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#TerrorMata , How you explain these?


Aug 30, 2010
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United Kingdom
If Pakistan was lying at UNO ,hiw do the Indians explain these media reports?
P.S. To Pakistanis , please ttend #TerrorMata with these pics to expose induan lies.

you did state sponsor terrorism , starting from 71 .. just because back in 70's US and world was not fighting a WOT does not mean Terrorist or terrorism acts wont count .. you started this dirty game in the region
we had a really good reason in 71. self preservation. the 10 million refugees you kindly sent our way almost broke our economy.
secondly, you guys started this "dirty game" in 47. to annex kashmir. did you forget about that?
In the name of terrormatta... what a shame ... what desperation... awefull human rights abuses
These are stone pelter fed by some evil forces. That too throwing on army.

The officer only returned what they got.
we had a really good reason in 71. self preservation. the 10 million refugees you kindly sent our way almost broke our economy.
secondly, you guys started this "dirty game" in 47. to annex kashmir. did you forget about that?

I salute your IQ level as you compared 47 with 71 ..
47 was partition year, plus based on Population Kashmir should be under Pakistan but its ruler chose to call India cause of religion . 71 was a internal Civil war, not based on religion but power and politics in which India intervene .
I salute your IQ level as you compared 47 with 71 ..
47 was partition year, plus based on Population Kashmir should be under Pakistan but its ruler chose to call India cause of religion . 71 was a internal Civil war, not based on religion but power and politics in which India intervene .
47 war started when pakistan sent in "non state actors" into kashmir, just like india did in 71. do some research
47 war started when pakistan sent in "non state actors" into kashmir, just like india did in 71. do some research
It was a local rebellion that resulted in the liberation of Azad Kashmir and residents of Poonch were fighting for independence since 18th century.
47 war started when pakistan sent in "non state actors" into kashmir, just like india did in 71. do some research

No Woman You Do Some Research Hindu and Sikh Militants Were Sent In And With Full Blessing Of Both Indian And Dogra State Government Carried Out A Genocide of Kashmiris In Jammu.(Great Jammu Massacre)

They Tried To Do This In Poonch But The Locals Rised Up Against Them.And To Help Them Pashtuns Came (Some From My Tribe As Well)
It was a local rebellion that resulted in the liberation of Azad Kashmir and residents of Poonch were fighting for independence since 18th century.

How can you lie so blatantly when the history is known to all ????

If it was just a local uprising as you are claiming, what was Kurram Militia, Frontier Corps,
Swat Levies and Furqan Force
doing inside the valley ????? Any answer's for that ???

Regarding 1971, we just took a page or two out of Pakistan's 1947 text book, nothing else.

If Indian intervention in East Pakistan back in 1971 was wrong then you will have to accept that Pakistan's interference in Kashmir back in 1947-48 was also very much wrong, else we were well within our rights to do a humanitarian interference in Bangladesh. :p:

No Woman You Do Some Research Hindu and Sikh Militants Were Sent In And With Full Blessing Of Both Indian And Dogra State Government Carried Out A Genocide of Kashmiris In Jammu.(Great Jammu Massacre)

They Tried To Do This In Poonch But The Locals Rised Up Against Them.And To Help Them Pashtuns Came (Some From My Tribe As Well)

It was exactly same what happened in East Pakistan aka Bangladesh. And still if you think Pakistan was right while interfering in J&K in 1947, then India is also right by interfering in East Pakistan. If India is wrong by interfering in East Pakistan so is Pakistan when you interfered in J&K. Period. :p:
How can you lie so blatantly when the history is known to all ????

If it was just a local uprising as you are claiming, what was Kurram Militia, Frontier Corps,
Swat Levies and Furqan Force
doing inside the valley ????? Any answer's for that ???

Regarding 1971, we just took a page or two out of Pakistan's 1947 text book, nothing else.

If Indian intervention in East Pakistan back in 1971 was wrong then you will have to accept that Pakistan's interference in Kashmir back in 1947-48 was also very much wrong, else we were well within our rights to do a humanitarian interference in Bangladesh. :p:

It was exactly same what happened in East Pakistan aka Bangladesh. And still if you think Pakistan was right while interfering in J&K in 1947, then India is also right by interfering in East Pakistan. If India is wrong by interfering in East Pakistan so is Pakistan when you interfered in J&K. Period. :p:
How dare you compare East Pakistan with Kashmir? These are two entirely different cases.
How dare you compare East Pakistan with Kashmir? These are two entirely different cases.
Very different. Kashmiris did not pour into Pakistan as refugees in 1947-48. Kashmir was an independent free state like Nepal and Bhutan which was unilaterally invaded by Pakistan. East Pakistanis on the other hand poured into India as refugees - about 10 million.
you did state sponsor terrorism , starting from 71 .. just because back in 70's US and world was not fighting a WOT does not mean Terrorist or terrorism acts wont count .. you started this dirty game in the region

Your terrorism definition is different from whole world. I see Hafeez said becoming Pakistan PM shortly. This will complete your endeavor of Islamic state and you will have full sharia life style. So calm down and wait for some more time.
How dare you compare East Pakistan with Kashmir? These are two entirely different cases.

No, both are exactly the same. Only difference is that one was under a Maharaja rule and other was under a military dictator and military actions in Kashmir didn't created any mass exodus unlike what happened with the Bengali's in East Pakistan. :(
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