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Terrorists have lost their cause already, are being marginalised: Army Chief

The hideouts have been blown to pieces, they hold no territory and hide behind a set up with friendly tribes, their manpower has dwindled rapidly and their support amongst the masses is non-exsistant. Just what coffee would you like us to smell?

As for your previous comment about our military taking a month blah blah, if you haven't noticed insurgencies are not solved in a moment's notice. Maybe you can give us example where they have.

Maoists are one such example. Can't you see? Indians are fighting them since 1967.A shining example of "success" for everyone.
It is no secret that the terrorist organizations in Pakistan have been focused on achieving their deadly agenda for over a decade. Thousands of innocent civilians including: elderly, women and children have fallen victim to their atrocities. We’ve seen over and over that they will cross all lines in order to destabilize the region. At first, they tried to manipulate people into believing that they were fighting for a cause. Unfortunately for them, the cover has been pulled, and it has become clear that they have an independent evil agenda. On the other hand, we share a common stance against terrorism, and our sacrifices in the region clarify our shared will and desire to restore peace in the country. We refuse to bow down to those who threaten the safety of our nations. We stand by the government of Pakistan and wish to see peace prevail throughout the region, especially Pakistan.

Ali Khan

Digital Engagement Team, USCENTCOM


Really---. The pk taliban have been seeking refuge in neighbouring afg for the longest---Mullah Fazalullah been living in your side of the border and you done nothing----.

Your congressman Rohrabacher from san diego is openly talking about seperation of baluchistan---so what is the name of this game!!!!!!!
These rented terrorists are following controlled scripts from their masters & have truly lost their way. These rented terrorists have started to realize they are weak & are going to be crushed completely. Pak Defence should show no mercy to these rented terrorists & they hell should not listen to the corrupt & spineless politicians who have no idea what is going on & who these rented terrorists are.
Use of armed force against it's own civilians ? That sounds totally pakistani :lol:

How about David Koresh here in the united states----did you know what the u s did to him----the bureau burnt the building where Koresh, his family, children and followers were hiding and roasted them alive----you know why---because one of Koresh men shot and killed a bureau guy---you simply don't mess with the bureau---they will set an example that your non existant generations won't forget.
Once the Americans pull out altogether they really won't have any further "legit" cause left. They're days are very much numbered.

No doubt,TTP today is at its weakest point since its formation in 2007
They reigned and thrived from 2007-2011. From 2012 onwards they've been steadily weakening. :k:
TTP is not marginalised .. they will draw again from the same venom which runs into pakistani society .. ie of hatred for non muslims !
TTP is not marginalised .. they will draw again from the same venom which runs into pakistani society .. ie of hatred for non muslims !
The very same that run in the veins of hindus....ie hatred of of muslims????????????????????????
TTP is not marginalised .. they will draw again from the same venom which runs into pakistani society .. ie of hatred for non muslims !

Well only if TTP could rise back again with all your Bull$hit. You poor SOB, YOU almost look wounded by this development.

Mehsud group separates from TTP

Have to say you have certainly mastered act of trolling.
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