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Terrorist attack on Ahmadi mosques in Lahore

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insane act by punjabi taliban , murdering inocent on the name of Islam . These TTP rats are real kufar and infidel. Despite all calls gop failed to take any steps against these punjabi taliban

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

No one is a terrorist. You are calling them terrorists because they are standing on the other side of the fence. However, there is a way to tackle problems. One should not take law in his own hands and start to kill people. If you have problem than protest peacefully. TTP crossed the line from being a protestor to kill innocent people. As T-Faz said, "An eye for an eye and a hand for a hand."
Strange thing is that there has been no such incident in history of ours, nor in last 1 decade of violence, TTP guys did such a thing.

But check the last few incidents and then this one.

We have 2 Ex-ISI officers abducted, one of them is killed.

Few weeks later, an audio surfaces of one news channels host, who criticizes the one killed and links the one killed to Ahmadis and says he must be working with them and that Ahmadis are behind things also.

The person he talks to is Usman Punjabi, a Punjabi Taliban commander or whatever.

And then few weeks later, we have this attack claimed by the Punjabi Taliban to have carried out, a first of its kind in the history.

So what are the odds for the reason behind this attack ??

Guess and think on the above facts.

Its not a coincidence, these facts and events match up together.

So what is your point. Why cant you come up in open. Your theory is way out of this given topic, I am disappointed that people like you still wants to conclude this up into an another conspiracy theory.

You are plain wrong, Ahmedi are not Muslim hence their place of worship cant not be called a Mosque. You can do whatever you want and get away with it because you are a SuperMod, but your SiperModship does not make your wrong a right. Allah, Quran, Rasool and Sharia are superior, not your SuperMod words or opinion. There has been a long debate on this and Quran clearly favors those who consider Qadyanis non-Muslim. End of discussion.
While my religious beliefs say they are not Muslims as well, who am I to force this decision on them? I am however deeply appalled by this terrorist attack on my fellow Pakistanis.

Furthermore, the word Masjid comes from the Arabic word Sajda. So a Masjid is a house (or a place) of prostration in its exact meaning. It is up for grabs by anyone.

As far as the law of the land is considered, we've neither forced anyone to change their views on the Ahmedi either, but do hope the law of the land would be changed through parliamentary resolution - one which is kind, just and fair to all Pakistanis alike.

Stop giving out extremist and appalling reactions to everything. Pause and look around, the Ahmedis have been killed by people who will kill you and them alike. Pakistan needs your unity not your bigotry.
does it really matters NOW who did what?
the very thing is that this menace is eating us away & instead of solving it people are divided on it & are in a denial

This is our war & it doesn't really matter who,when & how we got into, We ahve to win it for our existence
I am not suggesting that Taliban should be given an education. You cannot do anything about rotten eggs but you can prevent other eggs from getting rotten. So, educating younger generations of war torn areas will help them to understand a different ideology which will minimize the chances for them to become terrorists.
Whether Muslims or Non-Muslims, the people died today were all Pakistanis and thats it.

R.I.P all who died today.
One thing is for sure, Nawaz and his cronies provide access to extremists becuase do remember that this dumb idiot was Finance Minister under Zia, his relations with these guys and links to terrorist organisations are well known.

It is up to the intelligence department to undertake extensive investigation into this and make each and every guy pay for their actions.
i beg to differ. Ahmadiyas are muslim. Only in Pakistan they are not considered so. and thats not the point, the point is terrorists killed muslims in prayer in an islamic country. what kind of islam do you practise in pak?

which other muslim countires ahmediyas reside.. do u know that? where are the Majority of them living? or you only know this that they are called non muslims in Pakistan only?

i will argue with you if u proove me u know more about ahamdiyas than us.. other wise i consider u troll.
Furthermore, the word Masjid comes from the Arabic word Sajda. So a Masjid is a house (or a place) of prostration in its exact meaning. It is up for grabs by anyone.
I know the meanings of the word 'Masjid'; by the way, before the Muslims who used this word for their place(s) of worship?

Stop giving out extremist and appalling reactions to everything. Pause and look around, the Ahmedis have been killed by people who will kill you and them alike. Pakistan needs your unity not your bigotry.
I would suggest the same for you. My reply was in protest to the unilateral decision of changing the title not about the incident itself. Where in my reply I am supporting the killing of Qadyani non-Muslims? The word 'bigotry' has been very fashionable on the forum these days.
So what is your point. Why cant you come up in open. Your theory is way out of this given topic, I am disappointed that people like you still wants to conclude this up into an another conspiracy theory.


Is something up there so thick that you can't get the idea what is being talked about or what ??

In last 1 decade of this violence, not a single attack happened on this sect people, but all of a sudden such a massive attack, speaks something else.

Especially after the incidents which i just mentioned. If you don't have any idea what i am talking about, then understand it and then comment.

There is no conspiracy theory, this act is something which has been done to convey a message and the motivation behind it is linked to what i just said in the earlier post.

If you don't know about what incidents happened, then plz keep it closed and know about it first and then comment.
I have not much knowledge about the different sects of muslim. The way the Ahmedis are treated in Pakistan props a question in my mind.

Is Ahmedis like the Dalits in India ?

That also gives rise to the question

Are Sunnis like the upper caste in India ?

How do you define this ?

Just a curiosity.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

No one is a terrorist. You are calling them terrorists because they are standing on the other side of the fence. However, there is a way to tackle problems. One should not take law in his own hands and start to kill people. If you have problem than protest peacefully. TTP crossed the line from being a protestor to kill innocent people. As T-Faz said, "An eye for an eye and a hand for a hand."

its not just TTP its their type mentality and the mind frame is real enemy call any one who disagree with you declare them kafir and start murdering their unarmed worshipers. I really wonder who call such a$$5*i3s hero.
It is Zia, he sowed the seeds of terror on Saudi and US Finance and did not have a plan to end it, why do you think he was killed. He killed his own with the Ojhri camp blast, did you even know that the other generals hated him and tried to do a coup against him. Put two and two together to learn who killed him and why, it is becuase others reallised that the problem was that once something starts, it gets worse before it gets better.

it was russians who killed him, russian who see eye to eye with US cannot tolerate some third world country like Pakistan tearing them apart into many pieces.
btw some US high ranking officials were also killed with Zia.. if it was an inside job. then the case would have been solved within months by our Uncle Sam.
no dude this aint regular taliban because the secterian organizations also have huge hatred for shias and ahmedis.

I agreed 100% with You. My Point was to make such a news from that even they planned the attack before.( As i know their Tactics ) but to put in news acted before their palnning date.
One thing is for sure, Nawaz and his cronies provide access to extremists becuase do remember that this dumb idiot was Finance Minister under Zia, his relations with these guys and links to terrorist organisations are well known.

It is up to the intelligence department to undertake extensive investigation into this and make each and every guy pay for their actions.

You are right. Pakistan should do more and should arrest all the people involved in killing people in Pakistan and other countries. Zia did good things and bad as well. Anyways, sectarian violence should be condemned at any level because it is simply unacceptable. I think that the UN should pressurize Pakistani Government to take an action against any terror organization.
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