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Tesco stops sourcing from a Bangladesh factory due to safety concerns

Why sir?? Why your eyes on this chaddi-banyans?? What happened to your software jobs??
Why not find any noble jobs?? Like weapon or mechanical hardware producing?? :hang2:

BTW we offer worlds most inhuman price. So no one can compete us. If they are turning their back they will come
back soon by U turn :lol:

We'll eventually outsource the menial jobs to Bangladesh, our intention is to act as the middle man in this process and gain market by pasting 'Made in India' tag to those export shipments. :D
Why sir?? Why your eyes on this chaddi-banyans?? What happened to your software jobs??
Why not find any noble jobs?? Like weapon or mechanical hardware producing?? :hang2:

BTW we offer worlds most inhuman price. So no one can compete us. If they are turning their back they will come back soon by U turn :lol:

western retailers are facing consumer pressure, they will consider higher labour cost as long as they still remain competitive.
We got chaddi baniyan factories too, we dont import them from bd. :cheers:
We'll eventually outsource the menial jobs to Bangladesh, our intention is to act as the middle man in this process and gain market by pasting 'Made in India' tag to those export shipments. :D

no one likes made in India crap :lol: even the lowest of Chinese quality stuffs are way better then Bharoti mal

Islamist would obviously not like my comment. Its the truth, Bangladeshi brand name has taken a major hit, courtesy Hefajat e Islam.

hehehe now i know why they call you roygoat. makes sense
Why sir?? Why your eyes on this chaddi-banyans?? What happened to your software jobs??
Why not find any noble jobs?? Like weapon or mechanical hardware producing?? :hang2:

BTW we offer worlds most inhuman price. So no one can compete us. If they are turning their back they will come back soon by U turn :lol:

diversification.What's wrong if world's 6th largest automobile producer and 4th largest steel producer wants to enter garment market?
Yeah, ask Tesco. Or the family members of peoples died under the rubles of the same industry they worked in.

don't worry, tesco will not even consider Indian clothes. Indian businessmen are fraud as well. so 0% chance
pole voulter will be shot.. infact was shot recently.. :chilli:
how come skull and bones vaulted and he is safe now. Its your responsibility to make sure that he is captured and sent back to BD or shot if resists. goodluck bharoti
how come skull and bones vaulted and he is safe now. Its your responsibility to make sure that he is captured and sent back to BD or shot if resists. goodluck bharoti

Because my IQ and physical strength far exceeds than that of resident Bangladeshis. :D
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