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Testing Turkey

Wanted to react on this:

I fully agree with this assessment, and it brings me to the question how the region's greatest military force has to reach out to the US for its security. Can our Turkish members explain why Turkey has established a decent and large military force, but isn't willing to use it in the region? I don't know if it because of a certain military doctrine, or because of the fact Ankara simply doesn't have the assets to defend its interests. Why establishing such large military force if it isn't enough to project influence and power in the region?

You should ask that question to Erdoğan and AKP members, not to Turkish members of the forum. But if we are talking about Syrian issue, my guess is that:

1. They are afraid of the chemical weapons and ballistic missiles Syria possess. Turkey still lacks a good defence system.

2. They don't want to be seen as warmongers, that's why they prefer a proxy war.

3. War is very expensive so they don't want to to ruin Turkey's economy by declaring war on their own without foreign help.

4. They care about the votes they would get in the next election, they are politicians after all. A large scale war means lots of losses, and that means less votes for them.
Wanted to react on this:

I fully agree with this assessment, and it brings me to the question how the region's greatest military force has to reach out to the US for its security. Can our Turkish members explain why Turkey has established a decent and large military force, but isn't willing to use it in the region? I don't know if it because of a certain military doctrine, or because of the fact Ankara simply doesn't have the assets to defend its interests. Why establishing such large military force if it isn't enough to project influence and power in the region?
If you fully agree with that statement as you claim,how the hell can you ask the following questions?
Did you read it well?
If so,how can you ask those questions?
If you fully agree with that statement as you claim,how the hell can you ask the following questions?
Did you read it well?
If so,how can you ask those questions?

Hij heeft zijn Internet rekening weer kunnen betalen, daarom kan hij weer hier spelen:)

Suri just kidding btw.
Wanted to react on this:

I fully agree with this assessment, and it brings me to the question how the region's greatest military force has to reach out to the US for its security. Can our Turkish members explain why Turkey has established a decent and large military force, but isn't willing to use it in the region? I don't know if it because of a certain military doctrine, or because of the fact Ankara simply doesn't have the assets to defend its interests. Why establishing such large military force if it isn't enough to project influence and power in the region?

When you have two enemies killing each other you Just sit down and watch , in the current moment Hizbulah , Syrian army and Alqauda are butchering each other , so why should Turkey go in tell me ?

Syria has already been destroyed as a country and army , what we are witnessing is a war between two militia's at a stalemate . Intervinsion by foreign players will only take place once Hizbullah uses up his forces in Syria so it will be hitting two birds with a rock as they say .

No country in this world Today would carry out a full blown invasion of another unless it has the support of major power , Just like bahrain when the Gulf forces went in Iran was sitting there watching .
If you fully agree with that statement as you claim,how the hell can you ask the following questions?
Did you read it well?
If so,how can you ask those questions?

We all know that Syria was always a foe for Turkey and now that foe has been destroyed by itself , when you have two foes killing each other you Just sit down and watch .

There is also a fire Iran started without realizing , that it has unleashed a sectarian war against a sect that forms 90% of the Arab world . Yes iran has influence over Shia but they only form a significant number in Iraq on the other hand it has won the hatred of 90% of the Arab world , even more than israel .

The events in Syria has opened the door for Economic alliance between Turkey and Saudi Arabia , Turkey will benefit a lot economically and win contracts worth billions in the Gulf construction and industry sectors , never to forget the Defence sector to.

Just a small example , UAE will invest 12 billion in developing coal mines and energy plant stations in Turkey

Turkey-UAE sign USD 12 billion energy project - Invest in Turkey

The Turkish economy will continue growing while Iran will get more Isolated after the syrian crises.
AKP diplomacy is the biggest miracle of hypocrisy I have ever seen..I expect islamist to be typically hypocrites but AKP has broken historical records.

AKP is orientation is Islam ,but they are not Islamist.

You know what Islamist means ? in English !!! Don´t use that Word.
Turkish policy may not be effective at this time,that doesn't matter. What matters is that Turkish policy is 'Right'. Iran on the other,hands is spreading terrorism in Syria through its proxy terrorist outfits like the Hizbullah as well as supporting Tyrant and its killing machines, the 'Shabiha'.

End of the story is not going to look great for Iran. When the regime falls, it will see an anti Iran syrian society.

janay do sir g

same Westerns will lift weapons embargo to TTP,BLA,BRA,Punjabi Taliban and Sindhu Desh and will say now they are true Pakistani saviors we will help them against tyrant Pakistan army and corrupt Pakistani politicians who are unable to contain terrorism etc etc what fits their cause.

don't get too biased

i pray that God Almighty help Syria to defeat AlCIAda terrorists FSA and others.Ameen
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