The Problem is not the Mosque and his location... but what happened before it...
The mayor signed with a written "contast" with "un huissier" that it will be renewed in the same place... and that what promised BEFORE the election... SOmething AFTER the election wasn't made as promised... So those who voted for this mayor...well had it hard...
The new mosque, is not rly appropriate for praying, it's too small when it comes to FRiday prayers and it's far far from the city... to keep the muslim and their practice far from it... to keep the city "clean"...since other places near the center were given as an alternative choice...but were taken out... by some miracle..few months back...
As for the prayer on the street, I am not for it either...it's humiliating to say... But it's somthing I can understand... when you get dumped...somtimes you have no other choice but to do so..;since for some ppl it's the only way to get yourself heard...
At least they didn't squatted or attacked those aorund like some have done in "l'aero des Landes"...
Anyway... this Mosque problem is not the first in FRance neither the last... Few used that Mosque construction promise to get votes from the muslims and then dumped it... it's almost normal...
As for those saying, that those guys to gtfo of France...just Remember that they are French..therefore equal to any citizen... France is not any FarWEst country as yours...
Vive La France, Vice La République, Even with her BS sometimes...nothing is perfect