I think it's time western governments start deporting Muslims with extremist leanings. There really is no reasoning with these people, their Islamic knowledge consists of a few quranic verses and hadith drilled in to them by some radical Mullah and if you tell them anything else they say you are a kafir etc.
So I think even if some Muslim went out to this guy to talk he'll probably end up shot as these retards are programmed to consider any Muslim who don't support them a deviant. There is literally no other way left but to start deportations, even if they are converts.
Normal people sitting in a café shop have absolutely nothing to do with what NATO does, or any other government in the world. ISIS are enemies of all Muslims, anyone who supports ISIS is an enemy and should be treated as an enemy combatant.
@Jungibaaz @WebMaster @Horus Please, I advise banning Zarvan. He is directly supporting ISIS. Thought there was a policy of bans for extremist supporters on PDF?