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Terrorists destroy Mosque, kill Namazis during Jumaah Prayers

None would simple as that!

This has India written all over it. Afghan border town, no American army/Pakistani army target.

The timing was particularly well chosen. As soon as the Imam said "Allahu Akbar" the bomb went off.

America sleeps while its trusted partner in the war on terror wreaks havoc upon us from American controlled soil!
WHAT MADNESS!!!! We are not even safe in mosques. What bloody fool calling himself a muslim would do that!!

Well people call terrorsists non muslims because islam is killing innocent people right. Same goes here...!!!

However i feel RAW has activated it covert operation capabilities, and such a string of attacks inside pakistan after 26/11 i think RAW is taking revenge, but its just a remote possiblity, because offcially Ex-PM gujral have curtailed the covert operation capabilities of RAW stateting its against the policy of india. But it could be secrtarian violence too.. may be you know shia sunni conflict we have heard lot abt it in the media..!!!!

However loss of life is a huge loss be it india pakistan or any where else so i pray that the innocent victims souls rest in peace.
I doubt an Islamic terrorist organization did it ! why would they attack on mosque.

VERY SAD IN FACT t his is worst i heard - THESE s,o,b didn't leave the mosque too. if its by some terrorist organization. USE THEM NUKE - WIPE THEM OFF .

bombs blasts near my home..i have gone there..Most of people r saying that this was not suicide bomb.some 1 fix it near shoe rack.when Imam says Allah u akbar nd start reciting Alhamd the Bomb suddenly blast n more than 55 killd..
tommorow i will try to go there nd find out more but FC has fully ceald the area..
poeple of Jamrud r saying that this bomb attack hasnt made by any Jihadi or Islamic organization . There r more thn 5 islamic organization working there..Mangal Baagh's (Ameer of Lashkar e islam) men r working n helping people to give support to injured n dead men..
The attack site is near the Pak-Afghan border. Terrorist outfit Tehreek-e-Taliban, headed by Baitullah Mehsud is suspected to be behind the attack. This was reported in times of india..!! Any leads???
The attack site is near the Pak-Afghan border. Terrorist outfit Tehreek-e-Taliban, headed by Baitullah Mehsud is suspected to be behind the attack. This was reported in times of india..!! Any leads???

Indian Media is so fast that they have left pakistani Media behind..

people r not pointing towards bait..if India Media is Saying baitullah then "Chor ki Darhi me tinka to hota hi he"

one thing
tehrik e taliban r muslims i think
Am I the only one here who thinks the ISI did it so as to provoke Pakistan into war?
Am I the only one here who thinks the ISI did it so as to provoke Pakistan into war?
Pakistan doesn't want war. This one or the next one won't provoke anyone for war. We just want to close the tap on these terrorists.
If everybody want to nuke these terrorist then why not all country together sign a memorandum and - nuke them one night and show the firework on - sky network all around the globe. didn't we have enough of them ?

By we you mean Pakistan right? (please stop your charade, u ain't foolin' noone) Why would Pakistan use nukes on its own territory, unless its on an advancing enemy formation in the battlefield.

And regarding about your post about Muslims cant do this...then I suggest you re-read the 'almost' civil war in Iraq the past couple of years. It was the Sunni vs the Shias having a go at each other - blood for more blood, or even the civil was in Afghanistan in the 90s.

As always theres an unseen 'Indian Hand'....(didnt have to wait long...this time in the 3rd post-pretty fast) hmn I wonder. On one hand you all deplore the pathetic, inefficient MO of RAW, OTOH you give it so much credit....please decide what it really is?

Grow up fellas, try to get your own house in order before point out blemishes in others!

ps: RIP the innocent civilians
Where the **** is ISI Sleeping?We need to increase ISI Budget and give more power to it.
Am I the only one here who thinks the ISI did it so as to provoke Pakistan into war?
Sorry, we are not insane.GOP always blame such incidents on Militants not on India.You need to get your head checked.
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Dude, I don't buy this BS. It's India. Plain and simple, the rest are just the guilty party trying to over-complicate things.

Why dont you put up some damning evidence to support your claims of Indian hand. Coming up with such BS is very easy, everyone says a lot of things, but without evidence it means nothing. Everytime something happens in Pakistan, Indian hand is blamed...where is the evidence? Why dont your investigative agencies put forth evidence showing Indian involvement? The authoroties spew some crap and without seeing evidence the general public blindly laps it up! Show the world the evidence or else shove such claims in some place safe!
If you do have something then please do share it with us, we all would like to know. Else you are gonna end up with a severe anaphylactic shock as a consequence of your allergy.
Sorry, we are not insane.
Personally, I suspect some Hindu terror group (not necessarily Indian) is more likely to have done the deed. But to assert Pakistan is not insane is uncalled-for. The sanity of Pakistan has been in doubt several times, including today. After all, how many people would have deemed it sane five years ago that the Pakistani government would yield Swat to terrorists? And if some rogue in the ISI wanted to arrange - or even acquiesce - to such a bombing, who could stop him?
Personally, I suspect some Hindu terror group (not necessarily Indian) is more likely to have done the deed. But to assert Pakistan is not insane is uncalled-for. The sanity of Pakistan has been in doubt several times, including today. After all, how many people would have deemed it sane five years ago that the Pakistani government would yield Swat to terrorists? And if some rogue in the ISI wanted to arrange - or even acquiesce - to such a bombing, who could stop him?
How does it help ISI rouge Agent or Pakistan Army?Looking forward to hear your consipiracy theory.I thought it's only Muslims Conspiracy theorists who think 9/11 was an inside job.We also have American folks who think ISI is bombing it's own country.Keep in mind that GOP has not blamed India for any bombing.
By we you mean Pakistan right? (please stop your charade, u ain't foolin' noone) Why would Pakistan use nukes on its own territory, unless its on an advancing enemy formation in the battlefield.

And regarding about your post about Muslims cant do this...then I suggest you re-read the 'almost' civil war in Iraq the past couple of years. It was the Sunni vs the Shias having a go at each other - blood for more blood, or even the civil was in Afghanistan in the 90s.

As always theres an unseen 'Indian Hand'....(didnt have to wait long...this time in the 3rd post-pretty fast) hmn I wonder. On one hand you all deplore the pathetic, inefficient MO of RAW, OTOH you give it so much credit....please decide what it really is?

Grow up fellas, try to get your own house in order before point out blemishes in others!

ps: RIP the innocent civilians


If you think i am a Pakistani then i must say you have spent years in a r.a.t. hole. you may come out.:crazy: Dude Not all Indian are idiot and pathetic like you. some can see the both side of coins too. Same goes for Pakistani or American or Chinese etc.

When i said Muslim cant do this - because these terrorist fight in the name of religion !!! and if they attack religion itself wont they loose their support ( tribes or afghan ) . its simple logic if you cant understand may be have- 5 WET ALMOND IN THE MORNING .

As for raw hand - i think its the same rant - Our politicians go on - about isi - Its of no use till a proof is provided.
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