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Terror hits Bacha Khan University Charsadda

Here is your post

60-70 students shot in head - Aajtak is reporting. :cray: There source is Rescue Operator.

4 Terrorist Killed.

Source: Heavy firing reported at Bacha Khan University Charsadda | Page 4

She herself posted 60 to 70 casualties and using bad language for me when i said Indian media reporting biased. She deleted her post now but before that i copied.
You should not. Question should be about complete implementation of National Action Plan. Military actions can do only thus far. This is not a regular war. This is irregular warfare. Enemy is hidden and strikes at vulnerable innocents. Answer lies in complete response. A comprehensive one not just the military. Governance and society has to join in the effort or we will keep loosing innocents. There is no other way on God's earth to stop it. US with all its military might could not stop it in Afghanistan because Governance failed miserably and society was divided.

It's a fight we shall have to fight. The moment you think they can't be defeated they have won. Defeat has no physical presence. It's a state of mind.

National actions plan, military plan, on the borders, off the borders, warfare etc enough of this all. These attacks need to stop. This should be the top priority now. How? Civilians don't care. First they attacked the future of Pakistan (APS) and now students who were right at the corner to serve the country.
RIP..... Coward attack.
We Need to demolish every person belongs to banned organisations or has any link .
No mercy!!
First we need to demolish Lal masjid which is Hub of terrorism & extremism.
Cowards attacking students like in peshawar.Worst type of scum.
RIP.Find and attack these terrorists families as deterrence.
The allegation is that India is covertly backing the TTP.
Nothing has substantiated these allegations...

1. Were the terrorists taped chatting to their handlers somehow related to India
2. Were they caught making calls to India
3. Did they have any Indian weaponry other than the one that captured in Wars with India which is then planted for sake of media consumption.
4. Just some local news paper articles are not enough.
Its more complicated than that
explain ?
Can we Start Operation Zarb e Azb in Afghanistan now??
Good job by the forces, casualties are low considering it was a very soft target, that too in a place like Charsadda. Educational institutions need to provide some sort of security to hold off the attackers till the clean up crew arrives.
So what was the purpose of this attack? Are they challenging the government or just terrorizing people like the Peshawar school attack?
RIP to the dead.
Can we Start Operation Zarb e Azb in Afghanistan now??
No sir please read my above two posts. We should start from their master.
but what ever we said..Pakistani forces are way better than Indian forces who required 4 days to clear a concealed and Secured Base ...
we should lend our support to train Indian forces , even Specially made Special NSG is not much capable.. they should have to think about that...
How many lives lost...7 to 10 times ... Thats' how you do not fight terrorists...Anti-insurgency operations are always about keeping your casualties low...
Can we Start Operation Zarb e Azb in Afghanistan now??

Has to be done, just a matter of time now.
Nothing has substantiated these allegations...

1. Were the terrorists taped chatting to their handlers somehow related to India
2. Were they caught making calls to India
3. Did they have any Indian weaponry other than the one that captured in Wars with India which is then planted for sake of media consumption.
4. Just some local news paper articles are not enough.
they were wearing Rupa ki banyan and underware! just like pattahankot attackers were weaing epcot keh shoes!
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