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Terrorists attack Pak checkposts, 10 Terrorists Killed

After many years of tolerating such attacks on border posts Turkey is ultimately taking the fight directly into the heart of the proxies deep into Syria/Irak by capturing one location after another and doing the cleansing job. And, it's generating results. IMO, at the end of the day, Pak will have to solve this problem in the classical way...
Pakistani elites specially political ones lack the will of their Turkish counterpart. They are busy defending corruption in the name of democracy and hosting stupid matches put the entire state machinery for protection and lockdown of the city while failing to go after the problem and its root cause which lie in Afghanistan as evident from attacks.
Terrorists? It's afghan army who targeted our Post. We should not wait to see more cross border attacks. Attack afghan Army
RIP to Pakistan soldiers.
And we hope that you guys will reciprocate the same by not giving RIP to terrorist who attack India.
We will condemn all terrorist who attack india's soviergn territory but kashmir is a diaputed territory and the struggle there cannot be termed as terrorism, we will condemn all attacks in indian punjab and tamil nadu etc...
Pakistan needs to carry out attacks in Afghanistan. Not enough is being done there. Terrorist bases seem safe.

Yeah go do exactly what the planners want you to do so you have a terrible mess on both borders...
Can we really afford instability? And war and all kinds of war brings instability... US bombed Afghans for over a decade....was it able to eliminate all resistance?
Kashmiri freedom fighters dont target civilians buddy, if civilians get in the crossfire than ofcourse there are casualties yet those are termed as necessary collateral damage while terrorists in of bla and ttp carry out majority of thier attacks on civilians, think beyond bieng an indian and u will see the truth of my logic, as i said we both must restricr our proxies to kashmir area only, there we can play against each other but beyond that like for example balochistan or khalistan are dangerous games that bith sides must avoid, this area is a nuclear flashpoint and lives of atleast 1.8 billion people are in the play here, national egos need to be set aside for peace to prevail, kashmir is a muslim majority area, let them decide whether they want a new state or if they want to go with pakistan than let them, believe me its not worth it, it really isnt, if we were occupying a hindu majority area in india than i would've no problem accepting that pakistan is on the wrong but we arent, india is occupying a muslim majority area and that is wrong and u must know it within ur heart im sure even if u cant accept it due to it bieng amatter of national ego...

The bolded lines are where I have an issue with. There is absolutely no disparity. India is a secular democracy and is not a Hindu country though Hinduism is a widely practiced religion in the country and hence has a majority. Constitution of India does not suppress any minority of its rights or that of any citizen. Any citizen of India can become the President or Prime Minister of the country. There is no logic in saying a Muslim Majority area cannot be a part of the country while a Hindu Majority can. There are various districts, villages, areas in the country where the minority population is high, does that mean it is justifiable to create tension there or interfere in it?

PESHAWAR, Pakistan — Islamic militants attacked several Pakistani military posts in tribal regions along the Afghan border, killing six soldiers, the army said Monday.

Pakistani troops repulsed the attackers, who had crossed overnight from Afghanistan into the Mohmand tribal region where three military posts were ambushed, the army statement said. It added that 10 of the attackers were believed to have been killed before the militants retreated over the border.

A Pakistani Taliban breakaway faction, Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, claimed responsibility. Pakistan has long been home to both local and al-Qaida linked foreign militants.

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Several Pakistani military offensives have targeted the bases and infrastructure used by the militants in the country’s tribal regions, and Islamabad says some of the groups have shifted to sanctuaries across the Afghan border.

The militants have shown the ongoing capability to launch large-scale attacks, such as a string of suicide bombings last month that killed over 125. One single bombing killed 90 worshippers at a famed Sufi shrine in southern Pakistan.

The Pakistani Taliban, their allied local militants and the Islamic State group have claimed the brazen attacks.

Last month’s string of militant attacks in Pakistan prompted fresh tensions between Islamabad and Kabul, with Islamabad claiming they were planned and executed by militants enjoying safe haven across the border. Afghanistan has repeatedly made similar accusations about Afghan militants hiding inside Pakistan.

A spokesman for the provincial governor in Afghanistan’s Nangarhar province, Attaullha Khogyani, termed the Pakistani allegation baseless.

The Pakistani government has shut two main border crossings with Afghanistan for the past three weeks and Pakistani artillery has fired across the border.

On Monday the Pakistani Foreign Ministry said that the Afghan deputy head of mission was summoned to lodge a formal protest with Kabul over the cross-border attack. It demanded Afghanistan to take firm action against the militants operating from its soil.

Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, one of the local groups, has surfaced as one of the deadliest militant factions. The group, which is based in the Mohmand tribal region, has claimed several major attacks over the past year.


Associated Press writers Asif Shahzad in Islamabad, Ishtiaq Mahsud in Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan and Amir Shah in Kabul, Afghanistan contributed to this report.

Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Because both the generals are civilian leadership are timid, unimaginative, even coward. Pak soldeirs fighting 21st century terror war with 20th century conventional tactics. Some genius were so happy aftet artillery deployment, now terrorists wont ne able to come near. I think bloody civilians have a deeper sense how to act. Military men happy in their tunnel vision.

After many years of tolerating such attacks on border posts Turkey is ultimately taking the fight directly into the heart of the proxies deep into Syria/Irak by capturing one location after another and doing the cleansing job. And, it's generating results. IMO, at the end of the day, Pak will have to solve this problem in the classical way...
Does not look PA will do. Even Afg ambassador have the guts to threaten Pak with consequences.
Maybe we can test a few more missiles that we'll never use in response to this attack.

Get those F-16s up in the air and crush these guys across the border. So frustrating.
indian have two faces, Indian are spreading propaganda against Pakistan every where in social media, and here they want to show the sympathy here on PDF. it is all pre planned strategy by indians against pakistan.
so be careful from indian propaganda

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