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Terrorists attack Pak checkposts, 10 Terrorists Killed

this can't be done by Afghan official backing. This must be indian proxy at work for sure

motive : af-pak border stays closed and the tension between the two countries increase
Iran? The country which bent over and gave up its nuclear programme for mere promises of sanctions? That Iran?
Till the time we dont take our gloves off and hit Afghanistan and its puppet regime with full force, nothing on the ground will change. Our soldiers will keep laying their lives and so will people of Pakistan while the government is busy in drama bazi and army well their hands are tied without the backing of the political elites. Closing the border is only a half hearted solution, it should had been backed by active military campaign. I was still amazed that military high command stop short of using PAF when the latter were ready to bomb the crap out of them. Targets were already identified and marked. We wasted an opportunity and now continue to suffer attacks if not on cities than on Army checkposts.

lost of soldiers like this incident is unacceptable.. why our border post even come in Daesh'TTP's firing range? why dont we engage them when they are on move against us from their hideouts? its time we should find a way to dominate them in their own game..
GHQ must avoid nawaz to make Pakistan safe. contact NATO commander that whatever Pak do in afghanistan they must b out of this business. kabul don't hav any air defense syatem or world not gonna attack Pakistan if PAF take out sorties inside their terrorist breeding centers. if Pakistan can do it there will b no safe haven for indian terrorists to act against Pakistan bcoz their illegal fathers won't able to save them even in kabul... one day miscreant Ts should b frustrated more and more which will led them to bend toward Pakistan and pledge not to kill innocent Pakistani... there's no any humble way to bust these killers except killing them. they only fears death. when max of T safe haveans will b destroyed accross Pakistan border Ts will b disappointed greatly and ojit dhubal must b rethink his doctrine... THAT'S THE ONLY WAY TO PUNISH TERRORISTS.... THE DEATH
Effective presence, vigilance and response repulsed terrorists attempt," said the statement.
How can it be effective presence , and effective when enemy killed 5 of yours soldiers yes it was vigilance of soldiers who lost there lifes and stood there ground
Ina lilah
But what about the top brass ,
The negligence of top brass including Military and Gov is beyond word
From where is see these group are necessary evil of P.A to keep Gov in check and be active in countries politics
Even after lossing such great numbers
And continues attack from Afghanistan they are still not willing to do anything only proves that point further
I dont see any change in approach of Pakistan army to handle this and sadly this will keep happening
Time to raise the bar of security. Let's take the fight to the land of enemy a bit, to give him a taste of own medicine otherwise, being defensive and waiting for attack wouldn't do wonders because we are dealing with a terrorist not a conventional army that may respect the boundary. A strong message along-with proof is need of hour and we have to be ahead of these terrorist that, rather than thinking to attack should be on run for their own lives. There is no need to beat the drum of any Covert Op or acknowledge the same at all that none should know what happened but only allies then after peace will speak itself of success.

It is understood that these attacks are sign of desperation that terrorists on last breaths are trying to show their presence but it is proven that which land is used to attack Pakistan whereby we are having another problem in shape of gutless Civilian Government that lacks political will and miserably failed to come with offensive strategy for Nation's security in these matters. Seems like, political elite has no intelligence or competence to draw a strategy that these terrorists must be eliminated even on Afghan land, through an active and offensive foreign diplomacy in such matters.

Rest in peace fallen brothers.
Enough of this closing the border punishment, we have given the Afghans every chance to control their dogs, since realistically there's no writ of Afghan government beyond Kabul, Pakistan should maintain it's push into Afghanistan, we struck terrorist camps across the border, time to hit the sanctuaries deep inside this God forsaken land and eliminate this menace once and for all.
Cross border raids by militants clearly suggests that they are stationed just right there across the border so why were they not taken out before ? Clearly shelling won't do the job alone since we need to raid their hideouts as well. Good job in killing 10 of the militants but causality at our side is also high and such revenge attacks will gonna happen more after our shelling. Our soldiers are sitting ducks,waiting to be hit on those unfortified check posts. Have to do something better.

its not like they are sitting right next to boarder they might be deep inside their country and travell all the way to boarder to attack check post. the problem is we have to sweap all the mess of NATO and US which we are not in mood. they have to clear all their mess by them self. and for us we will kill any one who try to do terror in our mother land
and US which we are not in mood

By not going inside Afghanistan at constant bases, suggest that even we are not in a mood.

ISIS/TTP have regrouped inside Afghanistan and can target Pakistani soldiers at will so something is required to be done. We finally started shelling officially now its time to go to step 2 with much more force.

At the time same time, if Afghan Talibans are spotted hiding inside Pakistani land, than US are welcome to drone them off, if we failed to do so, but fact of the matter is, US doesn't have much targets inside our border now since Operation Zarb-e-Azb has not only killed the militants but has pushed most of them into Afghanistan where they are enjoying complete freedom to operate.
By not going inside Afghanistan at constant bases, suggest that even we are not in a mood.

ISIS/TTP have regrouped inside Afghanistan and can target Pakistani soldiers at will so something is required to be done. We finally started shelling officially now its time to go to step 2 with much more force.

At the time same time, if Afghan Talibans are spotted hiding inside Pakistani land, than US are welcome to drone them off, if we failed to do so, but fact of the matter is, US doesn't have much targets inside our border now since Operation Zarb-e-Azb has not only killed the militants but has pushed most of them into Afghanistan where they are enjoying complete freedom to operate.

ye we are not in mood to jump in dirty land because this mass is created by US and Allied forces if we go then all of their falliers will be put on our shoulders and they will blame us to save them self from shame.
Plus so called democracy is also not willing to go in dirty land because if we go their then their master gaydia's investment would be destroyed and gaydia will be defeated badly so political will is also needed for this
After many years of tolerating such attacks on border posts Turkey is ultimately taking the fight directly into the heart of the proxies deep into Syria/Irak by capturing one location after another and doing the cleansing job. And, it's generating results. IMO, at the end of the day, Pak will have to solve this problem in the classical way...
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un

Pakistan army has no choice, it will have to go inside Afghanistan and establish a buffer zone, cant leave Pak soldiers like sitting ducks waiting for next ambush from terrorists across the border, its very clear Afghan government does not have any writ nor any will to stop these terrorists attacking Pakistan.
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