wearing a NSG badge, the next a Maroon beret and PARA (SF) Balidaan then another day a Marcos trident. Of course he has never served in the Military a day in his life. He is no longer employed by any Indian force either.
What is exactly is meant by Military Martial Arts? There is not a martial art which is named like that.

Stopped reading after I read the name Bruce Lee.... Why on earth does the brass not start training regulars with modern and much more useful martial arts like Krav Maga instead of teaching them how to break bricks with their bare hands?

And the worst part of it is that people like this warrior monk dude Shifuji have absolutely no Military backround, yet they are training central police forces and even military units :mad:
Utter waste of taining, time and money.
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