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Terrorists have lost their cause already, are being marginalised: Army Chief

Those who have got eyes and ears can see, hear and feel what's going on in Pakistan...!! But for you and your countrymen who have same views like yours...i suggest you have some treatment for your chronic indigestion and nausea, so that you shall be prepared for some good news from Pakistan...!!
What i feel is impertinent when pakistan society is awash sectarian violence. Just couple of days back an ahmedi doctor was butchered by TTP sycophants !
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What i feel is impertinent when pakistan society is awash sectarian violence. Just couple of days back an ahmedi doctor was butchered by TTP sycophants !

Yeah that was a sad incident, but what else they can do ? They lost in Swat, Bajur, South Waziristan, Orakzai, Khyber agencies which were believed to be strong holds in the vast inhospitable terrain against our military...and than rest of the story should be known by you better if you have any interest...So TTP than cowards have started using such shameful tactics..but for how long ?? Their end is near...!
Yeah that was a sad incident, but what else they can do ? They lost in Swat, Bajur, South Waziristan, Orakzai, Khyber agencies which were believed to be strong holds in the vast inhospitable terrain against our military...and than rest of the story should be known by you better if you have any interest...So TTP than cowards have started using such shameful tactics..but for how long ?? Their end is near...!
Well I sincerely hope pakistan returns to its roots as it was in 60s and 70s.. ! A peaceful and vibrant pakistan !

facts support my claim dear


Sad since this kind of logic foes for a toss completely when it comes to kashmir !
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Well I sincerely hope pakistan returns to its roots as it was in 60s and 70s.. ! A peaceful and vibrant pakistan !

We are heading towards it, with breathing economy and the democratic institutions strengthening up again, those days are not too far i am sure.
wake up and smell the coffee pl0x !

The hideouts have been blown to pieces, they hold no territory and hide behind a set up with friendly tribes, their manpower has dwindled rapidly and their support amongst the masses is non-exsistant. Just what coffee would you like us to smell?

As for your previous comment about our military taking a month blah blah, if you haven't noticed insurgencies are not solved in a moment's notice. Maybe you can give us example where they have.
The hideouts have been blown to pieces, they hold no territory and hide behind a set up with friendly tribes, their manpower has dwindled rapidly and their support amongst the masses is non-exsistant. Just what coffee would you like us to smell?

As for your previous comment about our military taking a month blah blah, if you haven't noticed insurgencies are not solved in a moment's notice. Maybe you can give us example where they have.
actually the problem is not ftp but the radicalisation it went in 80s and 90s ! So you guys gotta address the root cause ! TTP is just a symptom !
actually the problem is not ftp but the radicalisation it went in 80s and 90s ! So you guys gotta address the root cause ! TTP is just a symptom !

I'm with you and there is a way to go. You might want to see the PTI opening new schools thread.

Yes the TTP is a symptom.
It is no secret that the terrorist organizations in Pakistan have been focused on achieving their deadly agenda for over a decade. Thousands of innocent civilians including: elderly, women and children have fallen victim to their atrocities. We’ve seen over and over that they will cross all lines in order to destabilize the region. At first, they tried to manipulate people into believing that they were fighting for a cause. Unfortunately for them, the cover has been pulled, and it has become clear that they have an independent evil agenda. On the other hand, we share a common stance against terrorism, and our sacrifices in the region clarify our shared will and desire to restore peace in the country. We refuse to bow down to those who threaten the safety of our nations. We stand by the government of Pakistan and wish to see peace prevail throughout the region, especially Pakistan.

Ali Khan

Digital Engagement Team, USCENTCOM

Pup why dont you tell your master and those in Pentagon that if the war was to fight evil - If this war was to eliminate the monsters - If this war was to eliminate Al Qaeda - If this war was not to support monkeys in Syria (new JIhad) - If this war does not have anything to do with entering Africa in a different way -



But guess your Pentagon masters and their Pakistani counterparts don't want that. You guys learnt a great lesson after Vietnam, didn't you?

Why hide when everything is rosy?

On a side note: I think you should quit this job. Maybe not - Maybe you should read the Sub-Saharan and Transatlantic slave trade. Read how the global elite and the local elite manipulated the people.

Its the same thing going on.

Your masters know what the real goal is. So do I.

But unfortunately, they will fail.

This was is not against Islam. It never was.

The new uniformed "cultural" era that you dreamed of...will die.

Time is the jury.
I hope Raheel is a man and a brave one!! Respect/Honour/ Should mean a lot to him and not like the other C0wards we had so far.
I hope Raheel is a man and a brave one!! Respect/Honour/ Should mean a lot to him and not like the other C0wards we had so far.

Hazrat Ali
The best revenge is to improve yourself.
It is easier to win your enemy over by sincere measures and good deeds than declare war and dominate him after great bloodshed and destruction.
The best revenge is forgiveness.

Although the gung hu wanna be terrors might really believe in all that crap - The state has a bigger responsibility. The state cannot act like the criminals.

Crushing the ideology by better economic and education opportunities is the only solution.

All else is the traits of commission jawans.
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