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Terrorists have killed at least 20 soldiers in an attack on a checkpoint in western Egypt

What can we say about these men who died preventing aid and medicine from reaching people under bombardment

They weren't even fasting

These men were manning a checkpoint near the western border. They were targeted by your ilk while they were making preparations for iftar, the same MO used on the attack August 2012 in the Sinai. Scum.
These men were manning a checkpoint near the western border. They were targeted by your ilk while they were making preparations for iftar, the same MO used on the attack August 2012 in the Sinai. Scum.

But surely there would be a change round where these men would relive the troops near gaza so they could stop medicine and aid going into Gaza
But surely there would be a change round where these men would relive the troops near gaza so they could stop medicine and aid going into Gaza

No, there wouldn't be. These were infantry that came under the Western Command, the Rafah border is controlled by Border Guards. Only one convoy was not allowed entry because of inadequate documentation, the rest have been allowed entry. The border remains open to both aid and injured.
So the border remains open to aid and injured but you destroy all the tunnels to help Israel strangle the Gazan economy and stop the palestinians being able to fight and you propose a ceasefire arrangement which justifies israels slaughter, gives them peace and returns Gaza to being a prison camp
So the border remains open to aid and injured but you destroy all the tunnels to help Israel strangle the Gazan economy and stop the palestinians being able to fight and you propose a ceasefire arrangement which justifies israels slaughter, gives them peace and returns Gaza to being a prison camp

The closure or demolition of tunnels to the Gaza strip is a result of the security situation, the open ended use of tunnels to smuggle people, weapons, and contraband not only provided insurgents with funds but also allowed them to conduct operations in the Sinai and then retreat to the Gaza strip. The policy itself started with Operation Sinai, which was launched after 16 border guards were killed in August 2012 under then President Morsi. The ceasefire solution was pretty much the same one that Hamas accepted in 2012, why it was received with applause in 2012 and now with scorn and criticism is anyone's guess. Egypt is still working towards a ceasefire solution with all sides in order to stop the senseless killing, something that no other nation is doing and a role we could completely abandon if we so wished.
The closure or demolition of tunnels to the Gaza strip is a result of the security situation, the open ended use of tunnels to smuggle people, weapons, and contraband not only provided insurgents with funds but also allowed them to conduct operations in the Sinai and then retreat to the Gaza strip. The policy itself started with Operation Sinai, which was launched after 16 border guards were killed in August 2012 under then President Morsi. The ceasefire solution was pretty much the same one that Hamas accepted in 2012, why it was received with applause in 2012 and now with scorn and criticism is anyone's guess. Egypt is still working towards a ceasefire solution with all sides in order to stop the senseless killing, something that no other nation is doing and a role we could completely abandon if we so wished.

The ceasefire solution proposed by Egypt is a israeli solution in Egyptian wrapping that would keep the siege in place and keep Gaza trapped between a brutal Israel and compliant Egypt whilst Israel would walk away having destroyed Gaza
The ceasefire solution proposed by Egypt is a israeli solution in Egyptian wrapping that would keep the siege in place and keep Gaza trapped between a brutal Israel and compliant Egypt whilst Israel would walk away having destroyed Gaza

It is virtually the same solution proposed and accepted in 2012. Again, why was it received with applause in 2012 and faced with scorn and criticism now? and was the ceasefire proposal in 2012 also an Israeli solution in Egyptian wrapping?

A ceasefire is just that, a temporary but potentially long lasting halt in hostilities. Negotiations on lifting the siege placed around Gaza could have occurred after the ceasefire. Nations do not negotiate on terms while in active conflict nor while trying to achieve a ceasefire.

What Hamas has done is simply foolish, in trying to undermine the Egyptian regime for political purposes they have prolonged the conflict resulting in further loss of life and soured their international image further by appearing to not accept a ceasefire and therefore peace.
It is virtually the same solution proposed and accepted in 2012. Again, why was it received with applause in 2012 and faced with scorn and criticism now? and was the ceasefire proposal in 2012 also an Israeli solution in Egyptian wrapping?

A ceasefire is just that, a temporary but potentially long lasting halt in hostilities. Negotiations on lifting the siege placed around Gaza could have occurred after the ceasefire. Nations do not negotiate on terms while in active conflict nor while trying to achieve a ceasefire.

What Hamas has done is simply foolish, in trying to undermine the Egyptian regime for political purposes they have prolonged the conflict resulting in further loss of life and soured their international image further by appearing to not accept a ceasefire and therefore peace.

The solution in 2012 was worthless what did it get Gaza, therr was supposed to be a gradual lifting of the siege, nothing happened except the continued treatment of Gaza as a prison camp ably supported by Egypt

Hamas wants guranteed actions and thry are entirely reasonable including lifting of the siege and end to israeli/Egyptian strangulation

if they accept the Egyptian ceasefire then Israel gets peace at its choosing and gets to walk away having killed hundreds of Palestinians

any subsequent negotiations may mean NOTHING as they have done in the past and keep Gaza just as it is

at least in the current scenario israel is economically hurt, whilst having its image decimated

Egypt did not even consult hamas and insteadworked out tthe plan with the israelis and then declared it

No one is undermining the Egyptian regime, except Egypt itself if you can't be a honest peace broker then at least shut up

The siege on Gaza must be lifted and Israels clutches taken out of Gaza, this is what Egypt should of proposed
The solution in 2012 was worthless what did it get Gaza, therr was supposed to be a gradual lifting of the siege, nothing happened except the continued treatment of Gaza as a prison camp ably supported by Egypt

Egypt can not interfere in whether the ceasefire is adhered to or not, it is only the mediator between each side. Hamas was happy with the plan as were the Israelis and they agreed to stop firing, that is where Egypt's role as mediator ends and it us up to each concerned party what they do.

Hamas wants guranteed actions and thry are entirely reasonable including lifting of the siege and end to israeli/Egyptian strangulation

Demands that the Israelis build a sea port as well as an airport for Gaza are completely unrealistic, as are its demands that the Rafah border it shares with Egypt be put under international monitors, considering the loss in sovereignty and the fact that Egyptians have died over that land and have died on that border makes that demand delusional. Hamas are in no position to make demands, although the aim to lift the siege is an admirable one and a just one it will not happen this way.

if they accept the Egyptian ceasefire then Israel gets peace at its choosing and gets to walk away having killed hundreds of Palestinians

Israel will do so regardless, the problem is that no accepting the ceasefire results in further civilian losses.

any subsequent negotiations may mean NOTHING as they have done in the past and keep Gaza just as it is

Then why negotiate at all with that sort of logic? what would bind the Israelis in to accepting the demands Hamas make now if they are accepted? nothing. Again, it is a matter of reducing the collateral toll of this conflict and not of solving the entire overarching problem, that is a matter that will take decades.

at least in the current scenario israel is economically hurt, whilst having its image decimated

The economic toll on Israel is insignificant, while the human loss and toll on Gaza is huge, Israel can afford a war of attrition Hamas can not. The image of Hamas has also been decimated by Israels propaganda machine, their rejection of the Egyptian ceasefire plan played a large part.

Egypt did not even consult hamas and insteadworked out tthe plan with the israelis and then declared it

I'm sorry we didn't get the memo does not cut it. Masheal himself stated in his press release that the Egyptian ceasefire was rejected by Hamas, the line about not receiving any word from Egypt was quickly dropped.

No one is undermining the Egyptian regime, except Egypt itself if you can't be a honest peace broker then at least shut up

Egypt is voluntarily playing the role of mediator, it has no obligation to do so and is not responsible for the actions of Israel or Hamas. It could have abandoned this role long ago, the fact that it remains a mediator alone speaks volumes given the amount of abuse currently being hurled at it from the Palestinian side. If you or they can find anyone else as an effective and trustworthy mediator it would have already happened.

The siege on Gaza must be lifted and Israels clutches taken out of Gaza, this is what Egypt should of proposed

The Israelis would have rejected it= no ceasefire.....

If you have a problem with Egypt government Al Sisi, then why take it out on Egyptian soldiers, who are just regular people that follow orders and defend the borders of their country?
Its very disrespectful.
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