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Terrorists attacks Jinnah Hospital

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I am surprised that there are so many trained people with weapons inside Pakistan. How does these people get so many person ready to die?
A request to some Indian forummers - this is no place for arguments or your analysis of 'how Pakistan is reaping the fruits of etc...".

It hijacks the thread. Arguments can come later, in other threads.

Right now, brave men and innocents are dying. Respect that. And participate to keep the news coming along, not opinions.
I am surprised that there are so many trained people with weapons inside Pakistan. How does these people get so many person ready to die?

Amazing isn't it, that such a large amount of people have the training, finance and the equipment to attack the state repeatedly.

I mean there logistical planning and the way they carry out commando style operations is telling something, even the damned Taliban cannot utilise commando style attacks.

They have without a doubt a lot of help, internal and external help providing finance, equipment and finance.

Now the ISI is not stupid enough to keep it's proxy groups within it's boundaries, even then our own homegrown bastards would not dare attack the hand that feeds them.

But sharif and his khwarjiites have a lot of support, learn and see the world slip into world war 3 where only proxy battles are fought.
Madrassa is where the brain washing takes place, financed by yours truly (the home to Islam, the Arabs), then they are sent to get training through some people that have slipped off our radar one too many times.

Our army and ISI has no benefit from attacking India or itself, why would we hit our own foot with a rake.
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While the attack is yet another lapse in security, I'm amazed and horrified at the comments I've read above. Saddening and downright disturbing.

Terrorists being dressed in police uniforms doesn't mean that somebody from inside is involved, although that is highly likely as well. The attackers on GHQ were in military uniform. Uniforms have been available at military stores throughout the country since time immemorial. You could just go and buy one. After the GHQ attack, they tried to make sure that uniforms weren't sold without seeing ID but of course we know our middle class businessman and it is extremely easy to get hand on a uniform.

Now dressed in police uniform, nobody would have expected them to attack and that too in the middle of the night. I can clearly imagine the cops posted at the hospital to having imagined that it was just another duty to stand up and sit down day after day without any activity. Suddenly, they are taken by surprise and in the event of an attack, the initiative and the surprise lies with the terrorists. Nobody seems to have noticed that 5 police officers have embraced Shahadat or maybe like our media the word Shahahdat is reserved for the military only b/c whenever a cop lays down his life, it is hardly mentioned, and is labeled "janbahaq" for in our media's and people's terms there are three levels:- shaheed, janbahaq and then halak. Cops deserve the second one only.


Why in Pakistan there aren't more then one layer of security.

example:- Mobile around hospital , Police around the gate, out side ward and inside room. here you go four layers of security to stop the terrorist, even one layer get ambush three more to stop it.

In GHQ and Sri lanka cricket attack terrorist had only one layer to ambuse. Why not more layer to stop if one get ambush :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
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I can't wait to see when all these coward/terrorist die ... enough is enough may ALLAH have mercey on the dead .
In this hour of profound grief, we Indians stand shoulder to shoulder with our Pakistani friends. RIP to dead.
My analysis of the whole event is that, it was carried out with utmost ferocity. The terrorists knew exactly the escape routes and the places to attack as well as security setup.
Getting uniforms is itself alarming and with registered vehicles is even more. Clearly they have access to official infrastructure, there are people who are passing on information to them.
The half hearted security infrastructure at the hospital which was having a high value informant, is questionable on the part of the Federal/Provincial government.
Clearly there is a very very big game in this than just terrorism.
Correct me if I am wrong.
Thank you and God bless.

(In a way we poor beings are trying to highlight the plight of helpless citizens caught in the crossfire of the dirty game of politics the world over. The second incident was at the great seas where again innocents lost their lives. The politicians as usual came out with crocodile tears. No words are enough to condemn these acts of barbarism.)
They came in Police clothing, someone from the Government or other institution is supporting them.

The JUI, PML-N are complicit in this, I can tell, I know they have to be.

well Rana Sana Ullah waves the Sipae Sahaba flag who he calls his natural allies and Shahbaz Sherif says that he shares Taliban ideology so they shouldnt attack Punjab (rest of Pakistan can go to hell as far as he is concerned)
while his elder borther the Tiger escapes "bravely" to his Najadi mentors in Arabia and claims not to be aware of
Kargil war
the Karachi operation against Mohajirs
the attack on Supreme court during his time

he is just a tiger of Nihari, Siri pai and Raiwand

shameless slaves of their bellies banking on their anit US, Anti Musharaf sentiments of people.

according to IG of Pujab there are 977 elite police officers and out of them 900 are on VVP duty.

how can someone expect that police can protect it self or the ordinary people?

I wont be surprised if the terrorists seek refuge in Sana Ullahs home

he has openly said that he doesnt care what people say about his support of Sipah Sahabah

and this b@stard is the Punjab interior minister who loves a sectarian terrorist organization
Gunmen open fire at Pakistan hospital, four dead: police

By Waqar Hussain (AFP) – 3 hours ago

LAHORE, Pakistan — Gunmen stormed a Pakistani hospital where victims of attacks on Ahmadi mosques were being treated late Monday, killing at least four people in a shootout with security forces, police said.

Disguised in police uniforms, they targeted the Jinnah Hospital in the eastern city of Lahore, where at least 30 victims and one of the alleged attackers in Friday's suicide, gun and grenade attack on the minority sect were being treated.

"They started indiscriminate firing outside the emergency ward and intensive care unit," Doctor Javed Akram told reporters.

Police said at least four people -- three policemen and a woman -- were killed after four gunmen rampaged into the hospital from the back.

Akram, who had initially put the death toll at 12, said that at least 30 wounded Ahmadis had been admitted to the hospital and that one of the alleged attackers of Friday's devastating attacks was being treated in a private room.

Armoured police vans raced to the scene but commanders said the attackers quickly fled.

"The operation is over," said official Shafiq Gujar. "It appears the attackers wanted to kill or release the accused (attacker)."

Witnesses told AFP they heard heavy gunfire reverberate around the hospital for at least 15 minutes.

The assault came three days after suspected Sunni Muslim militants wearing suicide vests burst into two Ahmadi prayer halls in two neighbourhoods of Lahore and killed 82 worshippers.

They were the worst attacks in Pakistan since a suicide bomber killed 101 people on January 1 at a volleyball game in Bannu, which abuts the tribal belt along the Afghan border that Washington calls Al-Qaeda headquarters.

Pakistan's leading rights group said the Ahmadi community had received threats for more than a year and officials blamed the attack on Muslim militants who have killed more than 3,370 people in bombings over the last three years.

A city of eight million people and widely considered Pakistan's cultural capital, Lahore has increasingly suffered Taliban and Al-Qaeda-linked violence, with around 265 people killed in nine attacks since March 2009.

Lahore is a playground for Pakistan's elite and home to many top brass in its military and intelligence establishment.

Taliban and Al-Qaeda-linked militants have orchestrated the three-year bombing campaign in Pakistan to avenge military operations and the government's alliance with the United States over the war in neighbouring Afghanistan.

Founded by Ghulam Ahmad, who was born in 1838, the Ahmadi sect believes that Ahmad himself was a prophet and that Jesus died aged 120 in Srinagar, capital of Indian-ruled Kashmir.

Pakistan declared them non-Muslims in 1974 and 10 years later they were barred from calling themselves Muslims.

Religious violence in Pakistan, mostly between majority Sunni Muslims and minority Shiites, has killed more than 4,000 people in the past decade.

AFP: Gunmen open fire at Pakistan hospital, four dead: police

Gunmen stormed a Pakistani hospital where victims of attacks on Ahmadi mosques were being treated late Monday

This is simply... shockingly inhumane.
RIP to the dead. May god be with the brave soldiers and citizens of Pakistan in these trying times..

Fully agree with Eyeless.. This is no time for scoring cheap points..
Please note that the following report is from The News. Jang Group relies on sensationalism and we should wait for the cover story from Dawn before passing any judgments. The terrorists being in police uniforms caused a lot of panic amongst the civilians and the police itself. Adding to the problems was that it was an urban situation that could easily have become(and may have become at some point) a hostage situation.

Before passing any judgments over their performance, wait for the Dawn story on this.

Terrorists kill five in Lahore hospital attack

Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Fail to kill or to rescue Ahmedis’ killer; IG says five including three cops killed

By Salman Aslam and Arshad Dogar

LAHORE: Five persons including three policemen were gunned down when at least four terrorists clad in police uniforms stormed into the ‘well-guarded’ Jinnah Hospital emergency ward late night, in a futile bid to rescue or kill an under-treatment terrorist injured in the attack on an Ahmedi worship place in Model Town on May 28.

Dr Javed Akram claimed that 12 persons had lost their lives in the said incident, while Edhi claimed eight people died in the incident.

The most amazing part of the incident was the attackers, who stayed in the building for over 90 minutes, managed to escape from the building which was completely cordoned off by police. Another embarrassing fact was that they escaped reportedly in a police personnel carrier.

The attackers probably left the hospital when one of their accomplices was injured.

The police gave a hot chase to them and intercepted them in the limits of Hunjarwal police station. Yet again to police embarrassment, the terrorists left their vehicle, resisted and escaped.

Exchange of sporadic bursts of sophisticated weapons between the armed men and the police force created panic among the patients, attendants, doctors and paramedics. Chaos struck the building as people started running in different directions to save their lives. The attackers took positions at different points and started spraying bullets. Building inmates were puzzled as they were not able to make distinction between the attackers and police, an old man from Shah-di-Khoee said.

Doctors and attendants in offices and wards locked doors from inside and refused to open them even after the arrival of police. They said they would only open the doors when asked by any doctor known to to them.

An eye-witness Mohammad Yousaf, whose daughter Asiya was injured in firing, said that the attackers first fired shots in the hospital canteen which created stampede like situation there. Later, they rushed inside the building and reached first floor of the hospital building where a terrorist Moaz, captured from Model Town, was being treated in an ICU. One of them came to the blood bank and started firing injuring many. All the four had beard and were clad in white shalwar Kameez, an eye witness Ahmad recalled.

Nawaz Haider, who works in hospital pharmacy, said the four reached the first floor and sprayed a volley of bullets at the policemen standing outside the ICU where Moaz had been kept. Two of them went to the under construction fourth floor of the building, while the other two came to the ground floor, he added.

Heavy contingents of police and armoured vehicles were called in. The police encircled the hospital building and restricted the entry of people to the hospital. The news of the attack spread like a jungle fire in the city and hundreds of people rushed to the hospital to know about the safety of their relatives. Women and children were the worst affectees of the incident who were seen crying for help.

‘Such situations can be controlled but unfortunately we do not have firing experts who are known as sharp shooters at thana level,’ a police officer, who declined to be named, said. The hospital administration further added insult to injury by closing the main gate of the hospital, upon which the panic-stricken people in the premises had to scale over the fences to go outside.

The hospital administration further made the atmosphere more horrifying by switching off the light of the entire hospital building. The IGP Tariq Saleem Dogar told media at the hospital that the four attackers came to the hospital either to take away their injured accomplice or kill him.

He said that three police officials had lost their lives in the said incident. He said that they would soon apprehend the attackers one of whom one was injured. Replying to a query, he said that VVIP security was essential and deployment of unnecessary force had been withdrawn.

SSP Investigation said that they had three security layers in the hospital, the first one was knocked down by the attackers while the other two layers got alert and faced them.

APP adds: Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani has strongly condemned the terrorist attack on Jinnah Hospital. ’Such inhuman acts of brutality could only be conducted by those who neither believe in humanity nor any religion,’ the PM said and made it clear the government would not spare such elements who want to create panic and disrupt our social fabric. The prime minister directed the law enforcement agencies to crack down upon the criminals involved in such heinous crimes and bring them to book. The PM condoled with the families of those who lost lives and sympathies for the injured. Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif reached the Jinnah Hospital after the terrorist attack during police operation. He met the Punjab IG, other police officers and attendants of patients. He said that the terrorists should be traced at any cost and brought to justice. He said the sacrifices of the police officials in the war against terrorism would not go waste.
Well, atleast they are not successful to free or kill the injured terrorist, and been relocated according to GEOtv.That injured kid passing lot of information about his clan in Punjab. But keeping such a high profile terrorist in public hospital is totally stupidity.
R.I.P all the dead.

R.I.H all the terrorists. I mean look at there bravery and boldness. They are not afraid of government's law enforcement agencies at all and all going to every extreme to fulfill there agenda.
Dawn version

Terrorists fail to reach comrade in Lahore hospital

Zulqernain Tahir
Tuesday, 01 Jun, 2010

LAHORE: Terrorists targeted Lahore’s Jinnah Hospital on Monday midnight to “free or kill” their fellow, who was injured in Friday’s attack on Ahmadis’ worship place in Model Town, leaving at least five persons dead and six injured.

Some 10 Ahmadis and terrorist Moaz alias Amir Moavia were under treatment in the hospital when the terror attack took place at around 11.45pm.

Acting Lahore police chief SSP Chaudhry Shafiq Ahmed told Dawn that four terrorists wearing police uniform stormed the hospital’s intensive care unit (ICU) on the first floor and opened indiscriminate fire on the policemen deployed outside the entrance to guard the injured terrorist.

“The terrorists then entered the ICU block where they had an exchange of fire with policemen present there. Failing to clear the passage to reach Moaz, they managed to flee,” the SSP said.

He said an ASI, two constables and a man and a woman were among the dead while four others injured. He said that one of the terrorists was injured in the gunbattle. “The terrorists came to either kill or free Moaz but they failed,” he said.

Soon after the incident, Jinnah Hospital’s chief executive Prof Javed Akram had claimed that “12 people were killed in the attack”. However, his claim could not be verified from the city morgue as only five dead bodies were brought there.

Punjab IGP Tariq Saleem said: “It was the security arrangements that prevented the terrorists from succeeding in their plan. They have fled towards Hingerwal and we are after them,” he said and sounded optimistic that police would soon hunt down the terrorists.

It was business as usual in the major health facility of the city when doctors, paramedics, patients and their attendants ran for their lives after the terrorists forced their entry into it from the rooftop.

“I was in the emergency when I heard gunshots. We locked ourselves in the ward. The firing continued for about 10 minutes,” Jinnah Hospital Medical Superintendent Dr Muhammad Hasan said.

Dr Moazam who was present in the cardiology ward told Dawn that everyone was running for his or her life. “My patients suffered a shock and I have been trying to make them stable,” he said.

Police and other law-enforcement personnel rushed to the spot after having been alerted by the hospital doctors. They cordoned off the area and took positions. “By the time the police entered the hospital building equipped with automatic weapons the terrorists had fled,” a police official told this reporter.

“However, the police thoroughly searched the building and the adjacent Allama Iqbal Medical College area for over an hour,” he said. The hospital lights were switched off during the search operation.

The injured terrorist Moaz is being shifted to unknown place.

The attack on Jinnah Hospital put more pressure on the government of Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif to crack down on militants in Punjab.

Only a day earlier federal Minister for Interior Rehman Malik had spoken in Lahore about the presence of militants in the province, indicating that a large number of them may be concentrated in ‘southern Punjab’. Mr Malik had held that these militants were born out of an alliance of convenience between the Taliban and Al Qaeda and the sectarian groups that have been active not only in southern parts of Punjab but in fact all over the province.

This promptly brought the federal minister and his PPP government at the centre into confrontation with the PML-N set-up in Punjab.

Punjab Law Minister Rana Sanaullah was quick to reject Rehman Malik’s assertions. He went further by declaring that the mention of Punjab or its southern districts as a possible area for a clean-up operation was part of an “international conspiracy”.

The statements made in the wake of the Jinnah Hospital incident provided more proof of just how far apart the governments in Islamabad and Lahore stand on an issue that may have the gravest of consequences for the whole country.

Responding to remarks that the attack on the hospital may have been aimed at either eliminating or freeing an assailant of the Friday’s strikes against Ahmadis, Rehman Malik said it was not in his “notice” that the suspect was being treated at Jinnah.

This obviously suggested that he would have asked the authorities to keep the whereabouts of the suspect secret.

Ignorant as the federal minister did sound, his latest remarks were tantamount to an expression of distrust in the ability and the will of the Punjab government to tackle the fast growing monster of militancy. It was a sign that if no one else, the centre and Punjab were moving towards a showdown on what have come to be known as Punjabi Taliban.

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Terrorists fail to reach comrade in Lahore hospital
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