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The $20 billion domestic defence pie.

Said China company win the bidding of some HSR in India, we wil make it safe and sound.

I think the tender is yet to be floated, but China has agreed to participate in High Speed Rail Network development in India. Last month some officials from China were here for initial feasibility studies. What i know, China and Japan stand a good chance to win contracts for HSR to be implemented in certain sectors in India. China definitely holds an edge over European contractors atleast as far as costing is concerned.
@Bang Galore

This is wrt to the thread where you stated that India has misplaced priorities. In reality billions ARE BEING invested peacefully as we raise a ruckus on other issues. Imagine the amount of noise the neo left would create over this investment alone.

Also inflation is getting lower, millions of bank accounts opened, Kashmir elections have been successful, new MoUs signed with anumber of countries, investments on the line from US, Australia, Russia, China, Germany.

Like I said - Sab apne apne kaam kar rahe hain. :devil:

You miss the point. The economic outlook has improved (because of the momentum of the Modi effect) but not dramatically, there is still no major policy changes that have been effected. We have had absolutely brilliant luck with oil prices but we can do so much more. I think focusing on the issues that create strife & maybe cause parliamentary logjam is poor politics let alone economics. I'm sorry you think that the kind of stuff that has been going on is the reality of " Sab apne apne kaam kar rahe hain", I can only say that I disagree with that approach.
You miss the point. The economic outlook has improved (because of the momentum of the Modi effect) but not dramatically, there is still no major policy changes that have been effected. We have had absolutely brilliant luck with oil prices but we can do so much more. I think focusing on the issues that create strife & maybe cause parliamentary logjam is poor politics let alone economics. I'm sorry you think that the kind of stuff that has been going on is the reality of " Sab apne apne kaam kar rahe hain", I can only say that I disagree with that approach.
First of all - 'dramatically' is a subjective term.

Secondly, major policy changes have already been done - from the planning comm to green licenses, defence, more divestment etc. Things are being done, quite rapidly actually. More reforms have been initiated in 6 months than we saw in past 6 years.

Third, there is always scope for further improvement. Even if you move a 1000 steps forward, there will still be a million miles left to go. For Budgetary reforms and changes we have to wait for the next budget, such is the limitation of parliamentary democracy. Ordinances can only go so far.

Fourth, your main issue is not the economic reforms which are progressing but what you call 'poor' politics. :)
You miss the point. The economic outlook has improved (because of the momentum of the Modi effect) but not dramatically, there is still no major policy changes that have been effected. We have had absolutely brilliant luck with oil prices but we can do so much more. I think focusing on the issues that create strife & maybe cause parliamentary logjam is poor politics let alone economics. I'm sorry you think that the kind of stuff that has been going on is the reality of " Sab apne apne kaam kar rahe hain", I can only say that I disagree with that approach.

i guess a start can be made with Insurance bill, that will send signals that Government is indeed moving forward. The Expert committee has already forwarded its report and with news of Congress willing to support, the bill should get passed in Winter session itself. Next in line is GST which after missing many deadlines should see light of day in 2016.
Also Land Acquisition law needs to be re-visited for it is one the biggest hurdle in almost all infra projects.
In current government garners numbers in RS, several bills pending for approval can be cleared paving way for rapid growth. But i guess we must wait till next union budget for the picture to get clear as far as this govt's road map for economy is concerned.
It will have a very positive effect and drive both the quality and timeframe of R&D in the Indian Defence sector.
What this Government has done 1 month ago is to the Defense sector of India what the Economic liberalization of 1991 was to India.

The results will be visible in a decade from now.
What this Government has done 1 month ago is to the Defense sector of India what the Economic liberalization of 1991 was to India.

The results will be visible in a decade from now.

Perhaps earlier, that is because the industry itself is geared more than it was in 1991 to take advantage of such regulatory changes.
Perhaps earlier, that is because the industry itself is geared more than it was in 1991 to take advantage of such regulatory changes.
You are right.
All the major Companies who wanted to get into defense sector were already ready with their JV partners decided because they had been hinted about it for at least a year in advance.

But I would still doubt it, it would take them atleast a decade for them to start producing in large quantities with large factories and research wings dedicated for defense.
First of all - 'dramatically' is a subjective term.

Secondly, major policy changes have already been done - from the planning comm to green licenses, defence, more divestment etc. Things are being done, quite rapidly actually. More reforms have been initiated in 6 months than we saw in past 6 years.

Third, there is always scope for further improvement. Even if you move a 1000 steps forward, there will still be a million miles left to go. For Budgetary reforms and changes we have to wait for the next budget, such is the limitation of parliamentary democracy. Ordinances can only go so far.

Fourth, your main issue is not the economic reforms which are progressing but what you call 'poor' politics. :)

As I said in my earlier post, you are entitled to your opinion. Just like the Congress supporters were entitled to theirs. All opinions will be subjective & I will not labour my point at this time. As for what you think my main issue is, I will again reiterate my position & have no objection to however you wish to categorise it. You won't finding me hiding my "true" opinion behind any other.
Those land are barren. If the AP people wanna stay in India republic, let it be.

See? it's about politics. If it's the problem about you and me, problem solved. There still lots of resistence in domestic if both XI and Modi want to settle the problem dowm.

The other disputed unamed lands shall be cut in half to half. India keep Ap and CHina keep Aksai chin, both side save face.

Then time to talk JV.

What you say?

China can't kill India and contra versa, confrontaion only brings disaster to later generation. Why brave enough to solve it in our generation?

AP is a plain area, very tough for China to defend , that's the only reason why China gave it up in 1962. We better have Hymalaya in between.

The geology along the India and CHina border doom that there will be no large scale of land war breaking out.

If Dalai Lama is happy staying in India, let him be. Or he is ok to go back to China if he give up Tibet independance.

If we do insist those cross claim to the end, no one gains anything in the end. It's wasting time. It depends on both sides to let the guard down to talk. It tests whether Modi and Xi is brave enough to shoulder the responsibility.

The only purpose of 1962 conflict is not to grab lands from India, but to gave a solid lesson to Nehru's foward policy.
If China enters into a agreement that it will not claim J&K and AP, we are more than ready to relinquish our claim on Aksai Chin. Only benefit was that we could connect both western China and Tibbet provinces of PRC for economic and trade benefits. But after war this seems so distant that I only dream about it. Connectivity that's what we look for. There is no cultural or religious difference between China and India as both country population practices dharmic religion as well as atheism apart from the sizable Abrahamic religion followers too. Both are still very much developing countries, one much better than other.
Perhaps earlier, that is because the industry itself is geared more than it was in 1991 to take advantage of such regulatory changes.
Well if gossips are to be believed then the GoI is going to increase the ceiling of private investment in defense sector to 74% very soon instead of the 49% that was suggested earlier.If this happens then we will see many International Defense giants like LM and Boeing coming to this country and starting JVs with their Indian counterparts.
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