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Thanks USA for unite us once again -have a look

Its good to see the vast majority of Pakistanis supporting ISI and Pak Fauj from Waziristan to Multan from Karachi to Skardu, our Quom is united.

i think they dont know about us that when a time will come we will be united and we will forget our internal disputes ...... actually americans are wet dreaming a lot in these days.....
Its good to see the vast majority of Pakistanis supporting ISI and Pak Fauj from Waziristan to Multan from Karachi to Skardu, our Quom is united.


There never was any doubt, none what so ever, that your citizens are united --- when it comes to blaming USA (Jews, India, et cetera). Something, that cant answer them back.

Sadly, they never showed this solidarity, in street protests against the likes of Mumtaz Qadri's, or demand education reforms, or to demand better health care or Regular electricity.

And do you know why? .. Because those people you just saw in those anti American protest? ..... Those Kids and affluent ladies, probably are the one's who could afford private hospitals, have their kids attend costly private schools, No need to worry about security -- probably hired Pvt guards as well.

You see mate, you and us, we offset our ghairat for the basic necessity of our less fortunate, who probably are too busy surviving , for you to ever see them protesting on streets against Amreeka.

May Allah bless you and your country.
Pakistani tribesmen threaten US with holy war

LANDIKOTAL: Hundreds of Pakistani tribesmen on Tuesday threatened the United States with holy war, lashing out at demands for action against Al-Qaeda-linked Haqqani extremists based in Pakistan.
Pakistani tribesmen threaten US with holy war | Provinces | DAWN.COM

Perhaps JI would be better off sugesting a holy war against the people that blow up school busses and kidnap children?

Though i doubt the political wing of the TTP would ever critisize the extorsion wing of the TTP.

Don't know if it has been posted, but it is true....:eek:
These protesters don't know,what if USA gets pissed off and actually decided to attack ?
first two days B-2 bombers next will be F-22 raptors than few ICBM"s here and there and than if something is remaining boots will do the job !(BTW they are not retards they will first empty there various base near pakistan and than attack)as long as they are not evacuating there bases you are safe.

Pardon my ignorance. Whose photo is in front of the anti-US missile?
Whoever is driving this train has succeeded in focusing public anger against the wrong people.

Where are the protests against TTP? Where are the street marches and calls for Jihad to rid Pakistan of suicide bombers, kidnappers, and terrorists?

Pakistan is being manipulated, and it isn't by us. Sorry, it is from the inside.
Whoever is driving this train has succeeded in focusing public anger against the wrong people.

Where are the protests against TTP? Where are the street marches and calls for Jihad to rid Pakistan of suicide bombers, kidnappers, and terrorists?

Pakistan is being manipulated, and it isn't by us. Sorry, it is from the inside.

Dear Chogy, thank you very much for pointing the real threat.

This is what is required from every one and more from US to start focusing on biggest criminals 'TTP'.
Whoever is driving this train has succeeded in focusing public anger against the wrong people.

Where are the protests against TTP? Where are the street marches and calls for Jihad to rid Pakistan of suicide bombers, kidnappers, and terrorists?

Pakistan is being manipulated, and it isn't by us. Sorry, it is from the inside.

Pakistan & every single Pakistani is united in fighting the TTP, although they get their safe havens in Afghanistan after being killed & driven out by the Pakistan Army & the Tribal people.
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