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Terrorists have lost their cause already, are being marginalised: Army Chief


Feb 2, 2007
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As the army resumed its offensive against targets in North Waziristan this month, Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif said on Tuesday that the nation had rejected the misplaced ideology of terrorists who have clearly lost their cause already and are being marginalised.

According to an Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) statement, Gen Sharif visited field deployments in South Waziristan.

The COAS reiterated Army’s continued whole hearted support for tribal brethren under all circumstances.

While talking to the troops, he commended their commitment and paid rich tributes to them for their sacrifices in bringing peace and normalcy to the troubled regions.

The army chief reviewed progress of various projects undertaken by the army in the area, and appreciated them for quality of work and timely completion.

Gen Sharif particularly mentioned the construction of Central Trade Corridor, a 714-kilometre road network, linking Pakistan’s Indus Highway and Waziristan agencies with the Afghan Ring Road.

Later the COAS also visited the recently established Cadet College Spinkai Raghzai. Talking to Cadets, he said that these projects would help integrate a new generation of young Pakistanis from such remote areas in the national mainstream.

Terrorists have lost their cause already, are being marginalised: Army Chief – The Express Tribune

As the army resumed its offensive against targets in North Waziristan this month, Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif said on Tuesday that the nation had rejected the misplaced ideology of terrorists who have clearly lost their cause already and are being marginalised.

According to an Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) statement, Gen Sharif visited field deployments in South Waziristan.

The COAS reiterated Army’s continued whole hearted support for tribal brethren under all circumstances.

While talking to the troops, he commended their commitment and paid rich tributes to them for their sacrifices in bringing peace and normalcy to the troubled regions.

The army chief reviewed progress of various projects undertaken by the army in the area, and appreciated them for quality of work and timely completion.

Gen Sharif particularly mentioned the construction of Central Trade Corridor, a 714-kilometre road network, linking Pakistan’s Indus Highway and Waziristan agencies with the Afghan Ring Road.

Later the COAS also visited the recently established Cadet College Spinkai Raghzai. Talking to Cadets, he said that these projects would help integrate a new generation of young Pakistanis from such remote areas in the national mainstream.

Terrorists have lost their cause already, are being marginalised: Army Chief – The Express Tribune

who is that guy behind COAS ??
It is no secret that the terrorist organizations in Pakistan have been focused on achieving their deadly agenda for over a decade. Thousands of innocent civilians including: elderly, women and children have fallen victim to their atrocities. We’ve seen over and over that they will cross all lines in order to destabilize the region. At first, they tried to manipulate people into believing that they were fighting for a cause. Unfortunately for them, the cover has been pulled, and it has become clear that they have an independent evil agenda. On the other hand, we share a common stance against terrorism, and our sacrifices in the region clarify our shared will and desire to restore peace in the country. We refuse to bow down to those who threaten the safety of our nations. We stand by the government of Pakistan and wish to see peace prevail throughout the region, especially Pakistan.

Ali Khan

Digital Engagement Team, USCENTCOM
the confidence army has against TTP can be gauged from the fact that they take like a month to plan an offensive against them. :lol:
Edit: Stick to the topic.

If you knew half as much as you think you do, you might get somewhere on this forum. But I assure you, you don't in this case.

Well what i know maybe debatable but terrorist being marginalised in pakistan ?? Now thats a tall claim which nobody would be able to digest !
Well what i know maybe debatable but terrorist being marginalised in pakistan ?? Now thats a tall claim which nobody would be able to digest !

Those who have got eyes and ears can see, hear and feel what's going on in Pakistan...!! But for you and your countrymen who have same views like yours...i suggest you have some treatment for your chronic indigestion and nausea, so that you shall be prepared for some good news from Pakistan...!!
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