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TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects



TR Engine team, which developed KAAN's engine, visited the plane in the production hangar.

EN Motor: All our work for KAAN continues at full speed


"Air cadets toured the TAI national combat aircraft production facility to examine the KAAN."


The Air Superiority beasts - F-22 Raptor & KAAN



We have Black African cadets?
We have Black African cadets?
There are not only Turkish students in the cadet schools; many guest students from dozens of countries around the world have been trained in Turkish military academies. The situation is no different in France or USA. Apart from NATO missions, Turkish armed forces also provide training support to the armed forces of many countries under bilateral agreements. Btw, when I look at the photo KAAN took with the Air Force cadets, I do not see only African students, there are probably guest students from 3-4 different countries in that photo. These young lieutenant candidates will become high-ranking officers and generals in their countries in the future.

A news from 2002:

"The Turkish Armed Forces, which is known for its high quality of education and disciplinary knowledge, and which renews itself according to the latest developments, ranks at the forefront among the armies in the world that transfer this knowledge to other countries through education. The Turkish Armed Forces, which provides military counselling and training to all Turkic Republics, especially Azerbaijan, also educates the students of these countries in its own military schools. Having signed military training and co-operation agreements with approximately 40 countries, Turkiye is still actively providing military training to the armies of countries such as Afghan, Georgian, Bosnian, Albanian, Macedonian, Jordanian and Pakistani militaries. Turkiye, which also provides F-16 training to United Arab Emirates pilots at Ankara Akıncı Base, will also undertake the combat readiness courses of Bangladeshi and Omani pilots in the future. Finally, in addition to Gambia, military training is also on the agenda for countries such as Nigeria, Benin, Gabon, Gabon, Ghana and Chad in Africa. Within the scope of the Partnership for Peace (PfP), Turkiye has trained officers from countries such as Romania and Bulgaria at a special centre in Ankara, and is in talks with 14 more countries in addition to those with which it has already signed cooperation agreements. To date, TAF has provided military training to 4750 military personnel from various countries. Currently, 1313 military personnel from 23 countries continue their military training in Turkiye."

Today, this scale has expanded much more and the emphasis has shifted more from joint missions and alliance organisations to bilateral agreements. The Qatar military base and the Somali military base are centres that do not have combat qualifications and whose main feature is on-site training. Apart from these, the armed forces of many African countries also receive on-site training services. Military personnel from these countries, in certain groups and in accordance with their classes and positions, continue certain parts of their training at military academies and training brigades within the country.
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Ukrainian engine developer Ivchenko Progress has entered the "Preliminary Design Phase Project" tender for the development of the turbofan engine of KAAN.

-Ivchenko Progress established a cooperation model with TEI within the scope of the tender.



Ukrainian engine developer Ivchenko Progress has entered the "Preliminary Design Phase Project" tender for the development of the turbofan engine of KAAN.

-Ivchenko Progress established a cooperation model with TEI within the scope of the tender.


View attachment 932169

It is a very big tender, in fact, if we exclude China, it could be the biggest non-US engine development tender. Ivchenko progress is struggling to survive economically because of the circumstances. Being part of this program could be the kiss of life for the company.
It is a very big tender, in fact, if we exclude China, it could be the biggest non-US engine development tender. Ivchenko progress is struggling to survive economically because of the circumstances. Being part of this program could be the kiss of life for the company.

And it will also help potentially make Ukraine a customer of Kaan in the future (of if turkeys is ok to export it to them but I suspect it will).

The sale of the various UAV’s has built good reputation inside Ukraine.
Ukrainian engine developer Ivchenko Progress has entered the "Preliminary Design Phase Project" tender for the development of the turbofan engine of KAAN.

-Ivchenko Progress established a cooperation model with TEI within the scope of the tender.


View attachment 932169

This is big news, I suspected it might be an option, I mentioned it here before but people said Ukraine only has old tech and not too useful for the KAAN engine, but Ukraine has extensive technical knowledge and experience. Right now Ukraine is in a bad spot b/c of the war, and its infrastructure idk how much of it will survive the war, and how much their production capability will survive.

If the worst case happens and Ukraine's production capacity and technical infrastructure is destroyed in the war, it would be a big issue for Turkish programs hoping to use non EU/US engines and subsystems. I think there is a genuine opportunity here as well for both Turkey and Ukraine. If they shift production and infrastructure to Turkey, along with giving Ukrainian engineers a safe place to work and not depreciate their skills, have an "Ivchenko-Progress Turkey", in the same way there is a "Pratt & Whitney Canada". Have production lines in Turkey, even develop new engines and share the profits 50/50. Otherwise there will be a brain drain and loss of Ukrainian technical personel, with the only ones hiring them being the Russians and the Chinese for their own tech industries.
Ukrainian engine developer Ivchenko Progress has entered the "Preliminary Design Phase Project" tender for the development of the turbofan engine of KAAN.

-Ivchenko Progress established a cooperation model with TEI within the scope of the tender.


View attachment 932169


Quick question, other than being involved in engine production, do we know if Ukraine is interested in inducting the fighter itself eventually?
It is a very big tender, in fact, if we exclude China, it could be the biggest non-US engine development tender. Ivchenko progress is struggling to survive economically because of the circumstances. Being part of this program could be the kiss of life for the company.
It seems that both Motor Sich and Ivchenko-Progress pretty much owe their survival to Turkey's growing engine needs.

Quick question, other than being involved in engine production, do we know if Ukraine is interested in inducting the fighter itself eventually?

We haven't heard anything, but its so far down the road its really up in the air. Ukraine has bigger fish to fry right now, which is making sure the country survives and getting things it can immediately use. If I had to guess if they make a purchase of aircraft, it will be F-16s, they can deploy those immediately and their pilots are training on it already. Turkey might be able to sell upgrade packages and domestic production for those products to Ukraine though, maybe that is something that Ukraine would be interested in, the second hand F-16s they are supposed to be getting would be good candidates for Ozgur upgrades.
We haven't heard anything, but its so far down the road its really up in the air. Ukraine has bigger fish to fry right now, which is making sure the country survives and getting things it can immediately use. If I had to guess if they make a purchase of aircraft, it will be F-16s, they can deploy those immediately and their pilots are training on it already. Turkey might be able to sell upgrade packages and domestic production for those products to Ukraine though, maybe that is something that Ukraine would be interested in, the second hand F-16s they are supposed to be getting would be good candidates for Ozgur upgrades.
I've thought about the Ozgur upgrades as well. We know that Ukraine will be using older model F-16s that have gone through MLUs. These however aren't good enough to go against modern Russian fighters. They're great against ground targets, which I suspect the Ukrainians are buying them for, but they'd get shredded by modernized Su-30 and Su-35s.

Ozgur would level the playing field and give Ukrainian F-16s an equal footing to Russian Sukhois.

Considering that the F-16 pilots are still being trained and Ukraine is months away from receiving its promised F-16s, Ozgur upgrades could be fitted on enough of those F-16s in the mean time that by the time Ukrainian pilots are ready these F-16s could be rolled out at the same time.

Of course those pilots would also need to be trained on the Ozgur upgraded F-16s as well, which Turkey would have to also be willing to give (and prioritize over its own air force) to Ukraine.

I guess it's more of a fantasy than reality at this point.
I've thought about the Ozgur upgrades as well. We know that Ukraine will be using older model F-16s that have gone through MLUs. These however aren't good enough to go against modern Russian fighters. They're great against ground targets, which I suspect the Ukrainians are buying them for, but they'd get shredded by modernized Su-30 and Su-35s.

Ozgur would level the playing field and give Ukrainian F-16s an equal footing to Russian Sukhois.

Considering that the F-16 pilots are still being trained and Ukraine is months away from receiving its promised F-16s, Ozgur upgrades could be fitted on enough of those F-16s in the mean time that by the time Ukrainian pilots are ready these F-16s could be rolled out at the same time.

Of course those pilots would also need to be trained on the Ozgur upgraded F-16s as well, which Turkey would have to also be willing to give (and prioritize over its own air force) to Ukraine.

I guess it's more of a fantasy than reality at this point.

Its just weapons sales, and it gives Ukraine more autonomy, what happens if Trump decides he doesn't want to escalate with Russia and cuts off F-16 munitions? then you will need non US munitions and addons for the F-16, the only ones with that would be Israel and Turkey. And thus far the Israelis haven't supplied any offense weapons to Ukraine unlike Turkey, also the Ozgur program is a bit more extensive than the Israeli upgrades if I'm not mistaken.
Its just weapons sales, and it gives Ukraine more autonomy, what happens if Trump decides he doesn't want to escalate with Russia and cuts off F-16 munitions? then you will need non US munitions and addons for the F-16, the only ones with that would be Israel and Turkey. And thus far the Israelis haven't supplied any offense weapons to Ukraine unlike Turkey, also the Ozgur program is a bit more extensive than the Israeli upgrades if I'm not mistaken.
The only thing I'd push back on is you thinking Trump is gonna get reelected, but everything else I agree with.
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