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Terrorists attack Pak checkposts, 10 Terrorists Killed

I don't know if ISI has real lack of funds these days or mindset is defensive, playing waiting game or just plain naukri baaz at helm of affairs. ISI knows what is needful but for some reason we are just restricted to pest control.

Pakistan is naturally bound to be squeezed in next years and it is inevitable. The world is moving to 2nd phase post WOT. We cannot wiggle our way out of it. The enemy is within. Terrorist and anarchist. We are dealing with former but latter is more dangerous. Wars and Terror are fought by nations not by LEAs. Anarchists will make a nation paralysed to any action. NAP, military courts, CPEC, Kalabagh dam etc are a prime examples. The damage done to country by redundancy of these plans and projects have or will cost Pakistan manytimes over. Moreover the dissent and faultlines will further fuel terror.

You can sit and watch this as it unfurls or do something about it now but either way this plaque is a sure thing. Our response is disappointing. Psy ops part of ISI is simply shit just look at the social media handles, pathetic. Mainstream media handling is just hopeless. No one understands the subtleties of narrative building via mass media. One dissenting voice can destroy a narrative but if properly maneuvered that dissenting voice can provide the substance for further strengthening of narrative. The narratives create perceptions and perceptions influence opinion making and choices. Which eventually result in national consensus in matters of utmost importance. With proper handling of media with propaganda techniques( subliminal messaging, indirect references, flooding etc) issues like Kalabagh dam, terror financing, judicial and accountability reforms, extremism, ideological hodgepodge and ethnic/provincial/ sectarian friction can be addressed as well as anarchist foreign ideologies countered.

The fight for Pakistan may have began from a muzzle of a G3 but will be won with synchronisation of 200million plus brains.
For this defensive mindset u must realise the isi game plan, we are in a continous battle for afghanistan, pur proxy aka the taliban are thrashing thr enemy's *** in afghanistan, we are looking in the long game to topple kabul govt and place a taliban govt there again this time backed by russiaband china, if that happens the pakistani wot will be over and we will have won, the entire raw cia nexus will be broken forever in afghanistan forever, we cannot afford to alienate and turn the majority pashtoon population of afghanistan against us who support taliban and pakistan..
Ispr has revised it up 15 terrorist...few big names given were killed
International news agencies reporting 6 pakistani army men shot. While 10 fighters are "estimated" dead.
I don't know if ISI has real lack of funds these days or mindset is defensive, playing waiting game or just plain naukri baaz at helm of affairs. ISI knows what is needful but for some reason we are just restricted to pest control.

Pakistan is naturally bound to be squeezed in next years and it is inevitable. The world is moving to 2nd phase post WOT. We cannot wiggle our way out of it. The enemy is within. Terrorist and anarchist. We are dealing with former but latter is more dangerous. Wars and Terror are fought by nations not by LEAs. Anarchists will make a nation paralysed to any action. NAP, military courts, CPEC, Kalabagh dam etc are a prime examples. The damage done to country by redundancy of these plans and projects have or will cost Pakistan manytimes over. Moreover the dissent and faultlines will further fuel terror.

You can sit and watch this as it unfurls or do something about it now but either way this plaque is a sure thing. Our response is disappointing. Psy ops part of ISI is simply shit just look at the social media handles, pathetic. Mainstream media handling is just hopeless. No one understands the subtleties of narrative building via mass media. One dissenting voice can destroy a narrative but if properly maneuvered that dissenting voice can provide the substance for further strengthening of narrative. The narratives create perceptions and perceptions influence opinion making and choices. Which eventually result in national consensus in matters of utmost importance. With proper handling of media with propaganda techniques( subliminal messaging, indirect references, flooding etc) issues like Kalabagh dam, terror financing, judicial and accountability reforms, extremism, ideological hodgepodge and ethnic/provincial/ sectarian friction can be addressed as well as anarchist foreign ideologies countered.

The fight for Pakistan may have began from a muzzle of a G3 but will be won with synchronisation of 200million plus brains.
For this defensive mindset u must realise the isi game plan, we are in a continous battle for afghanistan, pur proxy aka the taliban are thrashing thr enemy's *** in afghanistan, we are looking in the long game to topple kabul govt and place a taliban govt there again this time backed by russiaband china, if that happens the pakistani wot will be over and we will have won, the entire raw cia nexus will be broken forever in afghanistan forever, we cannot afford to alienate and turn the majority pashtoon po
If kashmir is a disputed territory than do we support Pakistani soldiers killed by Terrorist in Kashmir?
There a few to none pakistani soldiers killed by terrorism in azad kashmir...
International news agencies reporting 6 pakistani army men shot. While 10 fighters are "estimated" dead.

usually Pakistani news sources would be more reliable in matter pertaining to pak afghan border areas..they have named three hvts in the dead...
But the Pakistani army would have reason to exaggerate losses of the attackers .

international media is just quoting Pakistani sources.. they have 0 presence on outside Kabul.... nearly nil inside Kabul as well. try to understand the situation first
But the Pakistani army would have reason to exaggerate losses of the attackers .

You idiot, if Pak Army would be giving wrong numbers than so easily they could had denied 5 Pak Army losses as well. Even 2 Jamat-ul-Alhrar commanders were confirmed dead after few days when we started shelling them. P.S. Its not Indian army who doesn't release their official losses and release false information regarding surgical strikes.
Members! Just report the trolls without quoting back and move-on.

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