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Terrorist safe havens in the world according to U.S. report (2018)

I would place indians at top of terrorists list. They go around the world and colonize other places with their backward ways.
Westerners must stop poking their nose in middle east. This is the first step to stop terrorism.

BTW, stable middle east is a threat for Israels existence. So, terrorism will exist for a long time!

You know what I mean...

west needs an enemy and if its not a country then it must be a religion or a group different from them....until China becomes a real threat or Russia remerges as a threat then Muslim and terrorist are the enemy and if there is no terrorist then it will be created...by the way the word terrorist in their definition is someone who is threat to them or their interest but they as a threat is humanity.
The bitter truth is USA herself is safest heaven of terrorists AKA mentally sicks, this is with best possible education/health/social systems in place as compared to the rest of the world which were blammed.
Further, almost all the blammed ones are those which USA/Allies herself converted/transformed into 'safe heavens' to create wars/chaos/panic in regions to churn money by selling weapons/destruction system in the neighbourhood.

Good luck fight with the future army.The days are long gone when numbers mattered.
Once upon a time Sun never set on British Empire!

Our time will come...

Yeah, what u meant is spreading baseless propaganda.
We muslims are very bad at spreading propaganda. It is a non Muslims thing...
And for ur claim that westerners poke their nose, well get used to it, everybody poke their nose in everybody's business, it's the age we live in.
Then get used to terrorism. And stop blaming us.
And yet again, you blame westerns for other's actions.
Nope, Westerners action and other's reaction.
Like 99% of ISIS are muslims.
Using western training and weapons.
Muslims kill more muslims than any other world power have in africa,middle east, afghanistan and where nt
Zyklon B has impacted your brain mate. Just USA killed more muslims than every Islamic Empire combined. Other western countries maybe done worse.

But, dont worry mate. Sun will not always shine over westerners head...
as administered by members of the former Maduro regime
fomer Maduro regime? just what are they smoking in the US? it's not "former" it's still there & it still rules all of Venezuela, Maduro may fall few weeks from now or may be he won't fall we don't know but they think if keep describing a false reality it will turn into trueth, similar to "Assad must go" which after saying it for 8 years did not become reality.

even before reading the thread I knew it would be politicaly motivated since it's from the US, I'm only surprised the list didn't include Russia & China.

Good luck fight with the future army.The days are long gone when numbers mattered.

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