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Thailand's Military Junta Destroys Democracy, Enjoys Exercising Power: Generals Postpone Elections B

I would say that the main problem is not the rats, but some of the people that work there, like the nurses for example that don't lift a finger to help the patients; it seems like they expect that the patient's friends or relatives have to take the patient (like when in a wheel chair or those beds on wheels) to the right room or whatever it is in the hospital where it is supposed to go. I could not believe it, they just point where you need to go and .... go there yourself or get help from someone.

Another example is nurse's scams with illegal taxi drivers that give a 20% commission to the nurses to push the patients into those much more expensive illegal taxis (just regular cars actually, they are not licensed taxis) and if the patient doesn't agree, then the nurses don't give them the hospital release papers until they agree.

The diagnostics given are very often wrong. Doctors / nurses usually demand bribes in order to take a more proper care of the patient. Not even think about the bribes from the drug companies to the doctors in order to prescribe their brand of drugs.

Nice hospitals indeed.
Yep, our doctor-nurse r bad , they dont get well trained, due to the stupid of VN education system, some of them graduated even when they still cant read the correct name of the disease. Thats why the Minister of Health Nguyen Thi Kim Tien got lots of low confidence vote in the last 'confidence vote for the nation’s top political leaders'

VNese r expecting a huge change in educational and health care system now, lets see if any thing change next year after the Minister got lots of low confident votes.
Yep, our doctor-nurse r bad , they dont get well trained, due to the stupid of VN education system, some of them graduated even when they still cant read the correct name of the disease. Thats why the Minister of Health Nguyen Thi Kim Tien got lots of low confidence vote in the last 'confidence vote for the nation’s top political leaders'

VNese r expecting a huge change in educational and health care system now, lets see if any thing change next year after the Minister got lots of low confident votes.

When countries are run by incompetent-corrupted bureaucrats that don't have to respond to the needs of the people since they hold full power without restrictions and people are powerless to change anything, then you have these types of situations and many others. Its like leeches sucking blood from the people.
Thank you for posting this.

I have been using two examples of military takeover (in Egypt and in Thailand)

to show my Pakistani friends aka "revolutionaries" a simple fact.

"When politicians refuse to work together to keep country stable,
--- military junta takes over".

Sad and the same time funny thing is that Thailand, and Egypt, and Pakistan have long history to teach the simple fact.

And yet our politicians utterly refuse to learn.
And our educated elite completely fail to guide our politicians.

Not to spread anarchy, hooliganism, and protests in the country.

Because if you do,

masses will pray for military takeover
and military will answer those prayers.


The difference is that in Tailand the junta would always return the power to the civilian government automatically according to the will of their King. In Pakistan most junta leaders would be punished by the "democratic leaders" or political leaders afterwards. Pakistani politics is more violent and hopeless...
When countries are run by incompetent-corrupted bureaucrats that don't have to respond to the needs of the people since they hold full power without restrictions and people are powerless to change anything, then you have these types of situations and many others. Its like leeches sucking blood from the people.
Our leaders r not good at running bussiness and others fields, but they r very good at fighting, they still can push China oil rig back in the last conflict and they still keeping VN in one piece, so they still can be leaders as long as they still can defeat all enemies.

We dont like them, but we also dont wanna see the foreigners invade Vn again, so we wont go against our leaders as long as they still can keep VN in safe.
thank you very much carlosa, you bring a fresh insight of what is happening in Thailand, very close neighbor of ours, but less information

forgive my laziness of searching in google, just one more question: no real alternative in political parties? aside from the military junta and pro Thaksin parties?
thank you very much carlosa, you bring a fresh insight of what is happening in Thailand, very close neighbor of ours, but less information

forgive my laziness of searching in google, just one more question: no real alternative in political parties? aside from the military junta and pro Thaksin parties?

Its mainly the pro Taksin parties and the yellow shirt type of parties, anything else is not really of much importance in the end. The system makes sure that they stay in control and the variety of parties that are there do not try to change the system or to challenge the powers that control Thailand.
The difference is that in Tailand the junta would always return the power to the civilian government automatically according to the will of their King. In Pakistan most junta leaders would be punished by the "democratic leaders" or political leaders afterwards. Pakistani politics is more violent and hopeless...

Presence of a super authority in Thailand like "King", definitely acts as a damper, a cushioning agent.

But your comment about Pakistan is based on lack of knowledge.
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