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Thailand:South China Sea disputes 'must not hinder Asean-China ties'


Nov 4, 2011
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South China Sea disputes 'must not hinder Asean-China ties'

Phnom Penh July 12, 2012 1:00 am
Thailand will not allow disputes in the South China Sea to obstruct cooperation between Asean and China during its time as coordinator between the two over the next three years, the Foreign Ministry said yesterday.

The main objectives of the cooperation between China and the regional bloc are to enhance the Asean community, to have connectivity and to establish a regional code of conduct for the South China Sea.

Thailand will play a constructive role and create a positive atmosphere in the region to move forward the many areas of cooperation that Asean currently enjoys with China, said the ministry's Asean Affairs Department director-general, Arthayudh Srisamoot.

The South China Sea is just one of many elements in the relations between Asean and China, he said, adding that Beijing is a major partner of the grouping and continues to play a crucial role in regional development.

The South China Sea became a hot issue at this week's Asean meeting in Phnom Penh, with China involved in territorial disputes with a number of Asean members, notably the Philippines and Vietnam.

In 2002, Asean and China signed the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, but the document is non-binding and intended for mostly soft issues such as maritime scientific research and environmental protection.

Asean now wants to have a binding regional code of conduct for parties in the region.

On Monday, Asean foreign ministers reached common ground during their meeting in Phnom Penh on the "key elements" that they wanted included in the code of conduct.

Thailand as coordinator will co-chair a meeting with China in Cambodia in September to consult on these elements in an attempt to establish negotiations on the code of conduct.

Follow-up meetings between China and Asean would take place later to continue the talks.

Zhang Jianmin, spokesman of the Chinese delegation to this week's Asean meeting, said China is willing to settle disputes over the sovereignty of some islands and the delimitation of some waters in the South China Sea peacefully.

Pending settlement of the disputes, "the parties concerned may put aside their differences and engage in joint development", he added.

Beijing has also offered to host a meeting with Asean in China on a code of conduct after the September meeting takes place.

However, the regional grouping first has many differences among its member states to overcome.

This week, they found it difficult to build consensus over the language mentioning the situation in the South China Sea in their joint communique, which was supposed to have been issued after the meeting of foreign ministers on Monday.

Ministers of the 10-member grouping called a special meeting yesterday to discuss how to address a recent development in the area, namely, a Scarborough Shoal stand-off between Philippine and Chinese ships.

Manila wanted the grouping to voice concern over the incident, but Cambodia as the current chair did not.
the whole Asean only two rascally countries VietNam and the Philippines want to set theirself to against china,the result of what they did just get a return that they will be far away the Asean.
and If they behave so foolishly, they must be ready to take the consequences.
Well, that's not surprising considering that Thailand is the most pro-China member in ASEAN.
the whole Asean only two rascally countries VietNam and the Philippines want to set theirself to against china,the result of what they did just get a return that they will be far away the Asean.
and If they behave so foolishly, they must be ready to take the consequences.

It's important for that Thai agreed on draft cod of conduct to be discuss with China.
if i were thai, i would ask what is the benefit for Thailand if the water belong to VN. the vietnamese will countrol the trading route between thai and east asia countries like China, Korea, Japan and the USA. thai people should think about the posibilty that VN can rival Thailand in the ASEAN in the future. right now, VN and Thailand have many competion on tourism, attracting investment, industry and argiculture products, etc. history always changes, who know how VN will treat Thai, Cambodia and Laos if they get more power! they may become hegemonic in the ASEAN, that is possible
there's a sticky thread for SCS issues, plz stick it there.
if i were thai, i would ask what is the benefit for Thailand if the water belong to VN. the vietnamese will countrol the trading route between thai and east asia countries like China, Korea, Japan and the USA. thai people should think about the posibilty that VN can rival Thailand in the ASEAN in the future. right now, VN and Thailand have many competion on tourism, attracting investment, industry and argiculture products, etc. history always changes, who know how VN will treat Thai, Cambodia and Laos if they get more power! they may become hegemonic in the ASEAN, that is possible

It's no true. Vietnam is small country with limited capacities, can't become hegemonic for region.
Thailand govt do his traditional balancing policy. When Thai foreigner minister visited in Peking, talking something for their business. Thai Trading minister came to Hanoi to talking somethings else, for that Thai isn't by side with China to against Vietnam.
many viet guys said that they wanted to kill all han chinese. who know once their disputation with china is done, they won't kill thai, Khmer or any other! the history has tought us about that. they invaded cambodia and laos. they got some villages from cambodia recently. it is said that they invaded about 60km deep into thailand.
some where in this forums, they said that they wanted to kill han people and make war even with china, which has much stronger army than thailand. do any one believe they can't do anything to hinder thai interest? thailand and vietnam have the same geopolics but compete from the economy development and political influence in ASEAN. those are potential for conflict of interests!
many viet guys said that they wanted to kill all han chinese. who know once their disputation with china is done, they won't kill thai, Khmer or any other! the history has tought us about that. they invaded cambodia and laos. they got some villages from cambodia recently. it is said that they invaded about 60km deep into thailand.
some where in this forums, they said that they wanted to kill han people and make war even with china, which has much stronger army than thailand. do any one believe they can't do anything to hinder thai interest? thailand and vietnam have the same geopolics but compete from the economy development and political influence in ASEAN. those are potential for conflict of interests!

One of the reason China invaded Vietnam in 1979 was trying to draw her elite troops, that were in Cambodia at the time, back to Vietnam territory. Many believed those troops had adventurism intentions toward Thailand's border because Pol Pot was retreating toward that direction. It was ironic that the Americans too had their hidden hands on that affair.
One of the reason China invaded Vietnam in 1979 was trying to draw her elite troops, that were in Cambodia at the time, back to Vietnam territory. Many believed those troops had adventurism intentions toward Thailand's border because Pol Pot was retreating toward that direction. It was ironic that the Americans too had their hidden hands on that affair.

but it was Pol Pot who attacked Viets first,then lost their grip on combodia when Viets attacked.
but it was Pol Pot who attacked Viets first,then lost their grip on combodia when Viets attacked.

It might have been so but has no relevancy on what I'm trying to convey here. I was just saying if China didn't invade Vietnam she probably would have ' hot pursued' Pol Pot into Thailand of which the US, China and Thailand wouldn't like that scenario.
It might have been so but has no relevancy on what I'm trying to convey here. I was just saying if China didn't invade Vietnam she probably would have ' hot pursued' Pol Pot into Thailand of which the US, China and Thailand wouldn't like that scenario.

but does that "wouldn't like that scenario" give you the authority to invade another country,kill hundred of thousands of people??and this is not even matter of China..don't fool yourself.everybody knows about relation between China and Pol Pot.
No need to give me moral high ground here.In wartime politics who's innocent of killing people, directly or indirectly, and at such a time national interests always come first. When China first support Pol Pot did she knew Pol Pot would had kill so many people? Even after the facts he was still considered the lesser of two evil as compared to Vietnam.

I didn't say China went to war for that reason alone. There were many other reasons for the invasion and the most important one was, at late 70s, China perceived Vietnam's westward expansion would create a Greater Vietnam which would've been detrimental to her national interests. Stopping that adventure was a must for China. Who are we here to judge after all the facts are in.

How would you like the scenario that if China didn't initiate the war, Vietnam's annexations would have extended to Myanmar, on the western border of India.

BTW, didn't the US, after killing millions of Vietnamese, supported and armed the Pol Pot rebels and the end? Was she blamed for that? Was she blamed for her atrocities and killings in the Vietnam War?
No need to give me moral high ground here.In wartime politics who's innocent of killing people, directly or indirectly, and at such a time national interests always come first. When China first support Pol Pot did she knew Pol Pot would had kill so many people? Even after the facts he was still considered the lesser of two evil as compared to Vietnam.

I didn't say China went to war for that reason alone. There were many other reasons for the invasion and the most important one was, at late 70s, China perceived Vietnam's westward expansion would create a Greater Vietnam which would've been detrimental to her national interests. Stopping that adventure was a must for China. Who are we here to judge after all the facts are in.

How would you like the scenario that if China didn't initiate the war, Vietnam's annexations would have extended to Myanmar, on the western border of India.

BTW, didn't the US, after killing millions of Vietnamese, supported and armed the Pol Pot rebels and the end? Was she blamed for that? Was she blamed for her atrocities and killings in the Vietnam War?

where did you find these BS???USA fought against them.they bombed Phenom Penh that killed thousands of Khemer Rouge fighters..plus,Vietnam neither had power or ambitions to extend their "Empire" upto mayanmar.and Khemer Rouge was supported before and after the genocide by China.when Vietnam routed Khemer Rouge,already years of genocide occured.but China,their ally turned blind eye.instead of supporting Vietnamese cause,they attacked and killed thousands of Vietnamese..i think you should read history more before making these "Fairy Tale"..
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