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The Algerian Armed Forces.

Super Lynx Mk-130






Algeria sends its military transport plane in support of MISCA (International mission for Central Africa support)
Algeria will take delivery of the 3 C28A in 2015 from China


2 tigre from Russia
2 improved 636 kilo in 2016-17

  1. Igor Ponomarev the Vice President of "United Construction Corporation" (USC) pointed negotiations with Algeria for the construction of two diesel submarines. "Negotiations are pending on price parameters. I think there is a perspective", - he said

A UK-based analyst said Algeria will meanwhile take delivery of three new frigates from China in 2015. “They have been built at the same yard as the F22 vessels sold by China to Pakistan and could be similar or slightly smaller,” said Christian Le Miere, a senior fellow for naval forces and maritime security at the International Institute for Strategic Studies



Meanwhile Algeria is due to receive two Corvette of Tigr type. The first one this year and the second in 2015

A NOTAM (a notice to airman) revealed a Russian military exercice near Algiers.
An air exercise of the Russian aero-naval group sailing in the Mediterranean since the beginning of the war inSyria. More, near the Bay of Algiers were two ships of the VMF: a Udaloy ,the missile luncher destroyer , AdmiralLevshenko (605)and the class landing ship Ropucha Olenegorsky Golnyak (012). The first has an actual air anti capability,so it is quite likely that the aircraft carrier Admiral Levshnko took part in the exercise. They were no mention, if any Algerian aircraft had participated.
@Ceylal u said Algeria will not receive tiger corvettes
That is true. At one time, they walked away. Algerian-Russian dealings are very dense and they work very closely. The only known fact is that Russia wanted some of the critical defense systems, required by Algerian navy, be put on Russian made ship. Which is very good news, since it will give the Algerian navy a potent capability in a relatively short time.
In meantime the landing craft ships the Kalaat Beni Hamed and the Kaaat Beni Rached (472 and 473) being revamped and updated by Navantia, Spain will be equipped with Danish electronics.

The radar Scanter 6002 for sea threats detection and to manage helicopter landing that actually equip more than 150 ships worldwide was chosen., complemented A C Guard Decoy System manualy or automatically operated that is capable to foil anti ship missiles and torpedoes coming from any direction.

!2 of these will be acquired for SAR by the Algerian cost guard, in which 8 will be built in Annaba and 4 imported.

!2 of these will be acquired for SAR by the Algerian cost guard, in which 8 will be built in Annaba and 4 imported.

Maritime Partner AS and the Ministry of Defense in Algeria have signed a contract for the construction and supply of 12 units of Alusafe 2000 high speed rescue and patrol vessel, including an extensive training package. The first four vessels will be built by Maritime Partner AS in Aalesund. The next eight vessels will be built under partnership in Annaba in Algeria.

The Alusafe 2000 has a length... overall of approximately 21 meters and twin water jets propulsion allows her to reach a speed of 30 knots. Accommodation is made for a crew of seven, and the vessels will carry out rescue and patrol service along the coast of Algeria.

“We have been working on this project since 2010, and we are incredibly proud to have signed this important contract, won in strong international competition, with the Ministry of Defense in Algeria,” says Peder R. Myklebust, CEO of Maritime Partner AS.

The first four vessels will be built at Maritime Partner AS and during that period the client’s production and management personnel will be trained. After completion of this extensive training, the construction of the eight other vessels will begin at the client’s facilities in Algeria under the supervision of Maritime Partner AS. This contract will last until 2016
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