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Terrorist Attack 2 Pakistani Checkposts in South Waziristan

What is Nato doing on our western border. If there were sane leadership cud have asked US to do more.
@BHarwana wish I cud give u positive rating u are active like a news channel who are claiming to be #1.
What is Nato doing on our western border. If there were sane leadership cud have asked US to do more.
@BHarwana wish I cud give u positive rating u are active like a news channel who are claiming to be #1.
What can NATO do? NATO is not even able to fight Taliban and is losing ground daily. Pakistan is the best force in the region and best cannot look upon others to do more they have to do it them selves.
noora in trouble and Pakistan is being attacked from all sides now! I hope to god there is no terrorist attack inside the country.

File photo of an army check post. PHOTO: REUTERS

Three terrorist were killed after they launched an attack on two Pakistan Army border posts in South Waziristan Agency late Monday night.

According to the Inter Services Public Relations, “Terrorists attacked from across the border on two Pakistan Army border posts in South Waziristan Agency.”

The military’s media wing added that the army troops valiantly repulsed terrorist attack and killed three terrorists and injured a number of terrorist during the heated exchange of fire.


Army repulses cross-border 'terrorist attack' in South Waziristan
Dawn.comPublished 17 minutes ago

The Army repulsed a cross-border "terrorist attack" on two border checkposts in South Waziristan, the military's media wing said in a statement issued in the early hours of Tuesday.

Inter-Services Public Relations said Army troops valiantly repulsed the attack, killing three 'terrorists' and injuring a number of others in an "intense exchange of fire".

@BHarwana do you have any idea about small forts & radar sensors? and the completion date of the project?
...Oh so this is what India the largest exporter of terrorism meant by repercussions. Not much of a repercussion considering the termites are dwelling in hell already.. Kudos to you Pakistani lions.
Those radars, fencing, mines and posts couldn't come sooner. What's he drones go up it will be even harder. Lock and load and kill these filth.
All the checkposts are manned and fense is being raised at rapid speed but things like radar surveillance will be coming in years to come!
I don't understand how will radar surveillance will help against terrorist on foot. What we need is FLIR Drones to detect movement at night. This will help troops to be prepared for an attempted attack.
not to mention standard infantry weapons will not be sufficient and there will be a need for heavy calibre weapons to be deployed at the border.

I don't understand how will radar surveillance will help against terrorist on foot. What we need is FLIR Drones to detect movement at night. This will help troops to be prepared for an attempted attack.
These radars are incredibly sensitive of course I am not an expert however radars in today's age hage have the ability to detect faintest movement and alert you in due time so you can be ready for action. Ground based surveillance radars are used by PA already but more will be needed to cover the entire border.

FLIR will work in tandem as a joint system against these threats and not stand alone system.
I don't understand how will radar surveillance will help against terrorist on foot. What we need is FLIR Drones to detect movement at night. This will help troops to be prepared for an attempted attack.

Its called GSR ground surveillance radar... can detect a moving human at 7 km and a moving car at 15... was built as a phd project by a student of NUST has been adopted by army in 2013

This is what i mean. If this type of system is placed on a drone and with the mobility of a drone this could work well for survaliance
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