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‘Terrorism, sports can’t go together’: Sports minister after India denies Pakistan wrestlers visas

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Kiddish. If trade, commerce can go unhindered, diplomatic relations unabated I don't see any reason mixing sports with geo-politics.
not the first time they did this. nor the last time either. i was actually in favour of policy of boycotting any sports event in ganga valley, but i changed my mind after reading Areesh's post.
I dont get it, Why do u guys even apply for visisas when you know that you are not welcome here ?

I mean have some self respect and stop getting humilited by us.
I am totally with the government on this. We can't have any kind of relationship with terrorist sympathizers.
I am totally with the government on this. We can't have any kind of relationship with terrorist sympathizers.
You mean RAW and modi, so how would you like to receive kalbhushan , in ashes or leave it we will flush his ashes out with complete honour in our toilet, which is a luxury itself in your country.
You mean an RAW and modi, so how would like you to receive kalbhushan , in ashes or leave we will flush his ashes out with complete honour in our toilet, which us a luxury itself in your country.
That is the most you guys can do, only disgusting killing and violence in the name of freedom fighter and Jihad, nothing better expected.
That is the most you guys can do, only disgusting killing and violence in the name of freedom fighter and Jihad, nothing better expected.
Ok mr. Keyboard warrior, we are scared and in so much isolation.
Ok mr. Keyboard warrior, we are scared and in so much isolation.
I never talked about violence, I hate those who support killing/violence with lamest excuses and justifications.
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