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Terrorists in North Warisastan can escape death by surrendering & going to Palestine to fight agains

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Jul 26, 2013
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PML-N government can declare amnesty to every terrorist fighting against Pakistan to end terrorism, stop killing innocent Pakistanis, surrender arms and promise never to take up arms against the state of Pakistan and leave the country and to go to Gaza to fight against Zionist State of Israel to free innocent Palestinians from the brutal, barbaric and ruthless aggression, suppression and oppression in Gaza.

This is the best offer and option to the terrorists to save their lives, faces and skins to engage in true jihad against the enemies of Islam.

Opinion of Saladin from Siasat Pk forum
PML-N government can declare amnesty to every terrorist fighting against Pakistan to end terrorism, stop killing innocent Pakistanis, surrender arms and promise never to take up arms against the state of Pakistan and leave the country and to go to Gaza to fight against Zionist State of Israel to free innocent Palestinians from the brutal, barbaric and ruthless aggression, suppression and oppression in Gaza.

This is the best offer and option to the terrorists to save their lives, faces and skins to engage in true jihad against the enemies of Islam.

Opinion of Saladin from Siasat Pk forum
Don't you think that is a bit risky? Once they stop burdening Pakistan they will start burdening Arab countries. They may also be counterproductive in the fight by killing innocent civilians, helping Israel create a stronger case of propaganda by saying "we need to defend ourselfs". It could also make other countries look at Pakistan as a state sponsor of terrorism.
PML-N government can declare amnesty to every terrorist fighting against Pakistan to end terrorism, stop killing innocent Pakistanis, surrender arms and promise never to take up arms against the state of Pakistan and leave the country and to go to Gaza to fight against Zionist State of Israel to free innocent Palestinians from the brutal, barbaric and ruthless aggression, suppression and oppression in Gaza.

This is the best offer and option to the terrorists to save their lives, faces and skins to engage in true jihad against the enemies of Islam.
:woot: Are you for real? Amnesty? Which world are you living in? You think these yahoos would come running with their weapons and surrender to the authorities to allow them to go fight in Gaza? They can go themselves. They don't need the government's approval or permission!

And Gaza is small change for them. The priority for the TTP is to establish a Muslim Caliphate in Pakistan with their own version of Sharia. Gaza may not even be on their radar.
Capture, rehabilitate and integrate into society. We've got enough bad rep internationally already. We shouldn't be fighting anyone else's wars.
bad idea. if they win and come back, they might spill carnage in pakistan again
Chalo G.
What has happened to this world and its thinking man!!!!!!
Good thing I read the end of that amazing thought. Its from Siasat.pk.
We have a golden opportunity to get rid of them once and for all- So fcuk them all-

Exterminate them all with extreme prejudice-
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The most dumbest idea I have ever come across, somebody give the man a thapar. Worse than my nuking Afghanistan idea.

These f**ktards can't fight against Israel, they will bail half way and flood into Iraq or Yemen for safe passage to....you guessed it, back to Pakistan where they will go blowing themselves up for retribution.

Currently PA have kill on sight policy for all TTP and rightfully so, justice is not quick enough in the country and can't be relied upon. Kill them in battle and thats what PA is doing.

People like Adnan Rasheed and other high profile ttp will be kept for questioning and then do what needs to be done with them.

Fazullah is kingpin, we catch him and we win the war.
OP, the point of this whole war of ours is to rid ourselves of extremists, not grow a new base for them and export them to Palestine.

We've bled for this and suggestion like yours will make all efforts go in vain.
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