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Terra Incognita: Stop ‘saving’ Africa!

you got to be kidding me
Bats are consumed in many Asian countries too even in places like Indonesia
and let me guess in your view the Aryans will be at top of the human race pyramid
Iranian Identity, the 'Aryan Race,' and Jake Gyllenhaal - Tehran Bureau | FRONTLINE | PBS
Ancient Iranians ate only cattle meat, Prophet Zoroaster said best food is food that comes from animals (milk, cheese etc). He said "The follower of the Lie (Druj) is a thieving nomad, an enemy of orderly agriculture and animal husbandry".

I don't have time for your blog and I don't know what you want to proof. Yes, in some area's around Indonesia they even ate humans till recently. So because some Indonesians ate humans you consider eating apes (as accepted food) normal?

I don't care about what the media wants you to believe, but my observation is clearly different. I'm not chained by those who want to force me to think a certain way... I break their chains. I'm independent.
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I hate to sound all Darwinian but does it really make sense to keep aiding a continent which reproduces so rapidly and thus outstrips its resources, making poverty worse than it was before?
How I envision large parts of Sub-Saharan Africa.

Ethiophia has the most potential in Sub-Saharan Africa if we look past Nigeria but the later has natural resources to thank for a lot of the progress unlike Ethiopia. It's also the oldest civilization in Sub-Saharan Africa and one of the oldest in the world and Habesha girls are beautiful. Ethiopia was never a Western colony either unlike every other African country.

I count on you here bro!:D


P.S.The title of the thread should change to Sub-Saharan Africa. Not relevant otherwise.
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How I envision large parts of Sub-Saharan Africa.

Ethiophia has the most potential in Sub-Saharan Africa if we look past Nigeria but the later has natural resources to thank for a lot of the progress unlike Ethiopia. It's also the oldest civilization in Sub-Saharan Africa and one of the oldest in the world and Habesha girls are beautiful. Ethiopia was never a Western colony either unlike every other African country.

I count on you here bro!:D


P.S.The title of the thread should change to Sub-Saharan Africa. Not relevant otherwise.

South of Ethiopia, I see no much hope (except for Rwanda). And NE Africa is not really culturally related to Niger-Congo/Bantu S.Sahara Africa. Besides, Ethiopia focus more on industrial development and infrastructure projects but does not create an consumer society (hence lower GDP per capita spending) while Nigeria focus on consumer spending for economic growth but neglects infrastructure. I see no hope. Eritrea could be an successful if the present regime becomes more liberal. It has the lowest mortality rate in Africa (HIV/AIDS transmission, child survival rate etc) and has an low crime rate. Countries like Uganda scares the crap out of me, that country population is getting out control. Mark my words, that nation is gonna be the liberia of E.Africa.

BTW the best Habasha women are found in Tigray and Eritrean highland region :D!
South of Ethiopia, I see no much hope (except for Rwanda). And NE Africa is not really culturally related to Niger-Congo/Bantu S.Sahara Africa. Besides, Ethiopia focus more on industrial development and infrastructure projects but does not create an consumer society (hence lower GDP per capita spending) while Nigeria focus on consumer spending for economic growth but neglects infrastructure. I see no hope. Eritrea could be an successful if the present regime becomes more liberal. It has the lowest mortality rate in Africa (HIV/AIDS transmission, child survival rate etc) and has an low crime rate. Countries like Uganda scares the crap out of me, that country population is getting out control. Mark my words, that nation is gonna be the liberia of E.Africa.

BTW the best Habasha women are found in Tigray and Eritrean highland region :D!

I don't know much about Sub-Saharan Africa to be honest with you. Outside of the Arab/Berber North Africa I only have above average knowledge about the Horn of Africa.

Yes, I know that. Eritreans and Ethiopians (the Semitic speaking peoples among them) have a very different culture and even appearance than your stereotypical Sub-Saharan African although they are still mostly Black in appearance. They do have clear Caucasians features though.

Some of the lighter Habesha people do have facial features that remind me very much of us Arabs. Same facial structure, big eyes, narrow or a broad aquiline nose etc.
Particularly the women seem to be lighter skinned than the men. Something that I also have noticed among Arabs and other peoples of the ME. Not that black skin color is bad or lighter skin color good. I once read that the Habesha people are a mixture of Semites that migrated from the Arabian Peninsula/ME and local Cushitic peoples many thousands years ago. There were some DNA studies about this matter that I remember reading about.

Anyway although GCC's economy (GDP - nominal) approaches almost 2 trillion a strong and prospering Ethiopia, Horn of Africa and Eastern Africa would be a good thing business wise. Well Africa as a whole as we are sandwiched between you guys, Europe and the remaining Asia on our Peninsula which happens to be the biggest in the world.:)

Africa after all is a almost untapped market and has the potential to punch much harder than it currently does. I think that all this will come with time.

That's strange because I remember hearing about Uganda being the new hub of East Africa or maybe that was Kenya? Don't recall.

Anyway Sub-Saharan Africa is probably the most diverse place on the planet although us outsiders only see Black people. A bit like how I hardly can distinguish between certain Asian populations (Chinese, Japanese, Koreans - Thai, Burmese, Vietnamese, Cambodians - Indonesians, Malaysians, Filipinos etc.). Of course outsiders think the same about the ME largely.
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A bit like how I hardly can distinguish between certain Asian populations (Chinese, Japanese, Koreans - Thais, Burmese - Indonesians, Malaysians, Filipinos etc.).
LOLZ. This reminds me of days when I was young and used to watch Asian martial arts movies where we kids made fun of how it was almost impossible to distinguish between different facial features of this mongoloid race casted as actors :D. For us all actors looked a like and the only way we distinguished between them was through their voice overs :D
Negroid Africans are a "lower" race. They practice "almost-cannibalism (eating chimps)" which is normal for them. Google Bushmeat (eating apes, bats etc..)

Finally they are made untouchable by some powers in politics and media. They are holy divine prophets, if you critisize them or their region you're definitely a nazi/racist. Same system as critics against Israel, then you're anti-semite, jew-gasser etc.

Eh, as a Chinese person I feel the need to comment here. Chinese people eat many different foods, to put it nicely. There's an old Chinese saying: "If it walks, flies, or swims with its back to the sky, it is edible." Or something like that. :cheesy:

So using one's culinary habits to indicate their level of advancement isn't necessarily true. If it were, China wouldn't have sent its own taikonauts to space, wouldn't have anti-ship ballistic missiles and stealth fighters, and wouldn't be engaging in the largest naval expansion program on earth right now because we'd be too dumb.
LOLZ. This reminds me of days when I was young and used to watch Asian martial arts movies where we kids made fun of how it was almost impossible to distinguish between different facial features of this mongoloid race casted as actors :D. For us all actors looked a like and the way we distinguished between them was through their voice :D

I actually updated some of the examples a bit.:)

When I was smaller I called every Mongoloid person for a Chinese. Still to this day I have a really hard time distinguishing between various Asian Mongoloid populations and Blacks outside of Horners. There is no way that I could tell a Congolese apart from a Senegalese etc. despite knowing many in person when I lived in France.

I would not be able to tell a Bangladeshi apart from a neighboring Indian or a Sri Lankan apart from a South Indian either.

This reminds me of a episode during a university party 1-2 years ago where I mistook a Korean exchange student for a Chinese. She did not like that one bit.:lol:

Anyway here are some short videos about the Ethiopian economy and investment opportunities;

I have a feeling that you could make some money in Sub-Saharan Africa with the right local connections and a bit of bribing along the way.:D

Eh, as a Chinese person I feel the need to comment here. Chinese people eat many different foods, to put it nicely. There's an old Chinese saying: "If it walks, flies, or swims with its back to the sky, it is edible." Or something like that. :cheesy:

So using one's culinary habits to indicate their level of advancement isn't necessarily true. If it were, China wouldn't have sent its own taikonauts to space, wouldn't have anti-ship ballistic missiles and stealth fighters, and wouldn't be engaging in the largest naval expansion program on earth right now because we'd be too dumb.

Yes and by that logic Papuans would be as "advanced" as Danes because both lived on pork or fish for millenniums until recently. Outside the occasional cannibalism in Papua New Guinea that is.:lol::D
This reminds me of a episode during a university party 1-2 years ago where I mistook a Korean exchange student for a Chinese. She did not like that one bit.:lol:

LOLZ. I once called a Korean boy Chinese, who was brought here through adoption by Norwegian parents. He got so mad that he punched me in the face. I too got angry and a fight ensued. Matter was later resolved and we became friends again, but from this day on, I became very careful to how serious someone's nationality is in Korea. :D
The San, Hadza and Sandawe people need to be protected and saved.
The San, Hadza and Sandawe people need to be protected and saved.

In other words the entire world's distant ancestors?

Yeah sure. Don't forget the x trillion kind of species that died before we were evolved as humans :D

We are all going to die out one day anyway.:guns:

LOLZ. I once called a Korean boy Chinese, who was brought here through adoption by Norwegian parents. He got so mad that he punched me in the face. I too got angry and a fight ensued. Matter was later resolved and we became friends again, but from this day on, I became very careful to how serious someone's nationality is in Korea. :D


This reminds me of stories of parents not wanting to tell their obviously unrelated adoptive children that they are actually adopted children. Imagine two middle-aged European adoptive parents not wanting to tell a Mongoloid, Black etc. child that they have been adopted. Comical.
Yeah sure. Don't forget the x trillion kind of species that died before we were evolved as humans :D
You're just angry that we are an inbred mutant, at least we created civilizations.
In other words the entire humanity's distant ancestors?
Yes. They preserved our basal genetics, they can live without us but can we live without them?
Yes. They preserved our basal genetics, they can live without us but can we live without them?

Sure we can as their ancestors are long extinct as well. Anyway all this ethnicity talk is rather silly from a scientific viewpoint as all of us humans are almost 100% identical genetic wise.

Of course I hope that they will survive as well just like other endangered peoples, languages etc. Some of the most interesting languages have also died out not long ago.

For instance the unique Ubykh language belonging to the Northwestern Caucasian language family.

Ubykh language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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