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the 1914-1922 Muslim Genocide in Anatolia and the Caucasus

Can u explain why muslims are attacked by non-muslims?

Look at the big picture!

Remember these
Muslims in Burma (Where is UN ?)
Muslims in Balkans (Where is UN ?)
Muslims in Azerbaijan (Where is UN ?)
Muslims in the Caucasus
Muslims in Anatolia
Muslims in Iraq
Muslims in Germany NSU (Where is UN ?)
Muslims in France (so called humanity bird)
Muslims in China (Where is UN ?)
Muslims in Palestine (Where is UN ?)
Muslims in Afrika (France recognize?)
Next Iran
Next Pakistan
Next Turkey
Next Egypt

Did u hear any recognition of these Genocide? Because they like u remain silent!
I think some muslims(PDF members) remain silent.

Because you are bastardizing the word "genocide". A couple hundred Azeri deaths, most of which killed my indiscriminate actions of Azerbaijani armed forces, does not consititute genocide.
This is exactly the case. Why do you think that Azerbaijanis observe the pretend massacre at Xocali on the same day that Armenians mourn victims of Sumqayit and Baku pogroms? And wtf is Muslim Genocide? First time I'm hearing this is on PDF. Armenians have no issue with the Islamic faith (with the notable exception of forced conversions done by the Ottomans), and have never actively targeted Muslims. What will it be called tomorrow? Turkish Genocide?

However, I disagree that BS allegations will reach international arena. No nation recognizes Xocali "massacres". There have been bills fought for and statements made, but only because Azerbaijan and Turkey were actively bankrolling these efforts (i.e Azerbaijan threatens to cut investment into Mexico if Heydar Aliyev statue removed). Once they run out of oil, in the next 10 years, they will not be able to fund their lies anymore.

In contrast, Armenian lobby has no money, yet Genocide recognition is growing. Because it is fact.

Not at all, no lobby can work without money whether it is Armenian lobby or Turkish lobby.
The largest Armenian populations today exist in Russia, the United States, France, Georgia, Iran, Lebanon, and Syria.
And Armenia lobby work without money? They sell their votes to put pressure on Turkey, Azerbaijan and Muslims?
Not at all, no lobby can work without money whether it is Armenian lobby or Turkish lobby.

I am speaking in relative terms. I have personally worked with correspondence documents between the Turkish government and US lobbying firms. The amount of money they pump in through aforementioned firms and through PACS to Congressman is outstanding.

If you are so inclined, visit the Foreign Agent Registration Act website. Look at how many firms represent Turkish government. What's more, is that they are big names, with lots of influence.

Now look at Armenia through same website. How many lobbying firms represent us? 0.

The largest Armenian populations today exist in Russia, the United States, France, Georgia, Iran, Lebanon, and Syria.
And Armenia lobby work without money? They sell their votes to put pressure on Turkey, Azerbaijan and Muslims?

So? Population size does not correlate with lobbying power necessarily. Look at Germany, which has huge Turkish population. Yet, the Bundestag has implicated the Ottoman Empire of Genocide and Turkey of denying it.

Iran, Syria, Georgia will not recognize the Genocide for political purposes. But no mistake, nobody, not even that turk-lover Saakashvili, have any doubts about history.

Here are some pictures of him paying respect at Genocide memorial. Enjoy: http://www.panarmenian.net/eng/photoset/365/2217
I am speaking in relative terms. I have personally worked with correspondence documents between the Turkish government and US lobbying firms. The amount of money they pump in through aforementioned firms and through PACS to Congressman is outstanding.

If you are so inclined, visit the Foreign Agent Registration Act website. Look at how many firms represent Turkish government. What's more, is that they are big names, with lots of influence.

Now look at Armenia through same website. How many lobbying firms represent us? 0.

Look the Turkey its size, its population and its economy, keeping all these factors in mind the Turkish investment in lobbying is quite astonishing especially when you compare with tiny Armenia. But Armenian diaspora is quite rich and powerful in US they have been doing there best to carry forward mainland since ages.
Look the Turkey its size, its population and its economy, keeping all these factors in mind the Turkish investment in lobbying is quite astonishing especially when you compare with tiny Armenia. But Armenian diaspora is quite rich and powerful in US they have been doing there best to carry forward mainland since ages.

No, you forgot something. Turkey is Muslim and Armenia is Christian. That is the most weighing factor.
Look at Germany, which has huge Turkish population.

See! Armenian diaspora is quite rich and powerful.

The Armenian lobby' is today considered to be the second most powerful ethnic lobby in America, only exceeded in influence by the Jewish lobby.

source: http://www.umd.umich.edu/dept/armenian/papazian/america.html

The University of Michigan–Dearborn (commonly referred to as UM-Dearborn, UM-D), is a public university located in Dearborn, Michigan, USA.
No, you forgot something. Turkey is Muslim and Armenia is Christian. That is the most weighing factor.

Ofcourse this is the most weighing factor in all aspects of western ties with outside world. But people do refrain from discussing this openly in the guise of secularism.
Commemorate and recognize Soykırım – the 1914-1922 Muslim Genocide in Anatolia and the Caucasus
In 1914-22, the armed groups of Armenian Dashnak and Hunchak parties and the Armenian volunteers serving in the Russian, Greek and French armies carried out a systematic extermination of Turks, Azerbaijanis and Kurds in Anatolia and the Caucasus. 523.955 Muslim civilians were identified as victims, not including those missing or buried in mass graves. Western scholars estimated that overall up to 2.5 million Muslims perished in these massacres. Armenians loyal to the Ottoman state were also targeted by the Armenian nationalists.

On behalf of Turkic-Americans and the families of victims and survivors of these atrocities, we call upon President to recognize Soykırım– the Muslim Genocide – alongside his annual April 24th Presidential Message commemorating the Armenian suffering in World War I


I am trying hard not to say this, because war is bad and lost lives are never excused but: You should be the last to talk about persecutions of any kind.

With all due respect to the dead on all sides.
I am trying hard not to say this, because war is bad and lost lives are never excused but: You should be the last to talk about persecutions of any kind.

With all due respect to the dead on all sides.
It's war allright, doesn't make your scorched earth policy during your withdrawal from Anatolia right. Our people in Balkans went through even worse horrors. Look, we understand warfare, sh.t happens all the time. But Armenians spent decades to make us look bad over their little rebellion that went wrong. If it has to happen every piece of truth must come to light and we must let historians be the judge, not politicians.
It's war allright, doesn't make your scorched earth policy during your withdrawal from Anatolia right. Our people in Balkans went through even worse horrors. Look, we understand warfare, sh.t happens all the time. But Armenians spent decades to make us look bad over their little rebellion that went wrong. If it has to happen every piece of truth must come to light and we must let historians be the judge, not politicians.

Couldn't agree more. I just feel that Turkey should be more forthcoming sometimes, not so much for historical accuracy, but more for its own people. There are no innocents in war. This must be the point made, always.
See! Armenian diaspora is quite rich and powerful.

The Armenian lobby' is today considered to be the second most powerful ethnic lobby in America, only exceeded in influence by the Jewish lobby.

source: http://www.umd.umich.edu/dept/armenian/papazian/america.html

The University of Michigan–Dearborn (commonly referred to as UM-Dearborn, UM-D), is a public university located in Dearborn, Michigan, USA.

Why must I point out the ignorance in every one of your points?

Yes, Armenian lobby is powerful. But only because we stand behind reality, morality and justice. You don't need money to garner support for those things. That is why Armenian lobby is successful. On the other hand, Turkey spending billions in the US to try to prove that something didn't happen. Don't you think that, if there in fact was no genocide, that Turkey would not have to spend so much?

Just out of curiosity, why do you think Armenian lobby is rich and powerful. There are wealthy donors sure, but it never compares to what Turkish lobby spends on an annual basis.

Couldn't agree more. I just feel that Turkey should be more forthcoming sometimes, not so much for historical accuracy, but more for its own people. There are no innocents in war. This must be the point made, always.

What common ground could you possibly find with this genocide-denier? About historians? Please. Turkey loves saying 'leave it to the historians' because it knows that it can (a) flat out disagree with any unfavorable findings or (b) Pay off historians, as has been already done, to promote their lies.
Ofcourse this is the most weighing factor in all aspects of western ties with outside world. But people do refrain from discussing this openly in the guise of secularism.

That is why I feel disgusting at countries like France. Their double standard turns my stomach. They ***** about Turkey but forget what they did in Algeria. In 50 years, EU will be divided for sure. We won't be talking about these bunch of rascist. Just give it time.
Why must I point out the ignorance in every one of your points?

Yes, Armenian lobby is powerful. But only because we stand behind reality, morality and justice. You don't need money to garner support for those things. That is why Armenian lobby is successful. On the other hand, Turkey spending billions in the US to try to prove that something didn't happen. Don't you think that, if there in fact was no genocide, that Turkey would not have to spend so much?

Just out of curiosity, why do you think Armenian lobby is rich and powerful. There are wealthy donors sure, but it never compares to what Turkish lobby spends on an annual basis.

What will change if US acknowledges so called Armenian Genocide ?
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