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Thailand surpasses China to become Vietnam’s largest supplier of vegetables, fruits


Jul 29, 2012
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Viet Nam
Viet Nam

A fruit stall in Ho Chi Minh City. Photo: Chi Nhan
Thailand has surpassed China to become the largest exporter of vegetables and fruits into Vietnam via official channels.
Official statistics show that by the end of September, imports of vegetables and fruits from Thailand valued at more than US$135 million, compared with nearly $100 million from China.
Vietnam spent $73 million to import Thai vegetables and fruits in the first half of this year.
The number rose to $106 million by the end of July. Thai vegetables and fruits made up 34.2 percent of Vietnam’s market share, while Chinese products made up 23.1 percent.
The key Thai products are durian, mangosteen and tamarind.
Experts said Chinese products lost their dominating position in Vietnamese market over the last few months due to the Vietnamese customers’ boycott of Chinese goods follows China's illegal placement of a $1-billion oil rig in Vietnamese waters in mid-May.
They said Vietnamese consumers are turning to Thai fruit products because of good appearance, quality and food safety standards.
We learn this fruit from Vietnam just 30 years ago.:enjoy:

Dragon fruit ! I love that stuff. When i go to the asian supermarket by where i live ( i think its owned by a Chinese-Vietnamese Family) , they sell rambutans, dragon fruit, and starfruit (a favorite of mine). Jackfruit and Durian , too, But durian --- boy it takes a lot to get used to taste. lol.
Last time I told a German person that Durian smell make me hungry. His face is like seeing ghost.
Dragon fruit ! I love that stuff. When i go to the asian supermarket by where i live ( i think its owned by a Chinese-Vietnamese Family) , they sell rambutans, dragon fruit, and starfruit (a favorite of mine). Jackfruit and Durian , too, But duri
@BoQ77 , @somsak

What is the name of this fruit ? I had this before and it is so hard to find here...!


Last time I told a German person that Durian smell make me hungry. His face is like seeing ghost.

ha ha ha, you're true kon Thai man ! First time i tried durian, i literally went to bathroom. It takes time to get used to the taste...
@BoQ77 , @somsak

What is the name of this fruit ? I had this before and it is so hard to find here...!

View attachment 193053

ha ha ha, you're true kon Thai man ! First time i tried durian, i literally went to bathroom. It takes time to get used to the taste...
Thailand has this fruit too. I forgot the name (even in Thai. how shame)

Is that english word for this fruit?

Nihonjin how can you find that image without knowing what it is called?
Last time I told a German person that Durian smell make me hungry. His face is like seeing ghost.

The only time i can enjoy durian (without trying) is when i go to Vietnamese pho shop --- they make Durian shake ! It tastes good and the smell is not as bad..lol :lol:


Nihonjin how can you find that image without knowing what it is called?

i searched in google "thai fruits" and i found it.
The only time i can enjoy durian (without trying) is when i go to Vietnamese pho shop --- they make Durian shake ! It tastes good and the smell is not as bad..lol :lol:

View attachment 193054

i searched in google "thai fruits" and i found it.
Once you accept the fruit, it will be good taste.
The further south you go, the stronger the Durian smell.
I want to say something right now, but i have to hold my tongue. :D:D:D:devil:

Its taste and smell are quite strong, even several Vietnamese is not comfortable with it, especially for the first time. Next try could lead to addiction
There's no durian in the North of Vietnam.
Thailand has this fruit too. I forgot the name (even in Thai. how shame)

Is that english word for this fruit?

I thought so. Vietnamese calls it as Bo`n Bon or Boo`ng Boong
Please explaine your meaning.


:lol:... Yes!!! Seriously, I'm so proud of you right now:yahoo:!!!

I hear Virginia's a great place to go fishing .... some good sea bass there i hear. :devil:

Its taste and smell are quite strong, even several Vietnamese is not comfortable with it, especially for the first time. Next try could lead to addiction
There's no durian in the North of Vietnam.

Ha Ha Ha !

Addictive eh? I guess...

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