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The Algerian Armed Forces.

Some news released in Chinese forum said it is CH-4.
we are talking about the same drone..And by what I can recoup we received them about two years ago, they were seen in Tamanrasset Apo about a year ago and were mistaken for American predators..

.see the picture in the preceding pages...Any update on the navy side?


secret-difa3.blogspot, a specialized in military matters for North Africa, has just cited the Chinese sources of the conclusive test of the YiLong drone (CH4?)...more info will certainly come n the next few weeks on the test and the vehicle appreciation from the Algerian part..
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These young ladies look tough!

Keep posting more pics Ceylal :cheers:
They are...They rival the men...On one of meeting of the Arab police in Algiers, in a live fire and hand to hand combat, they were so imprssive that, some Arab delegates thought they imported just for the exhibition and asked if they were realy Algerians:rofl: and:cheers: to you friend.


secret-difa3.blogspot, a specialized in military matters for North Africa, has just cited the Chinese sources of the conclusive test of the YiLong drone (CH4?)...more info will certainly come n the next few weeks on the test and the vehicle appreciation from the Algerian part..

No. YiLong drone(Wing Long/pterodactyl) produced by AVIC CAC, the one who produced J-10 and J-20, also help Parkistan with JF-17; while CH-4 is produced by CAAA, the one who designed rockets(CZ-3, CZ-4, etc) and air-defence missiles(HQ-16, HQ-9, etc).
These two UAVs are close in mission capability, so they are competitors produced by different company.
I'm more prone the one chosen by Algeria to be CH-4 as there is a news on CAAA website:
CH-4 UAVs have finished evaluation by foreign customer

And this happened in November.

For C28A, no more information about it. It may need several months before we can see a hull from blocks.

By the way, do you know any other big millitary forum for Africa except secret-difa3.blogspot?

I have confirmed the guess in previous post through website of CAC, where no news about export of YiLong drone. And I find another new you may be interested in.
Morrocan delegation visit CATIC XAC

They may be interested in buying some transport flight for civil or millitary use, do you have any ideas?
Thanks for the update, So it is a CH4, both of them are similar and very hard to differentiate...
for Morocco, it is, my point of vue relatated to the MB2000 tank they both from China...Is CAC involved in infra red and telemetry? or maybe for a drone, but I doubt the Chinese government will sell them Equipment sold to Algeria. China is the first commercial partner of Algeria, and China is very pragmatic, she keep her friend close to the vest and is not going to mudy the water with Algeria for Morocco.
Pls find out more on the ground equipments that goes with CH-4 and the DF-21D, I may have something for you...
Thanks for the update, So it is a CH4, both of them are similar and very hard to differentiate...
for Morocco, it is, my point of vue relatated to the MB2000 tank they both from China...Is CAC involved in infra red and telemetry? or maybe for a drone, but I doubt the Chinese government will sell them Equipment sold to Algeria. China is the first commercial partner of Algeria, and China is very pragmatic, she keep her friend close to the vest and is not going to mudy the water with Algeria for Morocco.
Pls find out more on the ground equipments that goes with CH-4 and the DF-21D, I may have something for you...

No this news has specific mentioned the content of the visiting: Y-7(millitary transport plane and its civil version MA series); H-6(impossible for export after cold war) and Arj-21(for civil use, and will past FAA certification in about several months).
CATIC XAC does not produce any equipment as you mentioned. This is why I ask if they have millitary transport flight program. Anyway, I think it is almost impossbile as Y-7 is too small, and their major mission may be to find some high cose-effective passenger planes.
For CH-4 I can summarize some infomation later, and this guy has appeared on CCTV, so it is easy to find accurate parameter. But for DF-21D, no information can be confirmed.
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CH-4 video:


Maximum take off weight: 1330kg
endurance: 38 hour
playload: 345kg
hardpoint: 4(two for 120kg and two for 75kg)

from the picture, we can see that it can take two AR-1 missiles(HJ-10 used by UAV) and two FT-5 precise guidance bomb. Actually the speaker say maximum 6 AR-1
distance: 2-8 kilometers
speed: 374m/s
weight: 45kg
accuracy: less than 1.5m
penetration:Tank(>1m), steel concrete(>1.2m)
maximum used height:5km
with off-axis ability

distance: 2-5 kilometers
accuracy: less than 1m
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For the DF21, what I asked for is the field equipment, that is associated with it...Thx..
For Morocco, you may be right...You may put your inquiry to FARSOLDIER, he must be a lot more aware of their staff presence in China.. For my part , I will do some digging too. thaks for everything friend.

Which helicopters are these and how many will you get ?
The MI28N Havoc the night killer...48 of them will equip our attack helicopter force.

Very nice photo man. I take it to my collection.
I will get you some with Algerian colors, the minute I put my hand on them to add to your collection..
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The MI28N Havoc the night killer...48 of them will equip our attack helicopter force.

I will get you some with Algerian colors, the minute I put my hand on them to add to your collection..
The correct translation - night hunter, not a night killer . I'll wait for photoes, thanks.

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