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Terror attack in Sinai,200+ killed

Are those terrorist are Islamic terrorist?

Recently, there is a initiave by Gulf Nations where they created a military alliance to fight with terrorism..I beleive, this alliance should start helping Egypt to fight against these terrorist?

@Imran Khan @Iqbal Ali @Kaptaan @Joe Shearer ...Do not you think, Islamic alliance created by Gulf countries should help Egypgt to fight against these animals in Egypt???
this alliance will not work let egy army do the job
Are those terrorist are Islamic terrorist?

Recently, there is a initiave by Gulf Nations where they created a military alliance to fight with terrorism..I beleive, this alliance should start helping Egypt to fight against these terrorist?

@Imran Khan @Iqbal Ali @Kaptaan @Joe Shearer ...Do not you think, Islamic alliance created by Gulf countries should help Egypgt to fight against these animals in Egypt???

Death toll now up to 184.

I think Egypt's army is strong enough, they just haven't mobilised sufficient numbers in the Sinai. They need to flood it. I know there's an agreement with Israel about how many troops Egypt can have in Sinai, but I'm sure Israel will agree to an increase just as it did last time the Egyptians requested it.
OMG 185 people and that also in a Mosque.

Rest in Peace to the deceased.

Pakistan should stay on highalert too.
RIP to the victims, may God grant them paradise and destroy these Salafist terrorists.

Looks like someone is dragging Egypt into Libya and a Sinai conflict.
and some people still call them Islamic :tsk: what kind of a Muslim will attack Muslims in a Mosque ? and murder them by the hundreds ??
Time for Egypt to roll the whole army into Sinai. House by house, cave by cave they need to clear out ISIS. This will only get worse the more Egypt sits back.

The airforce has been doing a tremendous job on the western front with the vermins coming in from Libya. They've spent (my guess) over $1 billion on weapons and flight hours in the past year alone, to the point where they're using WingLoong UCAVs, Apaches and now armed Tractor aircraft to reduce the strain and cost on the F-16 fleet. We have appx 232 F-16s and they're even using the latest blk 52's because of their terrific ground attack abilities and have lost one of the 20. They're even building a new air base in the western desert specifically for the Libyan infiltration. And 3 new naval bases also. So they're trying.

Sinai is a whole other problem because it presents 2 major dilemmas. 1 is the army can't show too much of a presence because frankly that scares away tourism which is a huge element of Egypt's economy and 2nd, our peace treaty with Israel restricts the military presence there. With that said, even, they've been executing raid after raid in Sinai and have had great results for the last few months, major improvements but these cells are very difficult to weed out and especially suicide bombers when they come in the worst type possible in a VBIED, even a lone SB is very difficult to prevent. It's a tough thing.
RIP. My thoughts and prayers for our Egyptian brothers. And does the world still think these barbarians are Muslims??
Rest in peace.. what the f is wrong in egypt.. it is a silent place without any territorial dispute..or hostility with any other country.. who could be behind this act??
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That's what happen in a dysfunctional puppet regime...

By toppling the democratically elected (faulty) government--and bringing back the VERY SAME Mubarak regime--Egyptians gave away their prestige and any respect that they commanded before. Egyptians showed how utterly dumb they are...

And sure enough...Egypt went to shit afterwards. A shithole that nobody cares about anymore..

Egyptians are no Turks...Turks, even those who HATED Erdogan, showed what a proper nation looks like and how a nation protects its prestige. While dumb Egyptians brought their slave-masters back to power by their hands and are now pretty irrelevant. Sadly, this news will make less rounds internationally than even Mugabee's topple over in Zimbawae

Feels very sad for the innocent Egyptians who died today, however. May they get highest rewards afterwards
The airforce has been doing a tremendous job on the western front with the vermins coming in from Libya. They've spent (my guess) over $1 billion on weapons and flight hours in the past year alone, to the point where they're using WingLoong UCAVs, Apaches and now armed Tractor aircraft to reduce the strain and cost on the F-16 fleet. We have appx 232 F-16s and they're even using the latest blk 52's because of their terrific ground attack abilities and have lost one of the 20. They're even building a new air base in the western desert specifically for the Libyan infiltration. And 3 new naval bases also. So they're trying.

Sinai is a whole other problem because it presents 2 major dilemmas. 1 is the army can't show too much of a presence because frankly that scares away tourism which is a huge element of Egypt's economy and 2nd, our peace treaty with Israel restricts the military presence there. With that said, even, they've been executing raid after raid in Sinai and have had great results for the last few months, major improvements but these cells are very difficult to weed out and especially suicide bombers when they come in the worst type possible in a VBIED, even a lone SB is very difficult to prevent. It's a tough thing.

Interesting information. I didn't know the extent of the conflict Egypt is involved in due to Libya.

I think tourism might have to taker a hit for a year or two in Sinai. It needs soldiers to flood it. Air power just isn't enough to take out guys hiding in caves. Some of the Bedouin population have been helping ISIS.
Rest in piece.. what the f is wrong in egypt.. it is a silent place without any territorial dispute..or hostility with any other country.. who could be behind this act??

Please correct your condolence remark. It will send out wrong message. It's peace, not piece you meant I guess. :)
Interesting information. I didn't know the extent of the conflict Egypt is involved in due to Libya.

I think tourism might have to taker a hit for a year or two in Sinai. It needs soldiers to flood it. Air power just isn't enough to take out guys hiding in caves. Some of the Bedouin population have been helping ISIS.

They're not even using air power in Sinai. They're only using a few Apaches and a few mechanized battalions because there is no military flights allowed over Sinai. They're using certain elements of the Thunderbolts SF but there are major issues with those guys.

The other problem is much of these vermin are well trained military men. They even dress in Egyptian military uniforms and vests and gear to mimic the military and have weapons from all varieties. It's staggering what they've been able to acquire. Many of the ambushes on checkpoints are performed with thorough military tactics. These are no your average, AK wielding thugs. These are professional cretins.

But you're right, they need a new and much more aggressive plan.
Absolutely horrible. May the murderers be brought to justice
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This is absolutely horrible, may those people rest in peace. 184 and counting is an insane number.
It is sad that after horrible terror attacks like these, the world still won't unite against them.
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