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Tension in Kerala village as school serves pork

Think about it: A high HDI = better education. The more educated people are, the more they know about their rights, the more they use legal means and the judiciary.

People with significantly higher living standards have different perceptions of crimes as compared to people with lower ones.

If a headmaster slaps a student in Bihar.... what will happen then? Not much.

If a headmaster slaps a student in Kerala, the students parents can go so far to file a case against him.

If a wife gets beaten by her husband in Rajasthan, will she complain about it? Will she divorce him?

If the same happens to a woman (especially of the younger generations) in Kerala, she might as well go to court and divorce him.

And the list goes on and on...

Does HDI also mean that those who were involved in rioting and killing of Hindus will not go unpunished.
kerala and Muslims.... together makes a wonderful chemistry....
how it hurt the religious sentiments.... i am unable to comprehend...
Kerala is fast turning into Arab. What will you do with high HDI and low birth rate when a Hindu cannot guarantee dignified life for his/her future generations.

Keralite Hindus don't even have the guts to seek revenge (legal or gujarat-style) for the murder of their community members.
Ya ya after all influence of arabian money.................Mallus are turning Middle East into Kerala................
Does HDI also mean that those who were involved in rioting and killing of Hindus will not go unpunished.
according to @Koovie High HDI means people riot away to glory and only job of police is to receive details of riot and send the same to the central govt. The Higher the HDI the more violent the people as per his logic.

However let us take another looks at the information presented here.

1. high school run by Catholic management

2. 60 staffers, most of whom are Catholic.

Why does the school in a state with 55 % Hindus have a majority Catholic staff ? :cheesy:

That too is "secularism" kerala style. :lol:

Looks like a bunch of "secular" christians got their *** whooped by a bunch of "secular" muslims.
well it was a catholic school so thats why it was run by catholics just like islamic schools are run by muslims…
Hindus in Kerala are clearly suffering of Slave mentality.

Not their fault. We should help them out by dismissing state govt, putting AFSPA and turn Malabar exercise into live highly highly precise bombardment of particular areas of Ponnani, Mallapuram, Kozhikode and Kasaragod.
I hope these Kerala Muslims become worse than ISIS or Taliban. Personally I can't wait to see these Kerala leftist being skinned alive by their own Mallu Muslim brethren. Wouldn't even shed a tear.

They deserve it.
go to hell bro…
@Ravi Nair aren't you from kerala?
Hindus in Kerala are clearly suffering of Slave mentality.
the only thing that can save hindus is that...all hindus need to be united and should start treating Muslims like they treat others.... if they think this hurt their religious sentiments then there are tons of things that they do to hurt others sentiment...
That is your perception.

Anybody is free to go to the police and courts.

Can you show some proofs instead of your own thoughts?

Divorce rates in Rajasthan and Kerala.

Cases of wife beating in Rajasthan and Kerala.

If you cannot then i suggest you stay on topic as you are not contributing in a productive manner now.

Its not my perception. This observation can be made between most developed and less developed areas throughout the world.
And its common sense. If you dont know about your rights, you can hardly demand them. And dont come up with things like "anybody is free to go to the police" .... we all know how things run in India and what implications a court case can have for the lets say more traditional societies.

DC Special: Kerala is India's divorce capital | Deccan Chronicle


according to @Koovie High HDI means people riot away to glory and only job of police is to receive details of riot and send the same to the central govt. The Higher the HDI the more violent the people as per his logic.

Wow, your comprehension skills suck even harder than I imagined. :tup:

Show me where I said what you just said or quit being a complete moron who falsely quotes others.
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