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Thanks Raheel Sharif

It is not inconceivable to me that out of the same disaster called 'the military establishment of Pakistan' that a truly patriotic (= put country's interest above establishment's interest) can arise. It has to happen by sheer statistical probability. Let's hope GRS is that oddity!

Now why is that good? It's good because we, India and ROW will have some decision maker to talk to. Pakistan will have someone who can afford objectivity without he dual-model damocles hanging over them. And that objectivity will lead him to the path of right deeds. Right deeds will mean a definition of success that is truthful and peaceful.
Exactly, both Mushy and Kiyani compromised in the end for their seat.

Raheel Sharif is the opposite of this. Hence, the admiration by the masses. He has that genuine touch, a leader of the masses, this is why he has gained such popularity in such a short amount of time.

Its funny really. Its like saying that "what ever I am looking for will be in the last place I look" which is always true, because after you find it, you will obviously stop looking for it.

The end for all these past military Godmen came when they got corrupted by power and hunger to hang on to their position. Till that happened, they were as loved and revered like Raheel is today. Lets wait for the end of his term as well and see how that goes
Its funny really. Its like saying that "what ever I am looking for will be in the last place I look" which is always true, because after you find it, you will obviously stop looking for it.

The end for all these past military Godmen came when they got corrupted by power and hunger to hang on to their position. Till that happened, they were as loved and revered like Raheel is today. Lets wait for the end of his term as well and see how that goes

And the nation is still left picking up the pieces left after a Martial Law even a decade later. Then the cycle repeats again.
Thing is, only 2 people are doing their jobs in Pakistani government, Raheel Sharif and Ayesha Mumtaz!

Hence they are the ones who are in the limelight, and being highlighted.

Had the other folks also done their jobs then they would have been in the limelight aur jamhuriat ka janaza na nikal raha hota.

Raheel Sharif isn't doing anything out of his portfolio or extraordinary, he is just doing everything within his boundaries and doing it right, tackling the pressing issues with an iron fist...simple as that.
Thing is, only 2 people are doing their jobs in Pakistani government, Raheel Sharif and Ayesha Mumtaz!

Hence they are the ones who are in the limelight, and being highlighted.

Had the other folks also done their jobs then they would have been in the limelight aur jamhuriat ka janaza na nikal raha hota.

Raheel Sharif isn't doing anything out of his portfolio or extraordinary, he is just doing everything within his boundaries and doing it right, tackling the pressing issues with an iron fist...simple as that.

I think..within PML N govt.. ch nisar is doing a reasonable job too.... Other than Ch Nisar..every other minister, including PM Nawaz is useless, incompetent and corrupt too

can you explain what's wrong with Gen. Raheel Sharif and why you hate him ? what things have he done wrong.

Actually the most famous personality in Pakistan is not a person, but a position. Which is the COAS

Why Gen. Raheel Sharif is popular because of his work and performances as a General. Your statement about COAS position is totally wrong General Kiyani was not popular (He is previous COAS).


Please also start catching the big names in big political parties doing corruption.

RAJA RENTAL, GILLANI, BILOUR type people who for 5 years just looted with both hands!

this is short lived if the big names walk free.

Nawaz Sharif cangain popularity too IF HE FIXES THE ECONOMY.

but currently it seems to be heading towards a GREECE MODEL. where loans are being taken tax net is not increasing exports are falling.

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