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Terrorists beat up a Photojournalist in Sirinagar

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Photojournalist thrashed by forces in Sgr
By WebDesk Last Updated Apr 7, 2020

Srinagar, Apr 07 (KNO): Kamran Rashid Bhat, a photojournalist associated with a national daily ‘Dainik Jagran’ was thrashed by Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) men outside his office at Red Cross Road in Srinagar on Tuesday.

According to wire service—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), Kamran said that he was discharging his professional duty when some CRPF men pounced upon him and beat him to the pulp.

Despite pleading before them, Kamran said the CRPF men tried to snatch and destroy even his camera as well. Bhat has received bruises all over his body –(KNO)
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