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The Afghanistan exit will humiliate The United States worse than Vietnam

No one's threatening your country bharati, i'm only stating facts. You tried to compare Pakistan to Cambodia when in fact Pakistan is leagues ahead of what that country was during the Vietnam war, and we are a nuI<lear power with a capable armed forces.

In front of US all those are nothing. Its a fact.
I'm suggesting superpowers dont take defeat, much less humiliation, graciously, and will find ways to hurt those that they perceive were responsible for their defeat and humiliation.

In Vietnam they thought Cambodia was responsible, in Afghanistan ?

Answer= india
again, don't try to blackmail pakistan. even if afghanistan went completely belly up, pakistan can fend for itself. americans should just leave.

Who is blackmailing Pakistan ?

Look at history, what happened to Cambodia when Americans thought they were responsible for their defeat in Viet Nam. There is a start similarity in what the American are mouthing about Pakistan, nowadays.

Answer= india

India is not going to be too far behind Nato. In absence of Nato, Talibans will turn their sight on the Indians.

I wonder what the Indian excuse going to be ?
First of all US is not exiting from Afghanistan they are just cutting down in numbers and taking the backseat. The air power will still be with Kabul plus drones, so I don't see Vietnam and Afghan exit as the same.
Dont worry they already have the spin doctors working on how they can dress up this defeat as victory aka propaganda
&#7716;ashsh&#257;sh&#299;n;2976646 said:
"Crack the Sky, Shake the Earth"
- Message to communist forces who were informed that they were "about to inaugurate the greatest battle in the history of our country".

On January 30 1968, The Peoples Army of Vietnam launched the Tet Offensive on South Vietnam, the United States and its allies. The Tet Offensive was the decisive battle that was fought in Vietnam. After the Tet Offensive the United States were forced to change tactics and opted to move towards an orderly exit. An orderly exit was not possible. The last Americans left in Vietnam by 1975 had to scramble onto rooftops kicking off women and children before flying away in helicopters, leaving the South Vietnamese behind to face the advancing communist army outnumbered and alone.

It was a glorious victory for the Communists and a humiliating exit for the United States. Luckily,the Communists were pretty decent to their former enemy and most people had nothing to fear. The country was unified and the Vietnamese had liberated themselves from the Imperial United States Government in a stunning victory.

The situation in Afghanistan is very similar to Vietnam. Obama has set an exit date but intends on keeping a small number of troops in Afghanistan forever to guard American interests. They are trying to negotiate with the Taliban but there is no way the Taliban will allow skeleton crew of soldiers to sit in Afghanistan forever. The American military is overstretched. They are looking to move their military bullies primarily into the pacific. In addition to being overstretched,the United States is looking to scale back troop numbers and move towrads more unmanned technology. They are weakening their defences in Afghanistan and it will only encourage the opposition.

Nobody expected the Tet Offensive. People downplay its importance. America should not underestimate the Taliban. I cant see America making an orderly exit from Afghanistan. I think that they are a Tet Offensive away from running back to America with their tails between their legs just like they did in Vietnam. A disorderly exit from the War on Afghanistan would humiliate the United States and further erode its disappearing power.

I wonder what will happen to the low paid Afghan Military that America is training if America is forced to retreat. I wonder if the Taliban will be as forgiving as the communists were to most of the South Vietnamese. I think Afghanistan will be better off when they get rid of the United states. Vietnam turned out fine. They stil celebrate the Tet Offensive.
Talk about swallowing communist propaganda wholesale. :lol:

The 1968 Tet Offensive was a military disaster. News for the gullible: The NVA commander, Võ Nguyên Giáp, was actually against the plan. He was overruled by the Politburo and was forced to commit. He was doubtful that the South Vietnamese would rise up against their government like the Politburo believed. He was correct in all doubts. The reason why not many military people, US and South Vietnamese, expected the plan to be executed was because they coincidentally believed the same thing Giáp did -- that it was a foolish plan. In the end, the offensive achieved no military goals, the atrocities committed by the communists during their brief occupation of some towns and cities further angered the South Vietnamese. It was so bad that after 1968, the Viet Cong ceased to be an effective force.

There is little valid comparison between the Taliban versus the Vietnamese in particulars and between Afghanistan versus Viet Nam in general. The items in this list of invalid comparisons is long, starting with the fact that Viet Nam was political divided but Afghanistan is not.

A flawed rant that started with ignorance.
Dont worry they already have the spin doctors working on how they can dress up this defeat as victory aka propaganda

58000 US servicemen were killed in Vietnam war.

79000 US servicemen were killed in the first few months of World War II.

How can a casualty of 4000+ humiliate US "worse than vietnam"?
This war needs to end as there is no other attainable objective remaining. There is always a country like Granada to level to get the messege accrossed.
Talk about swallowing communist propaganda wholesale. :lol:

The 1968 Tet Offensive was a military disaster. News for the gullible: The NVA commander, Võ Nguyên Giáp, was actually against the plan. He was overruled by the Politburo and was forced to commit. He was doubtful that the South Vietnamese would rise up against their government like the Politburo believed. He was correct in all doubts. The reason why not many military people, US and South Vietnamese, expected the plan to be executed was because they coincidentally believed the same thing Giáp did -- that it was a foolish plan. In the end, the offensive achieved no military goals, the atrocities committed by the communists during their brief occupation of some towns and cities further angered the South Vietnamese. It was so bad that after 1968, the Viet Cong ceased to be an effective force.
Wrong, Gen. Giap is Lenient general, he didn't want to sacrifice his soldiers to unify VietNam at All cost, but General Secretary Le Duan thought in diffrent way .He thought 'No Pain, no Gain', so he decided to launch a full scale attack in 1968.

We couldn't unify VN in 1968, but The Tet Offensiv was a strong warning to US's army that:"VN's army can attack them any time, any where we want, even their safest place like US's embassy in SaiGon".

History proved that: if we try to reduce casualties when fighting with supper power like US, we never can defeat them bcz US has lots of powerful weapon like CBU-55, that can kill 2,500 troop in single blast, and US's weak point is just The fear inside US's soldier mind when fighting in long and hard war.
58000 US servicemen were killed in Vietnam war.

79000 US servicemen were killed in the first few months of World War II.
How can a casualty of 4000+ humiliate US "worse than vietnam"?

The answer is it can't but wow that number always shocks me no matter how many times I see it 58,000
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